We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.
Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]
I would think this makes ‘Brexit’ more rather than less likely… With EU political leaders nakedly threatening the UK with political and economic punishment if it leaves the EU, they are pretty much making the case for Farage et al.
If ever there was group of politicians just begging for a two finger Agincourt salute, it is the people mentioned in this article.
The bit I find particularly amusing is the notion the great and good in the EU think they can decide post-Brexit if London will remain a financial centre. Actually all it will take is more deregulation to make the UK even more attractive than it is now, and would that be easier in or out of the EU? Well out, obviously.

Who Are We? The Samizdata people are a bunch of sinister and heavily armed globalist illuminati who seek to infect the entire world with the values of personal liberty and several property. Amongst our many crimes is a sense of humour and the intermittent use of British spelling.
We are also a varied group made up of social individualists, classical liberals, whigs, libertarians, extropians, futurists, ‘Porcupines’, Karl Popper fetishists, recovering neo-conservatives, crazed Ayn Rand worshipers, over-caffeinated Virginia Postrel devotees, witty Frédéric Bastiat wannabes, cypherpunks, minarchists, kritarchists and wild-eyed anarcho-capitalists from Britain, North America, Australia and Europe.
American here but disgusted with Big Government everywhere and Brussels is not Big Government but Big Left Wing, Stupid Government that knows no limits. I watch Farage videos when they appear over here and I cheer a sane voice similar to a sane person at the UN.
Tell Brussels to go to hell, assuming Cameron lets you.
We’ll try to elect a Trump or Cruz to help you along, assuming Trump is not fibbing with his his anti-Establishment musings.
The Western World is bankrupt both Economically and Culturally and the big tree is about to fall. Does the tree fall on the ground of freedom and liberty or coercion, taxation and crushing regulation?
Perhaps the EU could move their financial centre to Athens. THAT would show perfidious Albion a thing or two.
London is not primarily a financial centre.
It is a government and administrative centre.
For most of the UK London is the biggest parasite, not the EU.
pete –
London is not primarily a financial centre.
Whatever you’re smoking I’d like some of that. I could do with a break from reality.
It’s amusing that those representatives from other European countries think (or pretend to think, anyway) that they would have any significant bargaining leverage after Brexit. My guess is that they don’t actually believe it, and this is all bluster and show designed to scare the masses.
Like the photo/caption. Am saving it in my archives.
The bit I find particularly amusing is the notion the great and good in the EU think they can decide post-Brexit if London will remain a financial centre
sure they can and they will – at least while the EU and Euro lasts. At least they can decide that London cannot remain an EU financial centre. They’ll just pass EU laws requiring all EU (and especially Euro) investment and pension funds to be kept and managed in EU on pain of confiscation by the Reichsbank (sorry ECB).
Britain standing alone against Fascist Europe, done it before: Napoleon and Hitler meanwhile Trump is likely to tell Europe, tell some one who cares.
How many Englanders(English women are considered English men?) live in France and Spain and how many Frogs live in London?
As for a Financial Centre during the Napoleonic unpleasantness Barings Bank financed the Louisiana Purchase.
So our “friends” are making threats.
Which rather proves they are not friends.
And that if they can do us harm (without harming themselves) they will – and already are.
I had a member of the establishment visit me yesterday.
Nice person – but thinks there should have been a compromise peace with the German Regime in the First World War (and does not understand that 1918 actually was one).
And thinks we should stay in the E.U. – but argue-our-corner more.
Yes have “talks” with people who hate us.
That will work – not.
“But it worked in Northern Ireland Paul”.
No Stephen, actually it did not work.
Unless one thinks that a slow step-by-step take over of everything (education, everything) by the IRA is “worked”.
The E.U. elite hate independent nations – especially the United Kingdom.
They are not people we can be “members of a club” with.
Oh by the way – I know the IRA are “Eurosceptic”.
They (just like the Euro elite) do not like “sharing” power.
They understand that is not possible to share power.
You either have it – or you do not.
Like independence.
Yeah good luck with that.
So the Euro “elite” are going to do what, exactly? Withdraw their massive debt from British banks?
Well, with the refugee problem, Europe won’t invade Britain anytime soon, but if you do leave, won’t you need to upgrade your Navy, so Europe doesn’t decide to incorporate you into the Greater European Co-prosperity Sphere?
Hey, if you’re going to upgrade your navy I have just the ship for you!
Laird, shouldn’t the ship have been made from bio-degradable plastic?
God save our gracious Queen,
Scatter her enemies,
And make them fall:
Confound their politics,
Frustrate their knavish tricks,
Now there was a man who understood foreigners.
Hey, another country heard from:
Wow… a twofer. If that doesn’t make a still-more compelling argument for Brexit, then nothing does.
Nicholas, what a grand idea!
Wildly O/T, but since Laird brought her up, it annoys me all to heck that its G.G. this and G.G. that and “the Gabrielle Giffords shooting.” She only got winged. Judge What’s-‘is-name got dead. You’d think it would be “the Judge ____ shooting.” I don’t think I’m the only one who can’t remember his name. It’s pathetic.
OK, I’ll sit down & be quiet now.
If the border controls are going up within Europe, then there will be no need for a Brexit- the union will shatter of its’ own accord. How long before the Euro goes to the wall? Then the solution will be the German one of a political union with a strong currency. Darn- I wish I’d learned German in school- it will soon be the unofficial language of European finance! Spracken-zee Eurotongue?
Julie, why not take the double-strength placebos. They should keep you quiet for a while. If your doctor won’t prescribe doubles, take two ordinary ones at once.
This is absurd but likely to happen. Scotland will become counties of England.
Now, correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t the Lisbon Treaty guarantee that, if a member left the EU that they would be allowed to trade with them and that the limits and conditions of the trading are pre set? OK, they CAN negotiate the terms of the withdrawal but there is a provision for unilaterally withdrawing.
can’t see how, unless the idiots in Government agree to it, that the financial activities in London should be scaled back or cease. Oh, wait … I’ve just answered my own question …
So the Euro “elite” are going to do what, exactly? Withdraw their massive debt from British banks?
absolutely. Withdraw their massive national debts — and their private millions of euros too.
More to the point: Airbus Siemens Volkswagen Daimler BWM Allianz etc etc move their core banking away.
And everyone in France, and the rest of the place.
They already threatened this once before, during the euro bailout. the UK agreed on the bailout on the condition that the EU not move against the City. After BRexit, what’s there for them to lose? You betcha Merkel would love to do what Herr Hitler didn’t manage – she is a communist after all!
if I’m wrong but didn’t the Lisbon Treaty guarantee that, if a member left the EU that they would be allowed to trade with them
a) nope, and b) doesn’t really matter what the treaties say, maters only what Merkel says.
What Paul Marks said. With ‘friends’ like this, who needs enemies?
Its funny, the Europhiles think they’re being clever by threatening the UK into staying, all they are actually doing is making their opponents point for them.
Can’t flood the Chunnel soon enough!
Julie from Chicago:
It’s worse. In addition to the judge and the kid who had a creepy interest in politics, there were a four other people killed who don’t get mentioned apparently because they were ordinary people and didn’t have a fetish for the state.
“Project Fear” – Mr Cameron’s effort to keep the United Kingdom enslaved to the E.U. – is well under way.
And this talk of punishment if we leave is part of “Project Fear”.
Whether or not “Project Fear” will succeed remains to be seen.
Ted, I’m not sure I even knew there were four other deaths. I did know others were hit.
Of course you have to realize, it’s Ms. Gifford’s 15 minutes (or 15 years) of fame because Sarah Palin personally said something about having the Dims in the campaign crosshairs, or some such terribly threatening metaphor.
It was an open invitation for a lefty kid whackjob to pick a librul target to shoot. (There’s no chance he was aiming for the judge. The very idea is risible. After all the judge was not much of a lefty, as I remember it.)
While I complete agree that this kind of blackmail just shows how urgently we need to leave, there is one point worth mentioning:
That’s not mere bravado, like all that nonsense about “moving the financial centre from London”. In the event of a Brexit vote, Euro politicians will have one overriding priority: stopping others from following suit. So the claim that “they won’t do X, it would harm them more than it will hurt us” won’t necessarily be valid: they will be willing to suffer a lot of self-inflicted pain in order to terrify other EU-waverers from daring to think of leaving along with Britain.
We should quit anyway. But some apparently irrational behaviour on the EU’s part is to be expected and endured.
Bruton said Ireland expected the European Commission “to drive a very tough deal” with Britain in any trade talks
Ireland would wish to make trade more difficult with its biggest trading partner?
Well Ireland has form. After all it pursued an economic ‘policy’ that virtually amounted to pissing down its own pants for a generation after 1932.
Ireland would wish to make trade more difficult with its biggest trading partner?
Ireland would love to move English-speaking Euro businesses from London to Dublin.
they will be willing to suffer a lot of self-inflicted pain in order to terrify other EU-waverers from daring to think of leaving along with Britain
Right. You know, we should just nuke Brussels and Berlin and be done.
It’s what TRUMP™ would do
And I would love to get it on with Kate Beckinsale.
Trump is a rent seeking crony ‘capitalist’ blow hard and will only do what he thinks will give him more money and/or power (the two being somewhat interchangeable).
Perry, you over-simplify. Be fair. It will also stoke his ego.
Trump is a rent seeking crony ‘capitalist’ blow hard and will only do what he thinks will give him more money and/or power (the two being somewhat interchangeable).
So? Doesn’t mean he’s not right. Which is better for the UK – a stupid long drawn out “referendum” processes, or a nice real-life test of the products of Aldermaston (which will also ensure we renew Trident PDQ)
Exit from the EU will never happen.
Trump is a carpetbagger. It astounds me that people in the South would even consider voting for a carpetbagger. I suppose that’s proof that the long march through the institutions has done its work.
Better a carpetbagger than a communist.
‘”There is no such thing as a free lunch. Brexit is something which does not only affect you but affects our country,” said former German deputy finance minister Steffen Kampeter’
I know somewhere on the Senne which has permanent free lunches.
Merkel has been busy summoning an army of new recruits, so all she has to do is give them weapons (training not required, most know how to use them already) and threaten to point them in the UK’s direction. One million coming through the Chunnel will remove whatever is left of any desire for an exit, because unlike any normal army they won’t be going home after they win. They can stay right where they are.
flood the Chunnel. nuke Brussels. assert sovereignty in the only way that means anything.