I’m shocked, shocked, I tell you… that the communist BLM organisation supports the Communist Cuban government’s repression of protests.
BLM comes out in support of the Cuban communist regimeI’m shocked, shocked, I tell you… that the communist BLM organisation supports the Communist Cuban government’s repression of protests. 8 comments to BLM comes out in support of the Cuban communist regime |
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The thing is that you don’t know BLM’s position on anything because there doesn’t seem to be one definitive BLM organization. So Andy Ngo says that BLM says this but some part of BLM says “oh that is not our policy.” But here is the thing I think is ironic. BLM has been spectacularly successful in the US through a strategy of grass roots activism, many small groups doing their own thing without much coordination producing a powerful monster to activate their goals. However, they do this by advocating exactly the opposite model, that is to say, a top down, centralized, mega powerful government to produce their goals.
The irony is quite shocking to me. FWIW, in structure it resembles the various Islamic terrorist organizations producing massive success through a disconnected cellular model advocating for a worldwide centralized Islamic Caliphate. The Tea Party also used a similar organizing structure, but at least they didn’t advocate for big government.
Not really true. BLM, like Al-Qaeda or MacDonald’s, is essentially a franchise. Yes, the details might vary due to localisation, but you really do have a pretty good idea what you are getting.
I’m shocked that the ‘liberal and ‘progressive’ Twitter brigade are silent about the Cuba troubles.
They are usually such opponents of the remotest hint of totalitarianism and alert to regimes which fail to keep a 100% record on human rights.
As long as the countries involved are the UK, the US or Israel.
Perhaps that why Cuba’s regime doesn’t trouble them despite its denial of free speech, a free press, free elections and free trade unions.
Perry de Havilland (London)
Not really true. BLM, like Al-Qaeda or MacDonald’s, is essentially a franchise. Yes, the details might vary due to localisation, but you really do have a pretty good idea what you are getting.
I think my point is that the decentralized nature of the organization gives them plausible deniability. I guarantee you that if you show Andy Ngo’s quote to most supporters of BLM, the ones that seek to be “reasonable” rather than the out and out radicals, they will give you some song and dance about how this is just one faction’s view and doesn’t represent the views of all of BLM.
And, FWIW, I find it bizarre that you Brits are even talking about it. I have no idea what BLM has to do with Britain. It’s supposed intellectual genesis are completely and entirely an idiopathy of the American politician system. I mean what the hell does BLM UK even bleat on about? I don’t imagine Plod shot too many unarmed black men in London this week. (Of course the answer is that it has nothing to do with Black people, or their lives mattering, it is entirely a pretext for capturing power by folks that, were they honest about their intentions, would be more likely to be put in jail than the House of Commons. But how can BLM UK even pass the laugh test given that they don’t even have “slavery” and “cop shoots black kid” to shout over all the reasonable responses?)
In a rational world, it would have zero to do with Britain. Zip, zilch, nada, nichts, niente, rien, fuck all. But in this clown world, BLM UK has strong, fit, physically talented, profoundly ignorant, sub-100 IQ fucktard professional sportsman “taking the knee” because reasons.
Prior to about 2010, I was strongly of the view the best ideas in the world were coming out of the USA. Since then, I want to cut the internet cables and start a U-boat war to cut off all access across the Atlantic as the most toxic ideas imaginable are mostly spawning in the USA, particularly the mindbogglingly shite US dialogues & notions about race that have NOTHING to inform the rest of the world beyond how not to do it.
We have enough homegrown fucktards, halfwits, cunts & chateau-bottled-shits with terrible ideas that we REALLY need a strict policy of protectionism in which only British inanity & stupidity is allowed in Britain. We have the NHS, which is like a collective national DUNCE hat that everyone actually wants to wear!
Ok, maybe allow contact with Florida, but that’s about it.
Perhaps BLM supports the Cuban government because the founder has bought a mansion there and she doesn’t want it wrecked by, er, rampaging rioters?
“We have enough homegrown …”
Definitely. Just read the Guardian. Their statements are identical to BLM’s.
BLM has always been an openly Marxist movement – and its mentor is in Cuba, where she fled after acts of terrorism in the United States (including the murder of a police officer).
BLM has looted and burned areas of American cities, and its supporters have murdered many people (including black people). And it supports Marxist tyranny everywhere – not “just” the United States.
Anyone who “takes a knee” is supporting all of the above, and if they claim that “taking a knee” is not about supporting the above, they are LIARS.
Did they “take a knee” when a Minneapolis police officer shot dead an Australian woman (who had done nothing)? No they did not.
Did they “take a knee” when Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed woman – an Air Force veteran and small business owner from San Diego California who was incredibly upset at the stealing of the 2020 United States Presidential Election, was shot dead? No they did not – instead they smeared her (and others) as “Nazis” and “insurrectionists” (General Milley – that utter disgrace to the uniform he should not be wearing).
You are either for Marxist tyranny or you are against it – and those who “take a knee” are for it.