3.9 million sign petition to replay England vs Iceland
It makes just as much sense as this:
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Replay!3.9 million sign petition to replay England vs Iceland It makes just as much sense as this: June 28th, 2016 |
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I see that was written on Monday at 5pm. I also saw the BBC plugging it all weekend and also on Monday 27th. This was commented on by the news reader and put to his colleague in Brussels for comment etc.
Much of the pathetic and bias media were also doing it: fomenting unrest etc but the big problem I have with this is that the petition was shown to be fraudulent on SATURDAY 25th so why is a ‘non partisan’ national broadcaster with a legal Charter blah blah blah still plugging it as genuine on Monday?
“I see that was written on Monday at 5pm.”
meaning the Telegraph linked article, not the blog-post!
Great idea! Then we can watch England lose 4-1 this time.
3.9 M is about 12 times the population of Iceland, of course.
Anyway, no chance! The Vikings won fair and square, and France is next.
Not that soccer/football is the sport at which Iceland has been most successful.
If England replayed Iceland, the margin of defeat would be even greater.
Oh well, thank goodness for the rugby.
But what if the Icelandic players regret scoring?
And the Scots didn’t get a say in the entire tournament.
Speaking of which, perhaps there is a message in Wales beating Northern Ireland.
A petition re-run makes perfect sense, if one is a scoundrel. Of course, “makes sense” and “is the right thing to do” are 2 completely different things.
A petition for a referendum re-run that is.
Good post Natalie.
Mr Ed, I like your subtle style. 😉
Feh, Astraya whupped the Windies handily to win the Tri-Nation Series after Seth Efrika was given the boot. I’d follow the US nat’l team but the USACA follies make the WICB seem like the adults in the room.
On another note my local town is building a cricket ground due to the high density of Indian residents so I might get to watch some pick-up games locally, woohoo! They are pouring a concrete pitch. Trying to economize on groundskeepers?
Oh well, thank goodness for the rugby
Unkind Jonathan. Down Under we are starting a petition to replay the series.
Not that it would do us much good a the moment. Name change from Wallabies to Wobblies coming up. 🙂
The rules of international football need to be changed such that score is invalid if one side does not score 3x the number of goals of the other (75%/25%) and if less then 80% of the supporters don’t turn up at the stadium.
“3.9 M is about 12 times the population of Iceland, of course.”
You forgot to add the population of Wales. I guess you’ve missed the scene in the Welsh team’s room after the Iceland victory.
Why do they want another vote? The remainers in government will make sure there’s no Brexit.
So you keep saying. I have already said why I think you are wrong but only time will tell.
staghounds, I’m less worried about that now. And anyway, the EU sure as hell wants us gone now.
Indeed they do, which is extremely good news as it limits the potential for Tory chicanery.
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for evil men to do nothing
by not invoking Article 50.
Then we remain.
Do it the way we do it in the U.S. Simply recount the ballots until you get the desired result.
And the Austrian Supreme Court has annulled the Presidential election with the postal vote victory for the Green candidate!
Further complications for the Left and their ‘favoured’ voting outcomes.