Civil Society is what a Constitutional State protects – not what it is
– Paul Marks
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Samizdata quote of the dayFebruary 15th, 2016 |
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Excellent observation.
You know, you’re putting the horse ahead of the cart there.
Here’s the full paragraph containing the quote in the posting. Note the part I put in italics:
“As every Tory (and every OLD Whig) used to know….. the Sword of State is not for making television shows. The clue is in the word “sword”. Civil Society is what a Constitutional State protects – not what it is. Indeed if the state tries to be society (undertake the functions of civil society – or pay for them) the Gates of Hell are opened. Tory folk who put their trust in the monarch and nasty Old Whigs (like me) who believe that the powers of the monarch should be carefully limited by people of property, can at least agree on what the state is (it is organised violence) – what it should do, and what it should NOT do.”
Not really Leslie
Eh? Is the cart supposed to go before the horse? Or am I missing an inside joke here?
Perry, why buy a horse when you don’t have a cart?
If you prefer “Dulce et decorum est” to “Cogito ergo sum”, you are putting Horace before Descartes.
This is what happens when you don’t have the government regulating things.
JMH, you’ve been waiting a long time to use that, haven’t you?
O lawzy me, et tu, JMH?? *E-e-ewww!!!*
Good post Paul Marks – I agree with you.