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Samizdata quote of the day – Israel’s elimination of Hamas leadership edition

“It’s not too much to say that if Israel had taken Mr. Biden’s advice, Sinwar, Nasrallah, and the rest of the Hamas-Hezbollah leadership would still be alive.”

Wall Street Journal editors.

17 comments to Samizdata quote of the day – Israel’s elimination of Hamas leadership edition

  • Natalie Solent (Essex)

    When a species is perfectly adapted by evolution to fit its habitat, any change in that habitat makes its situation worse.

    Biden resembles that, but on the scale of one human life lived almost entirely in the environment of the United States Senate.

    He instinctively shies away from actually achieving goals (such as destroying terrorist groups like Hamas or Hezbollah) that he claims to want, or from letting anyone else achieve them, because that would be change and he would have to learn a whole new set of rules.


    Also, posting this tweet by a guy called Stephen Graham because it’s vaguely on the same topic and I thought it was funny:

    All these ‘Sinwar threw a stick, what a hero’ takes sound like they’re being written by an especially antisemitic Labrador.

  • The ‘leaders’ of the West hate, and I do mean hate, the very idea of fighting an armed conflict with the intention of winning. The very notion of prosecuting a war in order to achieve complete military victory seems to be anathema to them.

  • bobby b

    It’s not too much to say that if Israel had taken Mr. Biden’s advice over the past decades, there would now be a two-state solution in effect in Israel, and the two states would be Hamas and Hezbollah.

  • NickM

    Bobby b,
    Yes. And those two “states” would be fighting an extraordinarily bloody war. Which would undoubtedly engulf the entire region…

  • Ferox

    I see speculation about Biden’s incompetence, or else his desire to avoid solving problems that keep him employed, but I attribute Biden’s failures in this arena (and some others) to a simple estimation that China somehow benefits from attacks on Israel. Maybe it bolsters Chinese allies in the region?

    I attribute Biden’s failure during the withdrawal from Afghanistan to a similar motive – benefit to China from arming the Taliban, in order to place some pressure on India.

    That is to say, if a Biden action in any arena benefits China, then I assume that the man who took millions from the Confucious Institute to teach no classes, produce no scholarship, and store boxes of classifed documents in the unused offices paid for by, and accessible to, the CCP is simply doing the work he has been paid for. Biden may be (and probably is) incompetent, but hs is also a China-owned puppet.

  • John


    How many others across the admittedly compact uniparty spectrum ranging from Eric “Fang Fang” Smallwell to Mr Elaine Chao have similarly compromised loyalties?

  • Paul Marks

    Correct – and it was also the position of K. Harris and Tim Walz. And they continue to demand a “ceasefire” even now.

    The international “liberal” establishment (who are the opposite in their beliefs from real liberals such as John Bright or Prime Minister Gladstone) refuse to take Islam seriously – they insist that Islam does not have clear doctrines, or that its doctrines are the same as modern “liberalism” – both of these claims (claims by the international “liberal” establishment) are false, indeed absurd.

    Governor Walz is not just the worst American Governor in terms of tax and government spending increases (see the recently published Cato Institute study – Walz is 50th out of 50 State Governors, which may well be why K. Harris, who was the most Collectivist American Senator, see her voting record, choose him) – he is also blind to the nature of Islam.

    Not just in the Middle East – but in his own State of Minnesota. The Islamic community in such places as Minneapolis (only a few miles away from Saint Paul Minnesota where Governor Walz lives) are quite open about their beliefs – yet Governor Walz refuses to see reality.

    As for Vice President Harris – as someone educated in the Marxist tradition the lady assumes that all religious people are STUPID (which is why she thinks that going to church services, which she does, will convince Christians that she is a Christian – even as she supports the killing of babies, even after they are born – as does Governor Walz, and the sexual mutilation of children – as does Governor Walz) – Vice President Harris assumes that Islam does not need to be studied (that it is just silly and will fade away in the new world society that is to be created) and that Muslim believers must be stupid – which many of them are NOT.

    The fact that Islam is a belief system, including a legal system, that has flourished for 14 centuries and that many Muslim believers are highly intelligent, is totally ignored by the international establishment.

    We live in a bizarre world where people who take Islam seriously, and take Muslim believers seriously are called “Islamophobic” – whereas the international “liberal” establishment (“liberal” in the lunatic modern sense of totalitarian collectivists such as K. Harris and T. Walz) who treat Islam, and Muslim believers, with utter contempt – who (falsely) assume that Islam is just silly (that it does not need to be studied) and that (again falsely) Muslim believers are all stupid, are held to be “respectful” and “tolerant”.

  • Paul Marks

    The vicious Collectivist H.G. Wells had a more realistic view of Islam – he, correctly, held that it was not compatible with the sort of world he wished to create – and would therefore, according to him, have to be exterminated. I can say, without hesitation, that I would much rather have Islam (even though I oppose it) than the sort of totalitarian nightmare that H.G. Wells and his fellow Fabians (those wolves in sheep’s clothing – as they rightly described themselves) wished to create.

    It should be remembered that modern Collectivists (including Vice President Harris and Governor Walz) have the same objective as Collectivists such as H.G. Wells, George Bernard Shaw, Sydney and Beatrice Webb, and the rest of the Fabian socialists (in American English – as the “Progressives” – socialism by the installment plan types). They, the modern Collectivists, are just a lot less intelligent and a lot less clear headed than H.G. Wells and his associates.

    The nightmare society that they, the socialist “Progressives”, would create is not a secret – it is openly described in the “Science Fiction” works (such as “In The Days Of The Comet”) of H.G. Wells and others – indeed it is the true purpose of these works (people such as Mr Wells had little real interest in the development of science-as-such, their Science Fiction was really just a way of transmitting their political and cultural plans – under a thin disguise).

    The destruction of all tradition – from traditional buildings and art, to the destruction of the family itself. And total Collectivism – the control of every aspect of economic (and general) life by the international government.

    That is the evil (evil – total and absolute) that people such as H.G. Wells and George Bernard Shaw stood for – and they are admired by the modern international establishment which has the same objective as them.

    As for Islam – the teachings and life example of Muhammed, it is dangerous to discuss it in the United Kingdom (as an honest discussion risks a critic of Islam being sent to prison), but I think I am still allowed to say that I OPPOSE it.

    However, I repeat – better the followers of Muhammed, than the followers of H.G. Wells, George Bernard Shaw and so on.

  • Marius

    would much rather have Islam (even though I oppose it) than the sort of totalitarian nightmare that H.G. Wells and his fellow Fabians (those wolves in sheep’s clothing – as they rightly described themselves) wished to create.

    Why choose between two totalitarian systems? Socialism and Islam are equally bad. You might as well say you prefer to be shot through the right eye to the left.

  • GregWA

    Re those in the US Government who have been compromised by the CCP, wouldn’t it be nice if Mr. Trump prosecuted them all? You know order the FBI and DoJ to do their jobs!

    I can dream!

    And my dream includes all sorts of traitors, both R and D, getting stripped of their assets and spending a lot of time in a real prison.

    But this is a serious blog, not interested in my dreams, so I have a question: would such prosecutions as I dream of have any lasting effect? Or is it just a bump on our road to Hell?

    I am of course assuming that Mr Trump is allowed to win.

  • GregWA

    Speaking of Mr Trump being allowed to win, or not, which is more frightening to you: Mr Trump NOT being allowed to win or the US voting public actually preferring Harris?

    One of these I can fight against, but not the other.

  • Paul Marks

    No Marius – they are not equally bad.

    Islam has a complex history of some 14 centuries – the sort of society that people such as H.G. Wells (or the moderns) would create is vastly worse.

    But you are correct – I want NEITHER.

    GeregWA – if the education system and the media have succeeded in totally corrupting most people then the future is going to be even more horrific than it will be even if they have not succeeded in their diabolical task.

    Remember – regardless of who is declared the winner in November, the economy is going to collapse in 2025.

    If “Trump” wins he will get the blame (although the collapse will be nothing to do with him) – and if he does not win the ruling establishment will introduce totalitarianism (international totalitarianism) saying that they “have to” because of the economic collapse.

    It would be better for President Trump to win – for then there is a chance (just a chance) that the profound evil that is international governance (Agenda 2030 and all that) can be avoided.

  • Ferox

    How many others across the admittedly compact uniparty spectrum ranging from Eric “Fang Fang” Smallwell to Mr Elaine Chao have similarly compromised loyalties?

    I would suspect more compromised than loyal in our current crop of politicos. Would be nice to pull back the curtain and find out who has taken CCP money and who has not.

    Re those in the US Government who have been compromised by the CCP, wouldn’t it be nice if Mr. Trump prosecuted them all? You know order the FBI and DoJ to do their jobs!

    As it is currently constituted, neither the FBI nor the DoJ would possibly try to prosecute anyone in that gang; they know who their masters are.

    That is one of the reasons why it will be a good idea for an incoming Trump administration to dismiss ALL the heads of the various Federal departments (including, but not at all limited to, the FBI and DoJ) and start fresh with fresh people.

    One can only hope.

  • John

    @Paul Marks: “the economy is going to collapse in 2025.”

    Just wondering, why 2025? I can see not quite enough time left in 2024 maybe? But what about January or February 2026? Is there some specific triggering event you have in mind?

  • Snorri Godhi

    Paul Marks:

    Islam has a complex history of some 14 centuries – the sort of society that people such as H.G. Wells (or the moderns) would create is vastly worse.

    But you are correct – I want NEITHER.


  • Snorri Godhi

    And my dream includes all sorts of traitors, both R and D, getting stripped of their assets and spending a lot of time in a real prison.

    My dream is seeing their heads on spikes in the National Mall.
    With a light coat of tar.

  • bobby b

    “With a light coat of tar.”

    There are so many better preservatives available today.

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