I am not a huge fan of twitter but sometimes it is a good place to get a sober heads up on breaking show biz stories…
Elfwick is a genius.
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Interesting arts and entertainment news…I am not a huge fan of twitter but sometimes it is a good place to get a sober heads up on breaking show biz stories… Elfwick is a genius. October 25th, 2016 |
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That is stinkin’ hilarious.
I see the BBC is still calling them ‘children’ as if no one has noticed that these grizzled guys in their 30’s are grizzled guys in their 30’s. I guess they just can’t believe anyone gets their news from anywhere else other than the BBC 🙄
btw I love the new edit comment function 😎
Careful. You’ll trigger a Labour MP
Ben, I hope someone figures out that there is a maximum human tolerance for triggers or microaggressions–a point at which an individual is so overwhelmed by such stimuli that she melts into a catatonic state. A barrage able to bring that about could then be unleashed, and for at least a while such people will leave the rest of us alone.
Gene, Yes! But I was thinking more along the line of blipverts for SJWs!
The ‘age’ thing has a statutory basis in the Modern Slavery Act 2015 section 51 which allows the dis-application of reason or evidence in certain circumstances and obliges a public authority to treat, say, George Burns as a juvenile if he said he is, as that would (these days) be reasonable grounds to believe that he may be under 18.
If he swears he’s a sweet little twelve-year-old gay Somalian girl who needs to shower with your twelve-year-old daughter to feel truly welcome in your society, who are you to contradict him . . . er . . . her . . . er . . . hx?
Give it a year. We’ll be jailing parents who deny their kids sleepovers with pedophiles. Because of the pedophiles’ feelings, ya know? (Or, maybe, given the appellate reversal of the conviction of the poor sodomizer because the little German kid with anal injuries didn’t properly convey his lack of interest in sex, we’re already there.)
There could be an Oscar in this for De Niro!
That’s a bit of a tipping point for me, that ruling. If the Austrians are just going to shrug their shoulders at that, they’re finished. If that was Russia, the kid’s father would be out with an AK-47 doing what the justice department would not. I don’t think I’ve seen a more sickening and bizarre ruling in my life.
I am sure he will not play a Cuban refugee and even less that will have drowned Cuban children.
Oops i forgot, those are called by the media “dissidents”.
I just thought of a great new show! We could call it Thriver! A boatload of refugees crashland on a deserted jetty, and hide on the property of the rich man who owns the jetty, trying to live undiscovered in the city! The winner would be the one who doesn’t get evicted by the irate owner!
You are correct lucklady – when a real child was taken from Florida back to Communist Cuba, screaming – and by government thugs with automatic rifles, the “liberals” cheered.
The left are liars and hypocrites.
I am confused – it seems that some of them are in fact children, by any definition. What am I missing?
Yes *some* of them are. But some of them are manifestly not.
@Alisa – try THIS or THIS to see what the objection is …
As bobby b. notes, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Wait until these folks discover what passes for tolerance and diversity in the West.
“Wait, Achmed – you are telling me that, if I say that I believe I am a woman, the law in this country says that I may go into a woman’s locker room, and they cannot throw me out? In fact, if anyone objects, the police will come and arrest that person, for objecting?
Achmed, my cousin, I love you, but it is my leg that you are pulling. This cannot be the truth.
You are assuring me that this is so? On the grave of the Prophet?
Oy, vey, these Westerners are even more crazy than I ever believed possible.”
They have already figured how to game the legal systems of the nations they invade to obtain asylum, security, benefits and pretty-much anything else they want. Don’t think they won’t figure out how to game this sort of insanity as well.
As noted above, a legal system which can absolve the violent rapist of a 10-year-old boy, can be gamed to absolve anyone of anything.
Thanks for the links, Phil – that was me being thick earlier, but I have caught Perry’s drift by now… An as others said, none of this is surprising at all.
You mean, “when a real child was taken from Florida back to his actual father?”
Do you support taking children away from their parents for political purposes? I expected better than that from you.
They couldn’t get Clint Eastwood?
Don’t be ridiculous, Di Nero looks at LEAST 10 years too old for the part of unaccompanied minor Islamic war refugee.
I honestly can’t understand it. Surely they have an age of consent in Austria and surely it’s greater than 10? In which case the issue of communication of lack of consent never comes into play because a ten year old child isn’t fucking capable of consenting in the first place.