We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Samizdata quote of the day – there is no stopping a bad idea whose time has come

But the U.K.’s climate agenda is now decades old. The Climate Change Act (CCA) was made legislation in 2008, 16 years ago, but the drive towards decarbonisation started much earlier in the days of the Blair Government. The years ahead of the CCA saw the formation of a cross-party Westminster consensus on climate change, rather than a conversation with the public about what it would require of them and to seek their support. Consequently, the apparatus for the climate agenda was established through intergovernmental agencies and agreements, deals with the EU, legally-binding legislative measures to allow the enforcement of the green agenda by wealthy interests in the courts, and the construction of domestic carbon bureaucracies.

Gary Smith was the sole member of the panel at what was intended to be a debate for the same reason that it has not been possible for critics of Net Zero to get answers out of the likes of the U.K. Climate Change Committee (CCC). The CCC, as with any other agency or organisation, does not debate because it does not need to. The matter is settled. The cross-party consensus was established by green lobbyists without debate. And consequently, ostensibly democratic institutions have been wholly aligned to green ideology and the Net Zero policy agenda. It’s not up for debate.

Ben Pile

2 comments to Samizdata quote of the day – there is no stopping a bad idea whose time has come

  • JohnOfEnfield

    Stupid decisions have (immense & immediate) consequences.

    Everyone I talk to in all walks of life understands this. It has a terrible financial impact on each them.

    Except Mr. Ed Miliband.

    Ed will single-handedly destroy this Labour Government before it serves its term. Unless Lammy, Starmer, Rayner, Reeves or perhaps Cooper get there first.

  • Natalie Solent (Essex)

    I agree with what I’ve read of Ben Pile’s article (from this excerpt and the part of it on the Daily Sceptic that is not behind a paywall), but I disagree with both the headline to this post and the original headline. The New Net Zero Resistance is not “doomed to fail” and there is plenty of stopping a bad idea whose bad consequences are becoming visible to ordinary people. In country after country the brakes are being put on. The fact that it was all “settled” as a consensus among UK politicians and bureaucrats, and their equivalents in other nations, without public input makes it weaker, not stronger

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