In the internet age, for a political party to get their message out, talking to the Old Media is an option, not a necessity.
– Perry de Havilland
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Samizdata quote of the daySamizdata Illuminatus (Arkham, Massachusetts) · Internet · Media & Journalism · Slogans & Quotations In the internet age, for a political party to get their message out, talking to the Old Media is an option, not a necessity. – Perry de Havilland May 21st, 2019 |
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Good headline / executive summary 🙂
For those interested in the nitty-gritty detail of how exactly that is achieved, I recommend Dominic Cummings’s Blog and the many articles there.
On the referendum #20: the campaign, physics and data science – Vote Leave’s ‘Voter Intention Collection System’ (VICS) now available for all
If they are not a progressive-left party, it’s a bad option. The Old Media no longer act in good faith.
I think you hit the nail on the head, Ferox. It’s not just that Old Media consumption is falling off, because it’s not falling off as much as New Media types would like to think. It’s that if you don’t subscribe to the approved opinions, you’re simply wasting your time at best, and at worst colluding in the assassination of your own character.
I don’t know how someone who isn’t a super lefty can make the old media work for them, however, we should not underestimate their power. With the present situation in the USA the President should be destined for a landslide victory in 2020. However he is not, and that is almost entirely due to the constant bombardment of dishonest reporting headed his way.
I beg to differ. The United Australia party, recently created by Clive Palmer, was able to take out massive ads in the mainstream media, mainly papers, and their preferences are being credited/blamed with helping the Coalition win seats.
It’s better, old hostile media will fall over itself to report what you do. So be outrageous tweet a bit and have a Party name that reminds the population of the shit the Establishment pulled…..
This is going to be tested tomorrow Perry.
If the people elect such candidates as Carl Benjamin (“Sargon of Akkad”) then the idea that the “mainstream media” are not that important will be proved correct.
But if people the media have SMEARED (such as Carl Benjamin and “Tommy Robinson”) LOSE tomorrow – then media smear campaigns still work.
So it is an empirical question – and we can all watch and see.
“In the internet age, for a political party to get their message out, talking to the Old Media is an option, not a necessity.”
Sadly this is fast becoming false. Brexit Party are a random dash of luck but it’s unlikely in 5 years time you could repeat it. The fact is the big tech companies are fast removing the reach of libertarian and conservative voices and they will not be able to engage in the political process at all in the future. Social media is the modern printing press platform and a necessity for political discourse: those social media sites have already done a lot to remove non-leftist voices from their platforms. It’s only a matter of time. Brexit Party will not be a repeatable occurrence, they will move to make sure that never happens again.
For all intents and purposes the BBC and Channel 4/Sky News still control what people think.
Not true. It isn’t just the Brexit Party, it was the Referendum. And Trump in the USA. And the Yellow Vests in France. And the election in Israel. And the election in Australia.
BBC & C4 clearly DON’T still control what people think, proved by 52% of UK electorate voting FUCK OFF in spite of MSM predicting end of the fucking world if we didn’t vote Remain.
Dunno about that, Paul. I met Carl Benjamin a couple times when he was unknown outside the shitlord circles (not that I’ve got anything against YouTube shitlords 😆 ) but I really don’t see the appeal of this guy. Tommy Robinson is also an acquired taste, so if they both lose, it’s probably because they’re crap candidates, not because the MSM shafted them. These are two really niche people, not convinced many punters would know what to make of them.
I think that’s a pretty good point, but UKIP people also have two other disadvantages that the unknowns running for Brexit Party don’t have to worry about…
Firstly, UKIP has some overstated but not entirely unfair “image issues”, which is why Farage started again from scratch.
Secondly, everyone in the UK knows who Nigel Farage is, unless they’ve spent the last 15 years living in a croft in the Outer Hebrides. But if you stopped 10 people at random on a typical high street in Britain & asked them who Gerard Batten is, you’d be lucky to find more than one who knows. Face it, no one is voting for Lance Forman, Jimi Ogunnusi or Richard Tice (Brexit Party candidates in case you were wondering), they are all really voting for Nigel Farage.
But who the hell is Gerard Batten? Someone with no name recognition & who is prone to repeating twitter conspiracy theories. He doesn’t have any coattails for anyone else to ride in on.
I repeat – this is an empirical question. We will find out on Sunday.
If such people as Carl Benjamin (“Sargon of Akkad”) and “Tommy Robinson” win – then I will accept that “mainstream media” smear campaigns are not as effective as I believe them to be.