We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Samizdata quote of the day – the record of the authorities defies denials of two-tier policing

Victims are blamed, pressured into keeping quiet, and whistleblowers are pursued. In short, after an initial flurry of activity, we have taken the Rotherham vaccine and become inured to the plight of our young girls, who are foolishly looking to us in hope of salvation, imploring us for help and daily praying for justice – a vain yearning in today’s Britain.

Mentioning the scandal carries a “branding” sentence, which an increasing number of people feel unable to bear, preferring to throttle the source of the sound of suffering than to deal with the root of the problem.

One thing is for sure: it is for us, not the authorities, to judge them on their record.

The mother in Wakefield lived through two-tier policing, as have many thousands of other desperate souls. That is a fact.

Alex Story

12 comments to Samizdata quote of the day – the record of the authorities defies denials of two-tier policing

  • Steven R

    And you’ll do the same thing you always do: file some suits to appeal, bitch online, and vote the same kind of people back into office. We do the exact same thing on this side of the Pond.

    It’s not going to change for any of us until we decide to start burning down their homes and hanging them from lamp posts.

  • bobby b

    I become a little more convinced daily that the only response to By Any Means Necessary is to operate under that same philosophy myself.

    Civility is not a suicide pact, either.

  • John

    A horrifying if barely surprising read.

    In other news the Dear Leader will make a speech today before next weeks return of Parliament when he will probably state his intention to “fortify” the law in order to root out the main threat to our country – the far right.

  • Paul Marks

    If drink and drugs (sometimes voluntarily consumed – sometimes forced) do not work, the girls are threatened – for example held over a long drop, or covered with inflammable substances and threatened with matches or lighters. The girls are also told that their families will be hurt.

    The police? Well it is the kiss of death for a police officer to be accused of “racism” or “Islamophobia” – so one can understand, understand NOT approve of, the lack of interest the police show in the abuse of thousands of girls.

    Meanwhile all European Union countries (not just France – this regulation applies to all of them) have agreed to hold the owners of social media companies (apart from Mark Zuckerberg – his connections with Western intelligence agencies, and support for election rigging, protects him) criminally accountable for anything bad on their sites.

    In theory the United Kingdom is not under the E.U. – but in practice it is still part of the despicable “international community” (of which the E.U. is a part), so much the same regulations will apply here.

    The owner of a social media company (apart from Mark Zuckerberg – the regulations do not apply to the toadies of the intelligence and security services), say Telegram, will be arrested for “child porn” which he had nothing to do with (like arresting the owner of a telephone company for what OTHER PEOPLE say on the telephone) – but mass rape (as part of “Holy” war against the West) is treated as much less important – if it is not just ignored.

    Welcome to the modern “West” – which has abandoned all Western principles.

    You could try protesting against all this – but even social media posts may land you prison.

  • Paul Marks

    Before anyone points it out – I am aware that the arrest of the founder of Telegram was NOT really arrested for criminal activity, by other people, on his service – that it was, in fact, a political move.

    The idea that modern international authorities (France, Britain, America – where ever) really care about kiddie porn (or whatever) is absurd – other than to use such things to blackmail people. What they care about is crushing political and cultural dissent.

  • IrishOtter49

    How is it that this blog has not been shut down by the powers-that-be in the UK?

  • jgh

    Why hasn’t the director of British Telecom been arrested? I’m reading this filth with a BT connected internet connection.

  • How is it that this blog has not been shut down by the powers-that-be in the UK?

    I am almost embarrassed to say we are obviously not scary enough. Alternatively, they might know I can afford a really good barrister, unlike the poor schmucks who get jugged for posting mean tweets.

  • Paul Marks

    Perry – they are often advised by “their” lawyers to plead guilty “just say what they want you to say – and then you can go home” (or “you will go to prison – but only for a token length of time, if you do not plead guilty you will go to prison for years”). The lawyers do NOT say “as a Soviet person I am disgusted by having to represent this reactionary wretch” – but they might as well.

    The defendants do not realise that the lawyers are lying to them till they are dragged off to prison for years (after pleading guilty – just as they were told to do) – with the gloating media (such as Sky News) saying how they are going to be abused by Islamic gangs in prison (the media, and so on, are not against prisons being controlled by such gangs – they revel in it, the “far right” English are going to get what they DESERVE in prison, that is the attitude of the establishment).

    Off course going to a jury trial is a gamble (and perhaps the odds are against the defendant in Freedom of Speech cases – under our present “laws” and procedures) – but pleading guilty, with the judges being appointed by a Blarite Quango, is like playing Russian Roulette with a revolver with six bullets in the six chambers.

  • Mr Ed

    And a man who threw objects at Nigel Farage’s bus during the general election has got a suspended sentence, despite the pre-meditation involved. It seems to drive one to the inevitable conclusion that there is two-tier justice.

  • Bulldog Drummond

    When speaking with the police there is only ever one correct response.

  • John


    The above article, written by Pratinav Anil but in all honesty it could have been anyone from the bien pensant class, is getting slammed to an unprecedented extent in the comments.

    The main reason I post this link is that some comments highlight Alex Story’s article and point out how the actual horrors he describes fly in the face of Mr Anil’s………….…..I struggled to find the right word here so will simply say “his world”.

    Unherd subscribers are no-one’s idea of “Far-right working class” yet here they are, united in their utter scorn for Mr Anil while vigorously expressing the opinion that Robinson, warts and all, has made some extremely valid points for which he continues to be treated in an extraordinarily, almost uniquely, prejudicial manner by the state.

    Don’t believe me though, just read the article and comments.

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