I think it is safe to say that the first Social Justice Warrior to be spaced has already been born.
(For non-spacers, that means “tossed out of the airlock… without a space suit.”)
In the spirit of the Guardian…I think it is safe to say that the first Social Justice Warrior to be spaced has already been born. (For non-spacers, that means “tossed out of the airlock… without a space suit.”) 20 comments to In the spirit of the Guardian… |
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The war with forces of evil (the forces of “Social Justice”) is eternal – it was fought in the caves and on the plains, and it will be fought in outer space.
“He went thataway, eyes poppin’ and peein’ blood.” — RA Heinlein
Paul Marks
May 9, 2015 at 8:01 pm
“we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender,”
It would be a mighty boring life were there no leftist arseholes to resist.
Well, if for “spacing” you’re thinking of Martin Robbins or his intellectual (sic) descendants, I rather doubt it. No one that stupid would ever be invited aboard a spaceship.
And it was a truly stupid article. How is “making humans citizens of more than one world. A multiplanet species.” equivalent to Manifest Destiny (even as he defines it)? It says absolutely nothing about Americans, or even westerners. Or this gem: “Luckily the only population on Mars that we know of is a handful of rovers, but no doubt we’ll start a war anyway, before dragging them into some form of slavery or oppression.” Enslaving robots?
And who cares if we’re “nice” out there? We’re humans and we’ll still be humans, warts and all, if we colonize other worlds. If only “nice” people are somehow magically selected to be colonists it probably wouldn’t be a very interesting place to live, anyway. Sort of a degenerate version of Golgafrincham Ark B.
Robbins is an utter moron, with nothing to say so he says it at excruciating length.
When the atmosphere of your home planet (such as Mars) qualifies as an industrial grade vacuum back on Earth you have no choice but to treat reality as being real. Fantasies such as Socialism are right out.
Leslie, you lack Faith. :>)))
Well, yes.
Faith in the SJW’s to stick to their program like industrial-strength glue, that is. :>))!!
With nothing useful to contribute to society or consumers, the SJWs need to to lever the fear of imagined exploitation into power for themselves, usually in the media or government.
In the early days of space exploration there will be very little room for such unproductive parasites, but as disposable wealth and resources become available they will eventually affix their lamprey mouths onto it, and call it government (media jobs that pay will be largely extinct by then).
So “Spaced” is the modern “defenestration” in Political Science conflict negotiation?
For non-spacers, that means “tossed out of the airlock… without a space suit.”
For non-Twilight Struggle players, “spaced” means sacrificed to advance the space program, and also a convenient method of getting something out the way for a while, for example the Russian player would “space” Pope John Paul II.
In space, no one can hear you scream.
I guess that means the SJWs are SOOL.
Indeed TK 😀
This all requires air.
OT, but as Dale’s an insider on space stuff, can he explain why SpaceX is attempting the very tough without needing to? Trying to land the first stage on its motors?
There’s another way of doing this.
Take couple of remote piloted blimps, stretch a cable between them. Bring the stage back in on it’s motors, as is. On a trajectory intersects with the cable. Deploy a hook, on a cable, suspended from a small balloon from the top of the stage. Hook snags cable, as it passes. Blimps dump ballast to compensate for mass of stage & it’s hanging. Air drag on blimps damps bounce & occillation & small drogue from stage base, any it doesn’t. Bring blimps together & dock & fly to recovery point carrying suspended stage. Drop onto handling cradle. All the time in the world to do it.
Accuracy needed to soft land in 10’s of meters, not centimeters. Hook/cable/balloon mass trivial against dragging landing legs up in the ascent phase. Fuel requirement lower.
It’s essentially the arrester gear on an aircraft carrier, stood upright. 1940s tech. We know how to do this. But no bloody great ship. Or landing platform, for that matter. Any boat would do. Or drop it on truck bed on the beach.
Am I missing something?
Just to add. At the point of capture, the stage structure is in tension, not compression – with structural consideration needed for lateral forces. Should be possible to considerably reduce the mass of the stage.
The stage is the size of a 10 story building. Now the ULA folks are going to throw away the stage and just re-enter the engines in a ballute and then do an aerocapture. I don’t particularly like that idea because although you save the expensive engines, you still have to build a new 1st stage around them. If you have 3 Falcon 9 heavy cores coming down, having them just land on their own with the expense (and risk to personnel) of capture is a win. They never really intended the landings to be at sea. The platform is an engineering hack. It let them start out testing just the re-entry and landing part without the fly back. The Grasshopper was also part of this engineering R&D. They used it to learn how to take off and land a 10 story building after a trip to 1000m, the maximum allowed by the FAA at their Texas engine test site. They will be trying higher up and down tests from Spaceport America in New Mexico later this year. Also, Gwynne Shotwell stated that they will attempt a full RTLS (Return To Landing Site) at VAFB (Vandenberg AFB) in July. Their long range plan is for the boosters to fly back to large pads at the take off site where they can be checked out, refueled, reconnected and launched again. My understanding is that the current Merlin 1D can be fired around 40 times. Given that they do an acceptance test on the pad by firing it for a few seconds under hold down, that means each core gets about 20 flights. There were some thoughts about actually using the sea landing for recovery when the mission left fuel stores too low for RTLS. The idea was to refuel on board and then fly back to the landing pad at the spaceport. Note that the latest barge landing was possibly closer to success than you imagine. The slow response of the thrusters meant the feedback control system had a longer than expected delay; that pushes the system in the direction of instability. But even so, it came down on all four pads, albiet with some excess horizontal velocity. The upper thruster, going like mad, might have saved the day if the landing leg on that side had not been broken by that tipping moment. It was just… oh … so … close.
Thanx for taking the time. Appreciated.
The engineer in me says I’d be happier hanging a broom-handle from a string through the end, than balancing it on my nose. Not saying it can’t be done. But there’s been a broom hanging in the garage a while now. It’s still there.
I almost posted this utter drivel but I frankly was too pissed on Pan-Galactic Gargle-blasters.
I’m sure they’ll all be very comfortable on the B Ark.