The past year has taught me that I’ve been walking amongst millions of dormant authoritarians my entire life…
It just took the right conditions to bring it out.
– Zuby
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Samizdata quote of the dayThe past year has taught me that I’ve been walking amongst millions of dormant authoritarians my entire life… It just took the right conditions to bring it out. Scary. – Zuby March 30th, 2021 |
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Turn em on, tune em in, drop em out.
Just as scary is the number of unthinking sheep begging to be told what to think and do. For ‘safety’. To fit in. To feel morally superior. Or any other reason. 😢
It is enlightening to read the history of the campaigners who originally strove to set the masses free. There were people who were imprisoned for speaking out against all kinds of injustices. They went off to prison willingly because they considered their cause to be massively important. Now people are just giving away those hard won freedoms because they just don’t know any better.
I first developed an admiration for Zuby when he broke the British women’s deadlift record.
Since then he has often not been afraid to say that the emperor is naked.
It depends on what Zuby means and I’m not sure what that is. There have always been people who want to order others about and tell them how to live their lives and it seems to me that such people were becoming increasingly influential long before Covid. It’s arrival has, however, been a wet dream of an opportunity for them that, predictably, they have seized with enthusiasm. But the millions are surely those who are happy to be told what to do and think by these people – George Atkisson’s unthinking sheep.
I have been following him for quite some time and what he means is all the people who become outraged when someone dares question the narrative of submitting to total control by the state.
For once a take a less gloomy view than the writer.
I believe that, regardless of opinion polls, most people go along with the totalitarianism (and it is totalitarianism – not “authoritarianism”), because we are PUNISHED IF WE DO NOT.
The ritual humiliations of masks and all the rest of it are NOT something most people want – we obey because we are punished if we disobey.
Who are you and what have you done with Paul Marks?
Something tells me Zuby has problems with democracy when things aren’t going his way.
Probably a Remainer.
Something tells me you have a problem with black people 😉 Democracy is vastly overrated & everyone has a problem with it if things aren’t going their way. I’m a classically liberal constitutionalist rather than a democrat, I suspect he is too.
Lots of very sensible people were Remainers for a variety of reasons. I just happened to disagree on balance even if I shared some of their concerns.
OK, but millions of such people??
Not to mention that he cannot literally walk amongst millions of such people, unless he lives in London. Which i suppose he does.
Do not worry Perry – I am back to being my normal depressed self.
I posted stuff from mainstream sources (Steve Hilton and Tucker Carlson) about the origin of Covid 19 in Wuhan – well sourced stuff with lots of medically qualified witnesses.
The response from libertarian friends? “This is why American conservatives seem so strange to English Conservatives – it is like Meghan Markle with……” and “this is fake Moon landing stuff”.
Well my advice last year of “wait till we can get some mainstreamers to report some of this” did not turn out as I had hoped.
I even got the line “this is not politics – it is a public health matter” as if Covid 19 had not been the central issue of POLITICS for the last year, and as if “public health” had not been a political term since the 19th century.
I am reminded of the scene near the start of the film “A Bridge Too Far” – the young officer being led away as a lunatic.
The top brass know he is not mad – they have seen the same photographs of German tanks that he has seen. But the operation has gone too far to be cancelled now – and it would be a bit of a problem to admit that they were sending the British Airborne Division in to be slaughtered.
So off to the funny farm the dissenting officer goes.
What tells you I have a problem with black people Perry?
Nothing at all, but I thought we were just playing the baseless-insinuations-that-might-nevertheless-be-true game 😉
Paul Marks (April 1, 2021 at 1:04 pm), I’m astonished your libertarian friends would treat “escaped from Wuhan lab” as like “moon landings faked”. Anyone might question the lab hypothesis, might say that “we don’t know that it was”, but not to see that “escaped from Wuhan lab” was a sensible hypothesis when the Wuhan flue first appeared, and has never been disproved let alone rendered absurd at the level of “moon landings faked”- that is batshit crazy.
– We know the lab was doing “gain of function” research in the relevant area because Fauci funded them to, after legal changes obliged him to cease funding such research in the US. So we have Means.
– If we assume accidental release then Motive for release is needless. Motive for subsequent cover-up is obvious – you hardly need to be a full-fledged libertarian to know that “China is asshole”.
– Pre-2020 reports criticising the Wuhan lab’s safety standards establish Opportunity for such an accident.
So while anyone can say we don’t know that it came from the lab, the lab is a suspect and the alibi from the WHO is worthless (to some degree that has been sotto-voce admitted within the WHO).