Hopefully from a future in a parallel universe…
(found sloshing around on the interwebz)
We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people. Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house] Authors
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A book from the future?March 20th, 2018 |
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That’s way off, all flesh will be eaten raw. Got to keep CO2 emissions down.
What isn’t clear in this picture is that that guy isn’t making fire for himself, he is making it for “the community”, which of course means the leadership first. Once they have used as much fire as they need they might deign to give him a spark or two to warm himself. After all, to do otherwise would be grossly selfish.
The cover art is clearly meant as Labour’s rebuke to our previous post.
See the writings of Ken Livingstone in the early 1980s, for an example of the ‘primitive’ strain in left-wing thought. (Anyone besides me recall Red Ken’s explanation of how Mankind was born free in the stone age but the evil snake of capitalism and private ownership corrupted us sometime around the invention of agriculture?)
Professor Hawking’s last work was on detecting parallel universes – and the gentleman was a strong supporter of the “redistribution” that leads an advanced society back to the stone age.
That is the interesting thing – not so much Mr Corbyn (there have always been evil collectivists), but the massive support Mr Corbyn has among the population (including highly intelligent people such as the late Professor Hawking). Most people really do seem to think of income and wealth as like a “pie” with government as a kind parent cutting up the pie into “fair shares”.
Hopefully we will not be alive when the cannibalism starts – when “eat the rich” stops being a slogan and becomes practice. And of course “the rich” will turn out to be anyone.
The food will still be eaten raw if you try that with your hands instead of a bow.
But that probably does make it accurate for life under Cornyn.
Indeed, Fixed Wealth fallacy is one of the most pernicious and patently absurd fallacies around.
No, no, that cover’s wrong. Under Corbyn fire would be sent back to the gods. It’s the original means by which human beings achieved technology and destroyed the environment, and it would be taken away from us for our own good, or at least for the good of the planet. That fellow with the fire drill would be dragged away and humanely put to death . . . at least, as humanely as you can be without technology.
Oh, yeah. Free to lose all your teeth and die before thirty, free to watch your kids die before their first birthday, free to starve, free to freeze to death, free from all of that reading and knowledge crap, free to be a slave when the bad guy down in the swamp has enough sons and spears to take you . . .
But we yearn for that freedom, and for the carefree, simple life, right? Perhaps if we round up all of the True Communists and set them down in their new country somewhere in the middle of Africa to live as they choose . . .
Has anyone else noticed how much younger Corbyn looks in that drawing than he does in real life? Going back to nature will rejuvenate us all!
The Neanderthals were really primitive compared to Corbyn’s buddies. They didn’t have any concentration camps like modern communist, progressive states.
“Has anyone else noticed how much younger Corbyn looks in that drawing than he does in real life?”
That’s not Corbyn in the picture – Corbyn’s standing behind the artist, getting ready to step-forward to collect the Fire Tax.
Is it me or does it look like he’s wearing a russian hat ?
Zero sum thinking is pure “Hunter and gather” tribalism. I suspect that to some extent it’s as ingrained in us as Jungian Archetypes. This is what Jung meant by collective unconscious.
There is another side of positive sum that is verboten today. And that’s the idea of belonging to other people. A wife “belongs” to her husband, and he “belongs” to her. And their children belong to the parents and parent to their children. Mutual belonging means love and mutual responsibility.
Zero-sum thinkers view belonging to someone as meaning controlling them as an object to use; win-lose. Positive sum thinkers think in win-win, and a sense of belonging means commitment and nurtures the soul, (human spirit).
Feminists and SJW’s have lead a frontal attack on belonging and our dissociated modern society is the result.