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Samizdata quote of the day – if you don’t want WWIII…

If you don’t want WWIII, then you don’t want some thug dictatorship thinking it can invade countries whenever it feels like.

Frank Fleming

2 comments to Samizdata quote of the day – if you don’t want WWIII…

  • Earnest Canuck

    Though lacking a dog in this fight, and skin in this game, I have to say, Perry, that Trumpworld’s sudden reframing of the war is repellent. It’s gross, to hear MAGA thinkers, who should be stalwart friends of freedom and national sovereignty, suddenly sneering that “Zelensky’s for war but Trump is for peace.”That’s such nonsense. Zelensky is for *victory.* Insofar as Trump and Vance advocate for anything here beyond the servility of foreigners, they are objectively in favour of Ukraine’s defeat, and dismemberment.

  • eb

    Fleming’s Chickenhawk talk. If you really wanted to stop this “thug dictatorship” you’d have a force of, say 200,000, NATO soldiers ready to deploy at a moment’s notice.

    But you don’t. And we all know the many reasons why. So enough with the brave talk, backed by empty threats.

    Let’s just stop the killing, and ease back on the bravado.

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