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He will plan no more murders

Top Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh killed in Iran, reports the BBC.

It is particularly good that Israel killed Haniyeh while he was staying in Iran to attend the inauguration of Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian. Let all know that Iran cannot protect its proxies.

The BBC continues in its usual style:

Widely regarded as a pragmatist, Haniyeh was said to have maintained good relations with other rival Palestinian groups.

Here is a short video clip of Haniyeh pragmatically celebrating the October 7th massacres.

13 comments to He will plan no more murders

  • If that’s a pragmatist, I’d hate to see what an Islamic ideologue looks like! BBC really is beyond parody.

  • NickM

    Hitler also maintained good relations with Mussolini.

  • Say what you like about Mossad, but their ability to “get their man” is impressive.

    Well done guys.

  • Johnathan Pearce

    Well done Mossad.

  • staghounds

    “how can mediation succeed when one party assassinates the negotiator on other side?”

    The PM of Quatar does not know how negotiation works.

  • JohnK

    There are some people whose death makes the world a better place. I am very happy that his head is now several hundred yards from his arse. I hope the leaders of Iran take note.

  • Steven R

    John Gault wrote:

    “Say what you like about Mossad, but their ability to “get their man” is impressive.”

    So long as you’re not an Moroccan waiter in Lillihammer that is.

  • Anyone else flashing on that ‘negotiation’ scene played by Bruce Willis in ‘The Fifth Element’..?

  • Paul Marks

    There is a much broader agenda than “just” the destruction of Israel at work.

    The BBC and the rest of the “Ofcom compliant” television and radio stations clearly have an agenda of destroying Western societies (not “just” Israel) – NOT because they love Islam (on the contrary they despise Islam and all religions), but because they, rightly or WRONGLY, see Islam as a de facto ally (or even a tool or weapon) in their war on traditional Western societies. They have been educated, at school and university, to hate traditional Western societies – and they will ally with any force (any-at-all) to undermine and destroy Western societies.

    “And your political party was in office for years with a large majority in the House of Commons and did nothing to get rid of the BBC or Ofcom”.

    I know, I know, I know.

  • Paul Marks

    But we must also be honest that all this is NOT just the left.

    There are some people on “the right”, self described conservatives and libertarians, who are coming out with the same pro Hamas propaganda.

    It is interesting to note that these people also defend Mr Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and defend the vicious Communist Party dictatorship in China – the Communist Party People’s Republic of China dictatorship clearly has an agenda to utterly destroy the West – but some of our conservative and libertarian brothers and sisters just do not care. There may not be many of such people – but-they-do-exist.

    Again – it is NOT just the far left (such as the BBC or France 24 television) that are coming out with this pro Hamas propaganda (Israel committing “genocide” and so on) – there are also people who call themselves conservatives or libertarians who are doing the same thing.

    I can understand it – I share their horror at what has happened to the Western world, the sort of forces that now control almost every institution in the Western world – I very much share the horror and the feelings of utter despair.

    But there is nothing that is wrong here in the West that Mr Putin, Chairman Xi, and Hamas, are going to fix.

  • John

    “Hamas leader has sleep interrupted by loud noise”.

  • Kirk

    Paul Marks said:

    But we must also be honest that all this is NOT just the left.

    Yes, Paul, it is the “left”.

    Civilization is under attack, and the fact that they’ve infiltrated and suborned the only people resisting that attack should come as no surprise. The people you might see as being “rightwing supporters” of this stuff are in, reality, anything but.

    There’s been a long-term program of actual infiltration and destruction of effective anti-left parties and organizations. If you think these assholes who profess to being “on the right”, and who verbally espouse “conservatism”, then act in support of the left are actual “right-wing zealots”? You’re far too credulous to be let out without a minder.

    Pay no attention to what these creatures say; watch their hands. What do they do? If their actions objectively support and further left-wing ideology and causes, what should that tell you?

    Hell, I’ll lay you this bet: Many of these idjit-class types may even believe that they’re “rightwing conservative”, but they’ve been so thoroughly brainwashed and co-opted that they’ve no idea that what they are doing is actively destroying that which they say they want to preserve.

    Look at Fox News: Everyone and their cousin says they’re a “Right-Wing Extremist” news source, highly biased and against what all proper-thinking people believe.

    Fact? They’re only vaguely right-wing in that most of them espouse beliefs and act on things as though they were ever so slightly to the leftwards of center… That’s how far they’ve pushed the envelope. Just like JFK would be unable to run as a Democrat, Fox News and the people that work there were only ever vaguely centrist during the years when they were most “right-winged”.

    The reality here is that you’re accepting the framing arguments these wreckers have made, and you’re mistaken for doing so. They may claim they’re “right-wing conservative”, but have you examined what the hell they’ve actually been doing?

    Pay no attention to the shiny; what you need to be doing is examining the actions and watching what they actually are. You can claim to be a Christian Right-Wing zealot all you like, but if your actual actions indicate that you’re on board with and carrying out the leftish agenda 100%, I think we should evaluate the question of just what you are based on what you do.

  • Paul Marks


    Some of these people may indeed be infiltrators or FBI stooges trying to discredit the right by being deliberately nuts. As with….

    “Madam Macron, the wife of the French President, is a man! Just like Michelle Obama!” or “the aliens are behind everything – they may come from another dimension, rather than another planet” or “the Jews were behind both world wars – but it is absurd to call me an Anti-Semite” and other ravings.

    But there really are people who believe all this stuff – not everyone who comes out with this drivel is an FBI stooge.

    Although, yes, some of them may be stooges.

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