…in comedic opportunities. They are going to come think and fast and this truly is a great time to be in the satire business.
Oh the humanity!
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Trump causes his first bull market……in comedic opportunities. They are going to come think and fast and this truly is a great time to be in the satire business. Oh the humanity! November 10th, 2016 |
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Funny, but wait until they are serious. đ
This is gentle – but the offensive “humour” has already started.
Lots of really nasty stuff on television and so on.
The left are going to pile on now.
“The left are going to pile on now.”
For decades, the left has been piling on, and we’ve been chagrined and embarrassed and apologetic. Our fear of offending progressives has been a huge handicap.
If Trump has done anything for us, it’s to make us realize that the best response – the most productive response, the most honest response – is this:
Screw you. You’re offended? Good!
I have to think that the freedom he gave people to express such thoughts was one of the reasons he won.
I would have to agree with bobby.
This is why Reagan and Thatcher were so good. They enacted their policies, and when the left criticized them, they didn’t apologise and back down, they defended them, and showed strength. Since then we’ve had years of RINO squishes who fold at the first hint of trouble, and a UK Conservative Party run by people who worry what gets said about them at Hampstead dinner parties.
I would have to agree with Bobby too. Enough is enough. If the Left want to “pile on”, then two can play that game.
If the Left want to âpile onâ, then two can play that game.
Indeed. F’r instance:
Trump Evicts Black Family From Home
-can you blame him? They haven’t lived up to the terms of the lease since they got there.
Most interestingly, some feel the Donald’s delight in doing so, was a big factor behind his winning: http://reason.com/blog/2016/11/09/trump-won-because-leftist-political-corr He may carry the point a bit too far, but it’s unmistakably a point.
A key point in many a “hold your nose and vote for him” argument, from instapundit to my more lowly self, was precisely that the media would “pile on” Trump whereas they would cover up for Clinton, so he alone could “make this whole checks and balances thing work”, as Glenn put it.
That we can point out media bias on the many occasions when they exaggerate or invent is a bonus. If they restrained themselves strictly to just assessments of his errors, think how restraining that would be to us. đ
(That said, I’d gladly accept such a wonderful and improbable miracle if a chastened left-wing media were to offer it.)
I’m with bobby b, too. These people need to be offended, good and hard, and as frequently as can be managed. Until such people grow an epidermis, and learn to live with the occasional (and often unintended) offense, we won’t have a truly civil society. I view causing offense to the SJWs, snowflakes and leftists generally as a form of civic duty.
Since most liberal humorists have more or less been in deep hibernation for the past 8 years, we cannot expect them to be ready to do their best work anytime soon.
So conservatives and libertarians will have to do the heavy comedic lifting.
Sounds familiar?
To the point of a hostile press, honestly, I am kind of glad it is there even though their rank bias and dishonesty are nauseous.
Right now one side has the presidency, senate and house, in a few months they will set up the supreme court (and the rest of the federal Judiciary) for themselves for the next twenty years, and here, my friends is the real kicker: 2018? The democrats have close to a dozen extremely vulnerable senate seats, and there is a really significant possibility that the senate will go filibuster proof to the repubs.
We need some sort of check to that unadulterated power. All that is left is the press and internecine fighting among the republicans. I think we should all encourage both for our own safety.
Yes Bobby B has a point.
One example of what is happening is an elderly Professor for Utah (yes Utah) put on the various international television stations to say…….
White people are “fearful”, that is why they voted for Donald Trump and that is why he (the gentle professor with a tear in his eye) is concerned there will be yet more violence against nonwhites.
No facts – no evidence that white people murder black people more than they are murdered by black people. No wonder some people end up “Alt Right” racists – with people such as the “gentle” Professor (name – basically any name) spitting in their faces all-day-every-day.
When it comes to comedic opportunities, I can’t help thinking that come January 20th, a former reality TV star could make a special edition of a British TV show that mixes up two households for 10 days and sees what happens, Wifeswap, which as Kenny Everett would have put it, is in the best possible taste. That way Hillary gets to go into the White House, and Melania gets value for money from her Secret Service detail.
“I view causing offense to the SJWs, snowflakes and leftists generally as a form of civic duty.”
All civic duty should be this much fun.
“ . . . there is a really significant possibility that the senate will go filibuster proof to the repubs.”
Harry Reid cancelled the filibuster for everything except USSC justice nominations, allowing Obama to pack (as one example) the DC Circuit Court of Appeals, which is the court that reviews many of Obama’s executive actions. Several very clearly unconstitutional measures got through because of that. A week ago, Reid announced (in full expectation of Hillary’s win) that he would be pushing to cancel the filibuster on votes for USSC justices, also.
Scott Walker is now pushing the idea that there’s no reason to wait. If the Dems were going to do it anyway, we ought to do it now. Again, our politeness has been our downfall – why do we depend on the civility of the Dems, to our ultimate dismay? Why wait until they do it when we know they’re going to do it first chance it behooves them? Especially when they’ve actually announced their intention.
This is a lot more fun then talking about how bad it’s going to be when Hillary wins.
I think the original version of that headline was “Black Family Evicted From Government Housing”, in 2012.
Democracy leads to disorder. This is endemic to its nature. The Left must cry wolf until a wolf appears – if only to justify their own existence. There must always be backwards people requiring progress to justify the forever war: the destruction of order.
And turning basically decent, ordinary folks into racists isn’t good for social order.
“Bull market”
Didn’t the Dow close at a new high?
(Sorry, Paul Krugman. “Never” seems to have come early this decade.)
âI view causing offense to the SJWs, snowflakes and leftists generally as a form of civic duty.â
Laird you are spot on. At the end of each day everyone should ask themselves, “Have I offended an SJW today?” If the answer is “No” then the quota for the morrow is increased by one.
My wife was a lecturer at one of our Loonyversities and I got to go to a few of their “gatherings”. An almost endless supply of SJWs to shock and torment. It was great fun until she retired. Mind you I was never “invited” but always went as “the partner”. I think she got as much fun out of it as I did for I was never chastised for “poor behaviour”.
I’d enjoy offending SJWs as much as the next guy, but (un)luckily for me, I don’t tend to run into those almost anywhere.
Be that as it may, here’s someone who, unlike me, has actual skin in the game. His book is rather pricey, but as I’m interested in the (unrelated) subject anyway, I may just contribute to his efforts by buying it.
@Perry de Havilland: I suspect that you may have probably meant that to read:
– i.e., not “think”.