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It’s a bissextus day.
I don’t have any sound on that video. Is he saying “Bud-weis-er”?
No, I would hope he is saying, well, croaking, “artisanal craft beer”!
Isn’t Budweiser both a quality beer and a mass produced beer due to the fact that there are two completely separate breweries with that name?
Samizdata has covered this question. Three breweries. The original one is the only one generally not allowed to use that name.
Another day wasted by me.
But nice leap by the frog.
Leapin’ lizards!!!
– – – Errr, no, make that Leapin’ Frogs.
“A leap in four saves more?” Hm. Not sure that works. Best I could come up with on such short notice. :>)))
Great video, by the way. Very apt. And engaging.
Oh crap, I forgot to go wish the ONE person I know who only has a birthday celebration once every four years Happy Birthday. I THINK he’s 15 or 16 now.
When you say 15 or 16, do you mean 60 or 64 in our years?
My watch didn’t register Feb 29, and now thinks it’s March 2.
Did anyone get proposed to?
Watch? What’s that? 😛
Yes. However, the mass-produced beer is not legally able to be imported into the US because the high-quality rice-based lager brewed in St. Louis got their trademark registered first.
That was the one day out of 4 years that the frog got out of the pot when the heat was turned on – rather than wait.
So Budweiser is a good beer to drink if you cannot have wheat?
Not good enough.
Rice syrup is just a cheap way to increase the alcohol content of beer without adding flavor or mouthfeel. The US Budweiser (and Miller, and Coors, and all of the other 3.2%ABV brands) starts with some malted barley, but adds rice on top of it.
Now, ponder this: the addition of rice only raises Bud to 3.2%, meaning that there’s just barely enough barley to set off someone with celiac or annoy one of the hipster douche canoes who throws a bitch fit at the grocery store when his artisanal shredded nacho cheese isn’t labeled “gluten free.”