The Independent (still alive online) reports:
More from the International Business Times:
Hackers target Isis supporters with thousands of graphic ‘Pornbots’ sex images
Unconventional warfareThe Independent (still alive online) reports: More from the International Business Times:
24 comments to Unconventional warfare |
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As a member of the 4Chan community, you’re welcome.
The next stage is to take the ISIS videos that are being distributed and re-edit them so that after 30 seconds or so it plays hardcore gay porn.
It’s all about sending a message, a satirical message.
Love it!
Their ideas of camaraderie, religiosity, duty and, quite crucially, empowerment through a kind of ‘thug life’/Kalashnikov existence have been very powerful.
And where does that come from exactly? Nothing to do with the earlier glorious and righteous life of their founder? No amount of dick pics are going to scrub that from existence.
the best weaponry is comedy and ridicule, something that twitbook et al are all too keen to suppress.
Probably not quite what Jerry Pournelle had in mind when he coined the phrase “Cultural weapons of mass destruction”, but whatever works.
Well done, chaps!
I trust no goats or sheep were harmed.
I’m sure they’ll be able to console themselves with some Yazidi sex slaves. “Trolling” ISIS with 5.56NATO rounds thru their filthy heads is much more effective than sending silly ass porn.
But it will be easier to ‘troll’ ISIS if the Isisters are watching tv!
@ Vinegar Joe : You can’t shoot all the people that need shooting. Not even if you have as many guns as I have.
You don’t win a game of whack-a-mole by whacking moles. You win it by attritting the supply of moles, for the whacking of.
That’s what these people are doing.
I remember after 2001 there was an internet thread on the idea that burying Jihadist suicide bombers in pigskin would be horrifying to them, while not offending our principles. It ran for quite a while before a note of sanity was injected: that the Jihadist suicide bombers were not in fact so very deterred by that particular threat.
These spam attacks _may_ prove a way of degrading their recruitment effectiveness or their street cred. We should note, however, that this idea, even more than the pigskin one, has all the elements to make it attractive to the Independent; we (enlightened and unprejudiced people) have no problem with this but they (bigoted, fundamentalist) will be horrified by it. And it needs no horrible, nasty physical fighting so (even better! – and even more important to us!) it does not empower that horrible military; ‘fighting’ them this way empowers not evil soldiers but good sex fantasists.
I will not channel the Independent in reverse by saying that therefore it won’t work. I think we should be attentive to independently-verified evidence of whether it is working or not – and I do mean independently-verified, not Independently-verified. 🙂
Why on earth do we want to stem recruitment? This is an excellent way of flushing out the naughty people, who then leave the country. Admittedly, they are allowed to come back, but that is part of a much wider issue, and does not involve just those who left.
I think the point here is not that this will stop people joining, but that the appearance of homosexual porn on the recruitment streams may create an image that is at odds with that our ISIS friends would want to portray. Note that part of their appeal is their modern-ancient appearance of uniting internet savvy with an (ahistorical) Islamic revival; if one part of this is challenged then their image is challenged.
In a way this might not stop many fanatics going to die (which seems to be a pretty good bet if you join ISIS now – they seem to have lost their Libyan towns) but it might cause doubts in the larger pool of possible tacit supporters. And to be honest, I would probably not read Samizdata if everytime I opened up the site I got lots of pictures of genitalia – just too much hassle to explain to friends and family…
My general view is that we don’t want to kill other people – you know, that do no harm principle…
I think Vinegar Joe has it about right.
Still people should do what they can do to upset ISIS>
Although killing them is the best thing.
I view this more than a mere funny hack.
Lets’ keep in mind that a certain percentage of future ISIS warriors are virgin boys who relish the thought of an automatic entrance into “paradise” where they have 72 virgin sex slaves (because this is what “god” is about, sex slave little girls, right? Well, if it’s good enough for the prophet…)
Perhaps porn could be used to undermine the efforts of the recruiters to some limited extent, OR it could simply “prove” that non-Muslim western women are all whores “asking for it”. Scandinavia is already feeling the brunt of this worldview. It’s difficult to tell how such an experience would be interpreted by people living in such a warped and twisted social shoe-box of a culture.
I think gay porn would largely backfire. (Since most men seeing gay porn won’t “become” open to the gay experience”.) It would largely flame the fires that end with harmless people dangling from cranes by their throats.
I think what WOULD work to a degree is propaganda from “moderate” Muslims that Allah does not want an Islamic war with the world….but the real problem there is that the actual suras are on the side of the fanatics….because the koran and the hadith are fanatical and becomes increasingly so from front to back, (They’re krikkit warriors, remember?), and their eschatology DOES INDEED focus and depend on Islam conquering the planet by force.
The subject and attitude of the comments just highlights the moral depravity of the west.
It will show true believers what weak people they have to deal with.
People who wont fight but flaunt their culture instead.
It’s all rather silly really, the kind of thing that a keyboard warrior would find amusing, so long as he never personally faces any dangers it’s all a big laugh. The problem is that we as a culture don’t want to win wars anymore, we want to negotiate them away. When we kill 30% of their military age men, they’ll surrender, that’s the baseline for winning a war. If you’re not prepared to push that magic button that would do that, then you’re not emotionally prepared to win the war. Then men who won WWII never turned away from inflicting casualties, even on friendly civilians if it was necessary, and certainly not on enemy civilians. If it was useful to kill 50,000 people then they did so. Where are our champions of victory advocating what is necessary? They are mighty few and far between.
Well I have been shot at, shelled, and have an amusing after-dinner shtick about the time I accidental found myself taking a piss in a minefield, and yet I found this hilarious.
I sort of agree with both Perry de H and Mr Black above. The WWII “aspidistra” ariel broadcast some funny stuff when it was pretending to be a German site. The death of “der Seckt” is hilarious. However we won the war by killing the needed percentage of German soldiers. The faux-German propaganda broadcasts may have helped – or sometimes not, as they were often seen through. I’d say the BBC’s reputation in those days for telling it like it was helped a lot more.
You win wars by using all the tools at hand, be they bullets or propaganda. But that said, I think Mr Black is right: we aren’t really prepared to “win” this war, partly because we don’t have a workable or widely accepted definition of what “winning” means; partly because we as a people don’t have the stomach for facing the realities of war; and partly because many people don’t even accept that we are at war in the first place. Hell, we can’t even bring ourselves to define the enemy. “Terrorism” isn’t an enemy, it’s merely a tactic.
To the extent we’re trying to prevail (not “win”) at all, we want it to be entirely antiseptic: a drone war with no casualties on our side, conducted in an impossibly humanitarian manner such that there are no civilian casualties on the other side, either. This is pure fantasy. If nothing changes the inevitable result will be protracted and expensive hostilities ultimately culminating in our defeat. And if we lose we will deserve it, because we don’t have enough belief in our own culture to defend it.
Of course he is right abut the disinclination of the First World to actually win wars. But his first sentence also means he is a gratuitously offensive jackass as well as being wrong about what sort of person might find aspects of psychological warfare amusing.
Take this, for example, in which some Kurdish Peshmerga, hardly keyboard warriors, amuse themselves annoying some Islamic State fucktards (indeed generating some incoming small arms fire) (warning, this might cause blood to come out of your ears 😛 ) :
I’m not so sure about this whole we-as-a-culture thing. I was not alive between WWI and WWII (heh), so I can’t tell what the public sentiments were at the time in the US and the UK. But my understanding is that Chamberlain’s “peace in our time” speech was received with great enthusiasm by the general public, because the terrible memories of the last war were still fresh enough in most people’s minds.
WWII has now been way too far in the past for most people to remember, but then it’s been some 40 years since Vietnam, not to mention that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are very recent. All of which is to say that on the one hand, there has been no war in recent collective Western memory as terrible and as directly experienced by most people as WWI or WWII. But on the other hand, the complacency we may be perceiving in our general public may be the same sort of wishful thinking demonstrated in that Chamberlain speech. That is, if that perception is even correct, and we are not confusing the thoughts and feelings of a regular Joe with those of the media talking heads and other members of the establishment.
About 10yrs back, I was in a Irish-themed pub in the heart of the Pattaya Thailand nightlife area talking to my ex-pat British friends who were there largely because they were disgusted at what England and especially London was starting to become (in re: to Islam as well as other nanny state-ism). I said a few things pro-churchhill and a few more things anti-chamberlain and you could have heard a pin drop afterwards. I still find that curious. Hitler didn’t decide to attack England until after Chamberlain flew over to grovel at his feet.
The “funny hack” is probably conterproductive overall though. No doubt our CIA and FBI was clocking the traffic to the recruitment sites. Now they’ll just probably all be taken down, leaving the CIA, FBI and LMNOP 😉 holding a whole lotta nothing.
Perry, I dismissed this effort as silly because it is intended to amuse the people who created it as well as their wider audience of like minded folks. If it had zero effect on the enemy they would still do it to amuse themselves, hence it is silly. It is what an unserious culture looks like in war.
Absolutely Mr Black, that, and a ‘hashtag’, I’m sure that one will ‘surface’ soon for recent events.