The irony being, if George Orwell wrote “1984” in 2022, he’d probably be censored.
– James Melville
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Samizdata quote of the dayFebruary 8th, 2022 |
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He’d be ignored or at best ridiculed. But he couldn’t have achieved cultural significance.
Naw. He’d be asked by the Democrats to help write their new American Constitution. He’s already done the first draft.
I think he’d be hailed as the oldest man alive! When asked how he did it, he’d probably say ‘spam’, because of WW2. And they’d be critical of ‘Animal Farm’ because of the inference that pigs are smarter and eviler than other animals.
Indeed Bobby. As some wag put it, “1984 was intended as a cautionary tale, not a compendium of interesting policy suggestions.”
IIRC, in 1984, the party predicted that Newspeak would have wholly replaced English by 2050.
The woke are working on it.
It’s “Nineteen Eighty-Four”, not “1984”.
I think Ian’s right. While today’s censors may be obsessive, they have their own internal logic. It’s hard to see what hook they’d hang Nineteen Eighty-Four on.
Reading it recently, the irony which occurs to me is that if Orwell were writing today, he’d probably come up with something a lot more like Brave New World than the book he actually wrote.
Lack of diversity of course.
They’ve already covered that, at least as to gender diversity:
V for Vendetta was intended as a cautionary tale, not a compendium of interesting policy suggestions
Well, to be fair, both versions are quite apt.
I don’t like living in the future very much. I always thought it would be better than this.
It is not funny – George Orwell would be censored. There are upsetting scenes in the book “1984” – torture and so on (and not even a Trigger warning). There is also a lack of “representation” – there are no nonwhite characters (at least no one so identified) and no homosexuals or transsexuals. And no one from various religions – such as Islam. “But it is atheist state” – that is no excuse for lack-of-representation.
Also, and most importantly, Collectivism is not shown in a positive light in the book – the fact that the author was a life long socialist is not a “get out of jail free card” on that. Collectivism must be shown in a positive light.
The book shops are privately owned, as our the supermarkets. And so are the book publishers.
Yet, at least in the United Kingdom, the grip of the “Woke” (Frankfurt School Marxist) Collectivists is total.
The Corporations are dominated by the “educated” – and most schools and universities are under the control of the Collectivists.
Paul Marks, at February 8, 2022 at 9:52 pm,
Paul, glad you put “educated” in quotes. I don’t have the right grammatical formulation but I think we need to start distinguishing between educated, the original sense, and “has had a lot of schooling”. The latter are dumber than a bag of hammers–they went in that way and came out worse.
I have a brother, let’s call him John (since that’s his name), who has only completed 12 years of schooling here in the US. But he is highly educated: did it himself. You know, by reading, thinking, talking to people, and then thinking and reading some more. We need more like him and I suspect there are many more like him than we realize because there are no stats, no programs to track the self-education of people like my brother.
The more educated someone is these days, especially someone under a certain age, the less likely they are to have anything helpful to say. I’d rather talk to someone well read with common sense, who is also kind and funny. That’s really not too much to ask of just about anyone, right?
Who knows what the fuck is real.
The entire video is 1 minute 41 seconds.
Richard M. Fleming, PhD, MD, JD speaking:
The woke crowd would object that the main character, Winston, has the same name as an evil UK war leader, and the name given to many young Black men from the Caribbean and an example of imperialism. Big Brother would be denounced because there was no equivalent Big Sister.
@Jonathon Pearce,
There could not be a Big Sister as this would imply that being a possibly obese female is a good thing. Anyway, with the choccy ration being ‘increased’ to 5 grams a week from 7 grams a week, obesity is unlikely.
The irony being, if George Orwell wrote “1984” in 2022, he’d probably be censored.
The book would at least be given a trigger warning, as it has been at the University of Northampton.
GregWA – yes absolutely. You are correct on all points Sir – I have nothing to add in that area.
What I would add is that this concern with non white races, and with women, and with Muslims, and with homosexuals and transsexuals is FAKE.
It is FAKE – because it is dropped whenever it gets in the way of “the agenda”.
“We support the rights of women” – women are being raped and abused by Muslims in Sweden, the United Kingdom and ….. “SHUT UP you Islamophobe!”.
O.K. so you care about Muslims – well fast numbers of Muslims are being persecuted by the People’s Republic of China Communist Party dictatorship….. “SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP”.
They do not really care about women, they do not really care about Muslims, they do not really care about homosexuals and transsexuals (think about what the People’s Republic of China dictatorship does to them).
It is all FAKE Johnathan Pearce (and everyone else here) – it is all FAKE.
All they (the establishment elite – not their puppets) really care about is the agenda – the agenda of Totalitarian Collectivist world governance.
Everything else (such as the cries of “racist!”, or the cries of “Climate Change Denier!”) is just a means to this end.
And that is the real reason they hate the book “1984” – because although it was written by a life long socialist, it does not present Collectivism in a positive light.
but I think we need to start distinguishing between educated, the original sense, and “has had a lot of schooling”.
A workable distinction is ‘educated’ vs ‘credentialed’.