The job of the BBC is to inform us of the Governments intention to send migrants to Rwanda. Our job is to determine whether we deem it racist or not.
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Samizdata quote of the dayThe job of the BBC is to inform us of the Governments intention to send migrants to Rwanda. Our job is to determine whether we deem it racist or not. April 19th, 2022 |
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Yeah, that’ll be the day when BBC does not editorialise everything.
There should be no problem sending these economic migrants to Rwanda. They’ve even brought their mode transport with them.
If the CoE is so worried about the migrants welfare perhaps it could spare an Archbishop (or two) to accompany them.
Oh dear. You do know that everything is political? Politics is not about dealing with reality but about creating reality. For shame sir!
Stalin, correctly, oppossed the existence of fermions because they wouldn’t form a collective. He was Right and physics was wrong. The Will of a Great Leader must prevail for it is written…
Anyway, we all know maths is racist so tonight me, with my qualifications in physics and astrophysics… Well, I’m donning my white robes and conical hood and burning down the local curry house. Obviously being quite good at sums and (usually) getting the right* answer means I am a racist so that is what I must do.
…and then I shall atone by calling myself Loretta because I want to have babies!
*not the left answer.
Across a range of issues, the UK’s Home Office department (what some countries call, rather scarily, a ministry of the interior) is handling the issues of immigration, refugee care, etc, with all the skill and aplomb of someone trying to answer pub quiz questions after drinking a bottle of gin.
“Whether it is queues of exasperated holiday makers at airports, lorryloads of rotting goods stuck outside UK ports, asylum seekers travelling across the Channel or the fiasco of Homes for Ukraine, the fingerprints of the Home Office’s bureaucratic incompetence are visible everywhere.”
– Alan Lockey, CapX.
How can a government complain about the number of economic migrants coming into the country when they are bringing them into the country themselves, after pre-arranged meetings with the French naval people traffickers. We really are governed by numpties.
Right, let’s spell it out in simple words even hard-of-thinking Archbishops and Guardianistas could understand:
Not. One. Single. Person. Will. Ever. Be. Sent. To. Rwanda. Who. Stays. Where. They. Already. Are. In. Perfectly. Safe. France. And. Doesn’t. Cross. The. English. Channel. To. Enter. The. UK. Illegally.
Clear now? (And yes, I concur that the eleventh and subsequent words will probably prove to be redundant).
the fingerprints of the Home Office’s bureaucratic incompetence are visible everywhere.
The Home Office is certainly incompetent, but I feel the need to cut it the following amounts of slack :
1. It is engaged in difficult tasks. Even a competent bureaucracy would struggle to cope with the Home Office’s portfolio.
2. It should not be assumed that all failure is the result of incompetence. It is part of the Home Office’s core mission to make Conservative Ministers look bad. (Not that they receive no help from the Ministers in question.)
Boris is a weak vacillating dishonest buffoon but if Sir Keir thinks attacking him on that statement is a good move then he’s even less in touch with reality or the electorate than his opponent.
“Our job” should be to determine whether we think it is the most sensible thing to do or not.
Just out of interest, why do these folk wish to paddle across the Channel to Blighty ? What’s wrong with France ? The weather’s generally better, there’s more elbow room, the food’s good. They have a welfare system too. Why paddle ?
Since Home Office civil servants do not see it as their job to carry out this intention – or any other they dislike – I’m unsurprised the BBC has a similar attitude towards anything they themselves do not like.
I will be interested to see how the BBC handle the story – especially whether they emphasise or conceal it. Telling the public that the minister is to blame for what the civil servants do or do not do is part of making politicians they dislike look bad. This might risk tearing that veil.
I predict that, however the BBC spins it, it will not be headlined “Coloured Woman’s Instructions Treated with Contempt by her Predominantly White and Male Subordinates”.