We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

El Preste Juan lucha (Prester John fights) – abolishing INADI in Argentina

Over the seas and far away, President Milei of Argentina has abolished a government function, that of INADI, the purpose of which was easily comprehensible from its name in Spanish, the Instituto Nacional contra la Discriminación, la Xenofobia y el Racismo the newspaper La Nación has this report, and I quote.
“Disolvimos el INADI. Ente ideológico de uso político partidario. Despedimos a los empleados y devolvimos el edificio. Nuestra gestión se concentra en achicar el Estado y cerrar los organismos innecesarios. No creemos en la utopía del Estado eficiente. Vamos por más, mucho más”, escribió el ministro de Justicia.

‘We have dissolved the INADI. An ideological entity of partisan political use. We are dismissing the staff and are taking back the premises. Our management will focus on shrinking the State and closing unnecessary organs. We do not believe in the utopia of the efficient State. We will be doing more, much more.’, wrote the Ministry of Justice.”

Looks like he means what he says. On one YT video (in Spanish) I saw a comment to the effect of ‘If there isn’t a government Department for Breathing, will we all be asphyxiated?’.



7 comments to El Preste Juan lucha (Prester John fights) – abolishing INADI in Argentina

  • Paul Marks

    I remember in 1979 when Margaret Thatcher promised to end such bureaucratic bodies (the “Race Relations Industry”) whose purpose is to stir up racial tension – so they can justify their own jobs opposing it. Sadly Mrs T. was prevented from doing so by “the Wets” (what Americans would call RINOs) such as James Prior.

    President Milei does what other people just talk about doing.

    He is not perfect, there are no perfect people, but he is a light of liberty in a world growing dark with Collectivism and Tyranny.

  • Paul Marks

    Of course, this “anti discrimination” doctrine spreads out – it is not just “race”, it is sex (“gender”), sexuality, religion, and many other things.

    Many ways to divide people, to set them at each other’s throats, in order to “justify” Collectivism and Tyranny.

    Even Freedom of Speech is attacked – as “Hate Speech” or “Repressive Tolerance” (Herbert Marcuse) which “harms” people of “marginalised and oppressed groups”.

  • NickM

    I have a feory… Yes, a feory. There exists a class of activists. They exist to activise. They cannot recognise victory because the war, not the victory is all that matters to them. So you have the gay rights movement. Essentially every conceivable thing the gay rights movement could want was achieved a bit back. The final victory being marriage and adoption rights. So this must really have anoyed the professional activists (who might have to find proper jobs!!!) so when the whole trans idiocy really gets it’s boots on. The tragedy is that people actually took the ideas seriously. A sane society would just treat them as nutters instead of recognising 72 genders and counting, and making it illegal (or at least sackable) to use say “he” about a man with a beard. It is peculiar that a tragedy is happening because way too many people don’t recognise farce!

  • Kirk


    What you and a lot of other people fail to recognize is that the whole point of the LGBTWTFBBQ movement, for all too many of its members, was not what they said it was. The reality is that they didn’t want acceptance, they didn’t want equality before the law, or any of that other BS they claimed.

    What they wanted was to “stick it to the man”, and gain ascendancy for their deviancies. Most of those sort aren’t actually gay or whatever else they claim; what they actually are would be “transgressives”, whose entire focus is on tearing everything down, pissing off Mommy and Daddy, and gaining dominance. That’s what they live for; that’s their purpose in life, and all that will satisfy them. If you give into them at all, they’re just going to go on for more and more, until you can’t tolerate their demands and push back… At which point, they will delightedly excoriate you for “taking their freedoms”.

    Smartest move, ever? Just shoot the bastards when they self-identify. You can’t make them happy, you can’t please them, and the damage they will do to society by way of your acquiescing to their demands will far outweigh any benefits to them or you. Kinder just to implement a policy of euthanasia, I fear. These are desperately unhappy people who would have died shortly after being thrown out of their communities back in the bad old days, and the only thing keeping them alive today is how much slack we have in the system.

    There are LGBTQ types out there who’re actually, y’know… LGBTQ. Few of them are at the forefronts of the “movements”, because they’re mostly reasonable people trying to make the best of things. The trouble is, they’re embedded in a matrix of nuttery that cannot be tolerated and still maintain some semblance of civilization.

    All of those freaks that want to read stories to kids in drag? You cannot possibly look at them and say “Yeah, that’s not a sign…”, but all too many do, disarmed by the whole “You’re prejudiced against LGBTWTFBBQ…!!!” thing.

    Frankly, you want to talk about sexual matters with a pre-adolescent? You’re the problem, and you need to be put down as much as the rabid dog needs to be put down. In my sad experience, that crap is not curable, not “fixable”, and will eventually escalate into full-blown kiddy-diddling. You look at all the teachers they’re catching, who’re f*cking their students? Do I need to spell out for you why they’re teachers?

    Pretty much the same reason Willie Sutton robbed banks: “Because that’s where the money is.” They’re teachers because that’s where the kids are…

  • Predators congregate at waterholes. Why? Because they know the prey have to show up there!

    Homeschooling will get more popular in the future.

  • Paul Marks


    “The issue is never the issue” – Saul Alinsky and his followers.

    They, the left, pretend to care about various things – racial groups, women, people who engage in certain sexual practices (whatever), but what they shout about, and “cancel” people, about is never what they really care about.

    They care about smashing capitalism and the society which created capitalism – everything else is a means-to-an-end.

    If to destroy capitalism they have to support black people – the left will do that, but if they thought that to destroy capitalism it was necessary to attack black people – the left would do that.

    It is the same whether it is women, or Muslims, or homosexuals – or whatever, “the issue is never the issue”.

    Just as Karl Marx and Frederick Engels were never really concerned about “the workers” – not as people. It was always just a way of smashing the existing society and replacing it with some vague state of affairs which they never even bothered to think though.

    “How is socialism going to work?”

    Answer “that is an unscientific question – history will work it out”.

    Pine Ridge and some other Reservations have had a form of “democratic socialism” since the Act of 1934 – and “history” does not seem to have “worked it out” over the last 90 years.

    But then as Tim Walz (the demented Governor of Minnesota and now VP choice of K. Harris) would say “socialism is neighbourliness” – in reality socialism is “do what you are told or you will be punished” – as Governor Walz showed during Covid – where he encouraged (very strongly encouraged) neighbours to inform on each other.

    Now we see the international establishment backing Harris/Walz – which tells us all we need to know about the totalitarian international establishment.

  • Smartest move, ever? Just shoot the bastards when they self-identify.

    No, Kirk, that is not acceptable.

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