We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Samizdata quote of the day

Wokeness is literally passive aggressive narcissism as state ideology. Abusers pretending to be victims. Powerful people pretending to be vulnerable. It’s 100% resistant to duty, responsibility, obligation of any kind, to anyone else whatsoever. Totalising bourgeois narcissism.

Aimee Terese

17 comments to Samizdata quote of the day

  • George Atkisson

    Having been formerly married to a malignant narcissist (marriage counselor’s evaluation, not mine), I can guarantee that this description is spot on.

  • pete

    I don’t think it’s narcissism at all.

    Narcissists admire themselves.

    I get the feeling woke people are misanthropes who dislike themselves and everyone else too, but they try to feel a bit better about themselves by constant criticism of others.

    They don’t strike me as happy people with all their moaning and anger.

  • Snorri Godhi

    There are kernels of truth in what George and Pete said, however contradictory their views.

    However, neither of them addresses the main issue:

    passive aggressive narcissism as state ideology. Abusers pretending to be victims. Powerful people pretending to be vulnerable.

    The main issue is that wokeness is what Gaetano Mosca defined as a ‘political formula’. An ideology with the sole purpose of legitimizing the Establishment.

    And the current US Establishment is exceptionally rotten by historical standards.

    Totalising bourgeois narcissism.

    Not sure that ‘bourgeois’ is the correct word in this context.

  • bobby b

    Now, she’s a strange source here.

  • Jon eds

    I don’t think they admire themselves necessarily. They see themselves as the main actors in a play of their lives. Eg brave warriors against racial injustice/ survivors of COVID, whatever. To be fair it is hard not to fall into this trap and social media doesn’t help.

  • Now, she’s a strange source here.

    Not really, we’re been known to quote Mao. Quotes can stand on their own merits regardless of whatever the person quoted thinks.

  • John B

    Woke, belief in climate stasis, environmentalism, locavor organic, have all been birthed in the Middle Class – a neo-bourgeoisie- the heirs and successors of the striving Working Class, and who have never had to strive or go without anything, their prosperity and freedom earned, fought for and delivered on a silver platter by the previous generations. So the new Middle Class is bored, not distracted by having to work hard to put food on the table, generate and accumulate wealth for a better life.

    So whereas previously the bourgeoisie was defined by conventional and traditional values which it wanted kept, and material gain which it work to earn, the new-bourgeois concerns itself with fripperies, its own set of empty values and a pretended disdain for the material wealth they inherited.

    Narcissist because they are dazzled by their own social purity, logic and cleverness.

  • bobby b

    Perry de Havilland (London)
    May 5, 2021 at 8:26 am

    “Quotes can stand on their own merits regardless of whatever the person quoted thinks.”

    Oh, I wasn’t complaining. I’ve been reading her stuff for a bit – someone pointed me at her – and it’s been a bit fascinating. She even popped up on Instapundit. Just didn’t expect to see her here. For a strict Marxist type, her Twitter feed is (to me) oddly compelling. Google her, and it becomes mysterious – does she really exist?

  • Snorri Godhi

    She even popped up on Instapundit.

    You mean this?
    I never heard of her before.

  • Ferox

    I don’t think they admire themselves necessarily. They see themselves as the main actors in a play of their lives. Eg brave warriors against racial injustice/ survivors of COVID, whatever. To be fair it is hard not to fall into this trap and social media doesn’t help.

    This. Progressives seem to hear that voice in their head … you know the one – movie preview guy.

    In a world where [something Progressives don’t like exists], one [non-gender specific person] dares to rebel against the establishment and make a stand for Justice. S/he is … the Wokenator [swelling music plays]”

    This is going on in the head of every Wokie, constantly. It really is an ego trip of epic proportions.

  • Alexander Tertius Harvey

    ‘So whereas previously the bourgeoisie was defined by conventional and traditional values which it wanted kept, and material gain which it work to earn, the new-bourgeois concerns itself with fripperies, its own set of empty values and a pretended disdain for the material wealth they inherited.’

    The Devil makes work for idle hands, and even more so for empty heads.

  • AndrewZ

    It’s not just narcissism. Wokeness has weaponized paranoia. It teaches people to see hidden messages of power and prejudice in everything, and teaches anyone who isn’t a straight, white male that they are constantly threatened by monstrous oppressors. Anybody who internalises that worldview will start to believe that they are surrounded by enemies and that mainstream society will inevitably destroy them if they don’t destroy it first. It’s the thought patterns of serious mental illness, induced by political indoctrination. But the paranoid mind always invents new threats so no amount of destruction will ever satisfy them. If they burned the whole nation to the ground, they would still find racist symbols in the ashes.

  • Paul Marks

    “Wokeness” Critical Race Theory and all the rest of it, is Frankfurt School Marxism.

    It is not a joke – and it is has taken over most institutions, including the intelligence and security services.

    But instead of fighting back, we get “it is Political Correctness Gone Mad Ha, Ha, Ha” 1980s stuff.

    For those who do not know – Political Correctness was also Frankfurt School Marxism, it could have been stopped back then – but Conservatives preferred to laugh at it rather than fight it.

    Now Frankfurt School Marxism controls the schools, the universities, the government bureaucracy, the Corporations (yes – we now have “Capitalist” Corporations committed to Marxist doctrines) and the political parties.

    For example, in the United Kingdom “Woke” doctrine is actually THE LAW – it has been since at least the Equalities Act of 2010.

    During my little run in with “Central Office” in 2019 I was informed that the organisation was committed, by law, to the Frankfurt School “Diversity and Inclusion” doctrine, as our all public bodies national and local.

    The post is correct – Woke doctrine (Frankfurt School Marxism) is indeed state ideology (although Marxists tend to only use the word “ideology” for the ideas of their opponents – not their own idea), it is the law in the United Kingdom, and it dominates the United States and most other Western countries.

    In 1989 I thought we had defeated the totalitarians – now it is obvious that they are well on the way to defeating us.

    “What is to be done?” – I just do not know.

  • The Pedant-General

    Link is borked? Or are you deliberately – and sensibly – denying links to the twattersphere?

  • bobby b

    Snorri Godhi
    May 5, 2021 at 11:54 am

    “You mean this?
    I never heard of her before.”


    I’ve been checking in on this: https://twitter.com/aimeeterese

  • Snorri Godhi

    Thank you, bobby!

  • Richard Rostrom

    AndrewZ: Wokeness has weaponized paranoia. It teaches people to see hidden messages of power and prejudice in everything…

    Unfortunately, they have a piece of the truth there. There is often a lot going on in premises, definitions, common usages that isn’t obvious.

    R. Emmett Tyrell of The American Spectator used to refer to the “Kultursmog“: the cloud of leftist assumptions that permeated mass discourse.

    One must be vigilant – verging on paranoid – not to be affected, or to refute leftist narratives.

    And there was a similar “smog” of racial and gender assumptions which reinforced racist and sexist practices.

    The danger is that when one has a hammer that has been wielded usefully, it becomes easy to define everything one doesn’t like as a nail – and to wield that hammer as an instrument of power.