If you see FRENCH MAN ARRESTED AFTER BOMB ATROCITY as a BBC website headline, you know that there might have been a bomb, there might have been an atrocity, and the person arrested was probably a man. But you can be quite sure he wasn’t French.
Samizdata quote of the dayIf you see FRENCH MAN ARRESTED AFTER BOMB ATROCITY as a BBC website headline, you know that there might have been a bomb, there might have been an atrocity, and the person arrested was probably a man. But you can be quite sure he wasn’t French. 24 comments to Samizdata quote of the day |
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And if you read “motive unknown” in the same circumstances, you can rank a certain motive as “most probable motive”.
How do they know he is a man?
Did they ask what gender identity ze had chosen for that day.
If you see a witnessed crime report in the US papers, and you see NO reference to the race, sex, gender or political party in the first paragraph, you can safely bet the ALLEGED perpetrator was a negro, a woman, a homosexual, or a Democrat.
All depending on pertinence to the crime of course.
I remember the PONAs (people of no appearance) rioting in Tottenham for the BBC. I had to switch to RT to see a wide angle shot of them: I thought I recognized a particular minority group dominating the looting, but it was my lying eyes.
No. he’ll be French. And his grandparents will have been born under the tricolour, too. In Algeria, Morocco, Mali…
See the 6 Minnesota Men arrested series over at Power Line. By paragraph four in the approved news account Somalian origins finally emerge, if you read that far.
Kudos to pete for the above comment. We need to spend more time pointing out the arrogance of the press when they gender-assign so shamelessly. There’s an excellent Alinskian point to be made there. And made again. And again.
The disparity in crime rates between ethnic groups in the United States is one of those little nuisance truths that the (overwhelmingly leftist) American media is desperate to conceal.
They will go to great lengths to avoid it … for example, you can watch weeks of MSM coverage of Black Lives Matter thuggery without hearing a single mention of the extraordinarily pertinent UCR or NCVS data regarding race and crime rates.
BBC would never put an “atrocity” adjective in an act of violence if it was done by the Left.
A while back, there was a report of a woman gang-raped on a Baltic ferry by several “Swedish” men – all of whom were Somali or Sudanese or Middle Eastern Moslem immigrants.
becuase quite obviously terror attacks are never carried out by people who were born in western Europe are they?
Not lately, no.
becuase quite obviously terror attacks are never carried out by people who were born in western Europe are they?
Moving the goalposts, fifteen yard penalty!
Where one’s mother gave birth is not the same as whether one is French (or more generally Western European).
Was it not the 1st Duke of Wellington who observed , in response to being described as Irish, that being born in a stable didn’t make Christ a horse.
I don’t think the Duke mentioned Christ, I think he just said – if a man is born in a stable that doesn’t make him a horse.
rosenquist may have slightly misunderstood my point, perhaps being unfamiliar with the BBC. The point is not about who commits terrorist acts, but how the BBC and friends report them. If an actual Frenchman did a bombing (in France) they’d say PARIS BOMB SUSPECT ARRESTED or PASTRY CHEF ARRESTED IN PARIS BOMB PROBE. It’s the manic insistence on FRENCH that alerts you that they’re desperately waving to distract your attention from the fact that he was a Muslim immigrant from somewhere else. Of course if a Scotsman committed a bombing in Peru, his Scottishness would be newsworthy, and worth putting in the headline. But such events are rare.
i once found a BBC headline – something like AUSTRALIAN MAN ARRESTED IN FAILED BOMB ATTACK. Reading the story, the failed bomb attack had happened in Sydney or Melbourne. For a naif, the obvious question is – if the attempted crime took place in Australia, why mention that the perp is Australian ? But a savvy child of five understands that “Australian” is there to create a mental picture of Shane Warne in your head. The BBC would like you to begin speculating that perhaps it was someone disaffected with beer taxes. Anyway on the BBC website they usually have a few links on the right hand side, related to the story. So for fun I followed them, to earlier and other reports on the same case. In the end I pursued seventeen related stories. It took me five links to discover that his name was Ahmed or Mohammed something, rather than Daryll or Greg something. And only on the 17th was it finally revealed that this Ahmed was a naturalised Australian from Pakistan.
Sorry to belabour the point, but for the avoidance of doubt I’m quite prepared to believe that Western Europeans can plant bombs – we’ve had Irish terrorists, Italian terrorists, German terrorists, Basque terrorists. The point is that when the BBC et al stand in front of their story pointing off to the side and shouting “look over there” – they don’t want you to look straight ahead.
Quite so. However, given the era in which he said it, I would say the inference was indeed that Christ was not a horse 😉
But it never works. Now everyone who reads a BBC article using the word ‘Asian’ as proxy for ‘Muslim’ now assumes all crimes involving an ‘Asian’ now involve a ‘Muslim’, even though it might not have been the case.
At least (AFAIK) it is only the media and pundits doing this here for now. The following is quoted from a news report of a gun shooting in Sweden on 26th July 2016.
“As is normal for Sweden, no description of the sought attacker whatsoever was released. This practice emerged last year because the force wanted to avoid being accused of racism for always seeking individuals fitting a similar non-Swedish ethnic profile.”
A comment above refers to PONA (people of no appearance) on the BBC. When our police start seeking “perpetrators of no appearance” that will mark a fresh stage in the process. (I suspect some voted for Brexit in the hope of avoiding that next step.)
I think this one paragraph more than adequately sums up a society which is so hogtied by left wing PC thought that it simply cannot survive in the long term. The Swedish authorities have just lost the capacity for rational thought and self-preservation.
In a way this is appropriate, as during the period from the 1950s to the 80s, leftists always pointed to Sweden as their perfect society. For a time it may well have been. However, leftism always contains the seeds of its own destruction. There was no need for the Swedes to invite millions of aliens who cannot be assimilated into their country. They chose to do so, and in the medium to long term, it will destroy their society. A country called Sweden may continue to exist, but it will have more in common with Syria or Iraq than the egalitarian and homogenous society they had until the 1990.
I say this more in sorrow than in anger, because Sweden is blazing the trail for the destruction of liberal, open Western societies. It is a fight we will all face eventually.
Indeed. The “funny” thing is that describing these criminals as Asian is actually racist, while describing them as Muslim is nothing of the sort. Some (/many/most?) on the Left have gone so far up their own posteriors, that they are beginning to emerge from the opposite end of the track.
“A Muslim is just as French as anyone else”.
Accept that Islam teaches that the community of believers (who can be of any “race”) are a POLITICAL community. Not just in a special bit of land (like Jews in Israel) but EVERYWHERE – the whole world.
Does a “French” Islamic bomber see themselves as French? No they do not see themselves as French – they see themselves as part of the world wide Islamic Political Community (the community of believers). So if they do not regard themselves as French – why should anyone else regard them as French.
But can a Frenchman be as Muslim as anyone else . Sure if he repudiated French law and the intellectual and cultural history of France.
Now, if it were “FRENCH MAN SURRENDERS AFTER BOMB ATROCITY”, that might be a bit more believable.
(I kid)
The stable & horse quote is often attributed to the Duke of Wellington but was actually said about him by Daniel O’Connell, attempting to reject any claim of legitimacy of the Iron Duke’s government (as Prime Minister) over Ireland.