Sorry about the intermittent server issues we are experiencing. Replacement hamsters are being installed.
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Server grumblesSorry about the intermittent server issues we are experiencing. Replacement hamsters are being installed. May 3rd, 2015 |
![]() 12 comments to Server grumbles |
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But are they free-range hamsters?
“Give me control of the pod bay doors, HAL.”
“I’m sorry, Dave. I cannot do that.”
Aren’t servers defined by gb’s as in gerbils? Replacing them with hamsters is unwise.
They should be replacing the hamsters with hairless guinea pigs; look, little baby hippos, how can you say no?! :
AKM, I will pass the wise suggestion on to our technical boffin 😀
As long as we’re grumbling about the hamsters, I have a technical issue. On neither of my computers does the “Preview” button work. Is that just me, or are others having that problem? (Or does no one but me even bother to use that button?)
Perry, stop giving in to temptation with respect to the hamsters. I know how much you enjoy them, but we must have our blog.
I use Apple devices for context. I use Preview and it always works for me. I do find that on an iPad Safari can crash if I try to insert a link, which is why I sometimes post a link ‘in clear’, giving a preview on the comment post rather than blue text.
Preview works for me (Windows7), and I’m using it more often as I get older…
But… but… they are so delicious!
how about weaponized hamsters?
I do love the hamster gladiators. The only problem is eventually the pet stores begin to wonder why you buy so many hamsters.
Social Justice for HAMSTERS!!!!