. . . knowing about Joe Biden’s condition and not being able to say anything.
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It must have been awful for Kamala Harris . . .July 21st, 2024 |
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The Guardian’s liveblog has raised a slight but beguiling possibility that things might get even funnier:
If it turns out the whole thing was put out on Twitter by a drunk or disgruntled intern, Joe is going to be very cross when he wakes up.
Waiting for the next shoe to drop – “Prez Biden passes away in his sleep.”
A couple of thoughts:
* All what Trump has to do is get Kamala to cackle during the debate, and he has won the election.
* Should Trump fail in that, Kamala is likely to be a worse President than Biden, because she would not be as easy to control.
If Biden wants to launch a nuclear attack, his inner circle can pretend to go along with it, and pretty soon Biden will forget all about it. (And for all what i know, that might already have happened.)
If Kamala wants to launch a nuclear attack, her inner circle would get hell for not going along with it.
A corollary of the 2nd thought:
* If Biden resigns now, he might yet not go down in history as the worst US President.
I read that many of Biden’s staff only found out via the X post. Given that Biden doesn’t run his own x account and his mental state one has to wonder if he’s been told yet that he’s dropped out 😆
Once the assassination failed, Sleepy Joe’s team had to admit that the game was up. Now they just need to tell him. Even LBJ managed a dignified speech from the Oval Office, but it seems that that is beyond Brandon.
They still have to square the circle of “If he’s too far gone to campaign, how can he still be present enough not to step down…?”
That little question is going to be a killer, ‘cos I don’t think that a.) Jill is going to be willing to let him be Article 25’d, because she needs the power to pardon all the rest of the Biden Krime Krewe there at the projected end of his term, and b.) I seriously doubt that Kamala Harris is in any mood to promise pardons with any reliability should she win the election, and if she winds up running and makes a bunch of pardons immediately after ol’ Slow Joe is read his Article 25 papers… She’s assured defeat.
There are so many interlocking f*ck-ups here that it ain’t even funny. At this point, the best thing for the Democrats to do is just convince Kamala to take the “L”, and allow ol’ Joe to ride things out to the end, but I don’t think that’s gonna happen. If she’s going to make a serious run, she’s going to have to disown Joe, and I don’t think that Jill is going to let that happen.
Look what happened to Ford after he pardoned Nixon; Kamala pardoning Biden and his family-run criminal enterprise? LOL… That’d be such terrible, terrible optics…
And, if they truly have pushed Joe out, then how the hell do they expect to keep him in power? I’d expect an Article 25 proceeding to begin this next week, should he fail to resign. I don’t see the Republicans or the actual patriotic Democrats (if there are any left…) to stand for the idea of “Can’t campaign; can serve”.
Kirk: You need to take your meds and get less excited.
Politicians often don’t sit for re-election without it meaning that they aren’t compos mentis. It just means Biden doesn’t want to stand for election. It says absolutely nothing about his ability at the moment.
Kamala Harris doesn’t have to disown anyone or anything. There’s a open ticket and she will run for it. She doesn’t have to do anything about Biden other than mouth useless platitudes like absolutely politician would do. Even Trump has learned not to make enemies he doesn’t need (which is one reason he will probably be better this time around).
Biden has the power to pardon at any time, so he doesn’t need to wait to the end of his term. He could do it tomorrow, especially now he isn’t running and so there is no real backlash.
I’d be amazed if Trump went after the Bidens after a win. He didn’t with Hilary Clinton after all. He hasn’t said he is going to with Biden. The Bidens have some money they shouldn’t have, but then so do half the Senate, and that includes plenty of Republicans.
My guess is that the requisite nine figure sum will change hands if and only if the Bidens play ball. Joe will quietly see out his presidency with the lowest of profiles similar to the way he won (sarc) the 2020 election. The democrat machine, aided by its media flying monkeys, will be unencumbered by presidential gaffes as a previously little-known Covid side-effect will largely prevent him from speaking in public for the next four months. The sympathy card will be played continuously. Hunter will be told in the strongest of terms that he is to shut up and avoid public feck ups. Jill will finally be put in her place. The all-encompassing pardons will be part of the deal, not to be mentioned let alone exercised until after the counting is completed.
11 July 2024
Sir Keir Starmer has described the US president as being “on really good form” after meeting Joe Biden at the Nato summit in Washington DC.
Asked whether the president was senile, as an increasing number of people are implying, Sir Keir answered “no”, and praised the president’s understanding during their bilateral meeting.
The prime minister said his US counterpart had “shown incredible leadership”.
The comments above have already said everything I could want to say – so there is no reason for me to add anything.
Other than to thank Natalie for her post – and to thank the commentors for their comments.
The Republicans can claim he’s a senile old coot all they like, all the Dems have to do is hold the line, this is about his physical health. The president is fine and eager to serve, but is unlikely to be up to the rigours of another term.
Just to play Devil’s advocate: Biden and his hench-persons might argue that Biden can campaign, and can serve, but cannot do both at the same time.
Which is not blatantly unreasonable.
In any case, I’d much prefer not to put up with even a few months of a Kamala presidency.
this is about his physical health
No it’s not, he’s already been found unfit to face trial for the classified documents found in his garage.
If he can’t face a campaign over the next four months, he’s unfit to hold the post he’s currently in.
Correct – quite some time ago the “Justice” Department Prosecutor said that Joseph “Joe the Big Guy” Biden could not be charged for any of his crimes, because he was mentally unfit to stand to trial.
As Mr Biden is mentally unfit to stand trial – he is mentally unfit to be President.
But we have three and a half years of evidence to show that it ispossible to be ‘President’ whilst in this condition, and the media will cover for you, if they like you. He almost made it to 4 years unrumbled as it were.
He is either Zaphod Beeblebrox from the Hitchhikers’ Guide:
or, he is more like, the Man in the Shed:
The argument that ‘it’s all about his physical health’ might fly were it not for the fact that however-many millions saw his perfomance at the debate on June 27th, live and unfiltered, and many/most of them reached the same conclusion – he’s mentally degraded, maybe to the point where he’s not just incapable but a positive danger. And three weeks of relentless replays of every guffle and stumble before and since – of which there is a limitless supply – have only served to pound the message home. From my own guesstimation, about 70% of the public has now accepted the udea that he is more-or-less mentally incapable. When you’ve lost Jon Stewart and Bill Maher, who now openly mock Biden’s incapacaties every night, you’ve lost that argument.
Joe Biden has been in an essentially vegetative state since 2020. If you didn’t notice all the times he “called” things, while still running for office during a campaign where he drew virtually nothing in terms of rally numbers, yet Trump was still pulling in thousands and filling venues? Yeah; you might be too stupid to be entrusted with the vote.
COVID enabled the cabal behind Biden to have a little bit of credibility when they pulled off their 3:00am fraud. Thing is, they went so over the top with the “81 million votes” that it’s freaking ridiculous. Biden could never have pulled those numbers, not with the lackluster campaign he ran, and the demonstrated lack of enthusiasm for him shown at his carefully-staged campaign events.
This time around, they’ve figured out that they can’t pull the same sort of bullshit again, and here we are. From the rumors and signs, something went seriously downhill with Biden over the last week or two, and it may even be (remotely) possible that he’s dead and they’re literally pulling a “Weekend at Bernie’s” scenario. The Congressional Republicans should be demanding to actually see and interact with him, and if the cabal can’t produce a functional Joe Biden, then Article 25 needs to be invoked.
From what you can see from where I’m sitting, something seriously hinky is going on with the Presidency right now, and they’re trying to come up with some sort of coherent story about all of this. Do note that nobody has seen or really interacted with Biden since last week, and that there was some sort of medical emergency that they cleared routes for, to get him to advanced medical treatment… Which were then cancelled.
If he surfaces and presents as a.) remotely competent, and b.) going along with his campaign withdrawal, I’m going to be at least a little surprised.
I’m amused by Dems claiming this is some massive own of Trump and ruined his strategy and that he’s scared of Harris. This is industrial grade cope.
Trump was known to be saying weeks ago that Biden was going to be quitting and Harris the likely nominee. There’s a YouTube video of Trump saying this at a golf course after that debate. So I strongly doubt Trump and his people haven’t thought about this possible eventuality. It could well have played a part in Trump picking the young JD Vance as VP. I’ve not seen Trump or any Trump supporters show any sign they are scared of Harris at all. Dems are just pure cope merchants.
Be it remembered that Biden has suffered, not one, but two cerebral aneurysms, both of which required surgical repair, and that these can be the result of elevated and/or extended stress. At this point, it doesn’t seem totally unreasonable to ask for a Proof Of Life, him still being the President an’ all.
Mr Ed.
Yes Joseph “Joe the Big Guy” Biden was ideal as a distraction – Mr Biden, wandering about talking to imaginary people and not knowing where he was – and the public watched in grim fascination. Seemingly the question “who is actually in charge?” did not occur to some people.
Kirk – yes it is obvious that the 2020 election was rigged, but the establishment deny it, including the “conservatives” of the Wall Street Journal, who will say anything to keep the Credit Money (the Corporate Welfare) coming.
If only politics was reality based, eh? Unfortunately it is not, all that is required is a plausible argument for people inclined to believe that the presidential race is between kindly democrats handing out welfare cheques and cruel republicans eager to send children down mines.
Well Biden can fart, has anybody seen him chew gum?
I thought it was always the intention for camel toe horse face to “step in”, just surprised they waited this long.
I’m sure the fix is in though.
We’ve got about six months by the sound of it.
When the gruesome cackling harpie meets lammy.
The sheer stupidity will reach a critical mass and explode!
Been nice knowing everybody!
Given what we’re hearing about Biden’s “med emergency”, I’m guessing we don’t have six months. Heck, they’ve already started transferring presidential powers to his cabinet.
While it offers a superficially pithy zinger at the fact Biden is basically a talking turnip, this isn’t really a load-bearing argument. He might, in his view (or at least the view of whomever’s hand is jammed up his backside and making his lips move) be perfectly capable of presidenting and campaigning for 4 more months. 4 more years, however, is another matter, and that’s what he would be campaigning FOR. It’s perfectly reasonable for him to say he can finish out his term but doesn’t feel up to a second one, so he’s dropping out rather than continuing to run on false pretenses.
You, I, and everyone who’s been paying attention knows Biden’s never actually been up to the job, but that ship has sailed. Trying to force him out of the less than a 10% of his term that’s left just looks mean and petty. Plus it gives the Dems an outside enemy to rally against and it’s far more practical (not to mention entertaining) to let them get on with their internal squabbling.