We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Why YouTube cannot be trusted

Of course, it is not just YouTube that cannot be trusted (which is why when I link to video content I expect YouTube to take down at some point, I tend to download it & upload it to BitChute), but this is a prime example of why.

18 comments to Why YouTube cannot be trusted

  • Paul Marks

    YouTube is owned by Google – and Google has had a leftist agenda for many years.

    YouTube promotes leftist (“mainstream” Collectivist) content, and downplays “right wing” content (by the way – “right wing” includes being opposed to the People’s Republic of China Communist Party Dictatorship).

    The Google search engine also promotes the left and hides away the right – yet most people still use it, believing the lies that it is an “objective, scientific, search engine”.

    Yes I am saying that the Google business model is based upon a fraudulent claim – namely the fraudulent claim that their search engine is objective when, on political and cultural matters, it is not.

  • Paul Marks

    During the Covid pandemic and continuing to this day, YouTube helped kill many people.

    It down played, or just banned, videos suggesting generally effective Early Treatments, and it promoted (and still promotes) the harmful Covid “vaccines”.

    This is nothing to do with “credentials” – many well qualified academic medical scientists and experienced medical doctors had the courage (and it required courage – because they were persecuted) to tell the truth, but YouTube (Google) either downplayed their videos or just banned them.

    So YouTube (Google) knew what they were doing – they kept information (about Early Treatment) away from people that could have saved their lives, and they promoted false information (about Covid “vaccines”) that injured or killed them.

    They are still doing it – for example absurd Computer Models that say the Covid “vaccines” have “saved millions of lives”.

    And the computer models (not thermometer readings) that say that 2024 was the “hottest year in history” – the lies are extreme, and very damaging.

    People are in danger of freezing to death in Britain because of high energy prices – high energy prices justified as part of a “Green” agenda to “save the planet” – based on lying computer models pushed by Google and the rest of the “mainstream”.

  • DiscoveredJoys

    Place not your trust in Princes. Especially the Digital Princes, even though they may appeal.

  • Paul Marks

    DiscovedJoys – even I am less gloomy about this than I was, for some time it looked as if the internet was going to be dominated by pro censorship corporations. But then Elon Musk came along – not a perfect man (there are no perfect people), but he has all the right enemies – for example the British establishment, the same people who have licked the boots of Bill Gates for years, who claim that Mr Musk is a “threat to national sovereignty” – if Mr Musk really was a such a threat to British independence they would love him, as the establishment hate and despise national sovereignty – almost as much as they get angered by anyone talking about Islamic rape gangs (the rape of thousands of girls does not bother them at all – but mentioning it is forbidden as “Islamophoic” and “racist”).

    As for computer models – garbage in – garbage out. If they are programmed to say it is very hot that is what they will say – even if you are freezing to death. And if they are programmed to say that an injection saved your life that is what they will say – even if the injection killed you.

  • Schrödinger's Dog

    This isn’t really news, is it?

    It’s been known for years that Google, YouTube, and the social media platforms, have been censoring content. Unfortunately, it’s not clear what’s to be done about it. Governments regulating them (well, regulating them more than they’re already regulated), really would be an example of the cure being worse than the disease.

    In the meantime, we need to be grateful that the censorship has not been very effective. YouTube et al. may censor content, but it’s not hard to find it somewhere else.

    And let us also be grateful to Elon Musk for buying what is now X.

  • george m weinberg

    I remember when I first heard of this a couple years back. Some guy in an hnn discussion just casually threw out “well, we know the russian flu of 77 was
    caused by a lab leak” and I was all like “wtf?”, but I checked it out and it appeared to be true. Doesn’t definitely prove that covid was caused by a lab leak, of course,
    but people who discuss the possibility while failing to mention that fact are clearly deliberately distorting the evidence. Of course, suppressing the fact goes way beyond

  • neonsnake

    and Google has had a leftist agenda for many years.


    Since when has Google been handing the means of production over to its workers?

    (Google is NOT leftist. At all, in any sense)

  • Barbarus

    neonsnake – Since when has Google been handing the means of production over to its workers?

    It’s pretty rare for that to happen; the only genuine example I can think of was the Meriden (Triumph motorcycles) cooperative bank in the Seventies, and that did not last long. Maybe there was some of it in the early days of the Soviet Union, but at best it wasn’t long before the means of production there was firmly under the control of the State; even where it had formerly been in the hands of the workers – see Kulaks. Usually, a loudly proclaimed leftist agenda is about conning the workers into supporting you because they think there’s something in it for them. A softly proclaimed one, like Google’s, is of course more to do with virtue signalling for other powerful interests.

    In other words, Google are about as genuinely leftist as any others – although in an honest world your definition would be a good one.

  • Oh?

    Since when has Google been handing the means of production over to its workers?

    Marxism is just one form of “leftism” (i.e. socialism in the Marxist tradition). Corporatism (of which Fascism is also a form) is also socialism, just in the Henri de Saint-Simon & Giovanni Gentile tradition. Google has been quite ‘corporatist’.

  • Lee Moore

    I am old enough to remember the BBC “Survivors” series from 1975.

    I think it got unpersoned by the Beeb a few years later, when somebody spotted that apart from a token Welsh tramp, everybody who survived the pandemic was terrifyingly middle class. Which would never do.

    Anyway, the title sequence had an actual Chinese scientist, in an actual lab, dropping an actual flask and letting loose the pandemic.

    Did I mention it was a BBC series ? Delicious.

  • Clovis Sangrail

    @Lee Moore

    …the title sequence had an actual Chinese scientist, in an actual lab, dropping an actual flask…

    I had forgotten that, but you are spot on. How delicious!

  • Spot on – they news of ex-Labour MO Ivor Caplin (and the reason for it) is all over Twitter, and the red sheet newspapers, but nothing on the BBC, Guardian or Independent…

    And we can all draw our own conclusions as to the reason for that.

  • I can remember those title sequences as if it were yesterday! A great series by the much-missed Terry Nation, wasn’t it?

  • Stonyground

    I’m a little bemused by the expectation that Google’s leftist agenda would involve an element of practicing what you preach. Surely all of us most know at least one middle class socialist who is only keen on wealth distribution when it involves other people’s wealth.

  • Paul Marks

    Perry – correct.

    People who say that Google is not leftist because it does not strictly follow the ideas of Dr Karl Marx (1818-1883) are being stupid – someone can be a leftist Collectivist and not be a strict Marxist (and Frankfurt School Marxism is different from Classical Marxism anyway).

    By the way Karl Marx and Fred Engels were not about “handing over the means of production to the workers” anyway – they despised worker cooperatives, and they did not allow industrial workers any real control of groups that they (Marx and Engels) set up. The workers were just there to do what Marx and Engels told them to do.

  • Paul Marks

    For those interested in the leftist bias of Google (its search engine and so on) see the work of Dr Robert Epstein.

    Dr Epstein is a life long Democrat – but his work showed him that Google is most certainly not objective, it pushes a political and cultural agenda.

  • John

    I have been told, but am unable to verify, that a few days before his arrest the alleged would-be nonce former Labour MP (and why shouldn’t I highlight his party? The bbc is never reticent in this respect whenever a Conservative steps out of line) was criticising Elon Musk for having the temerity to raise the subject of widespread child rape. Incidentally don’t ever say abuse, grooming or even trafficking, the word is rape.

    Karma can work surprisingly fast on occasions.

  • llamas

    Oh, my. Another blast from the past. I also watched it at the time. One storyline relied on one of the kids breaking a double-barrelled shotgun by dry-firing it, and to this day I won’t dry-fire a shotgun.
    I’ve watched episodes of it on the Tubes of You but I suspect the intro may have been trimmed as the dropped-flask does not appear, but now you mention it, it comes right back. Prescient? It certainly is a strange coincidence . . .



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