…because boobs!
Les Femen perturbent le 1er mai de Marine Le Pen by lemondefr
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French politics looks much more interesting…May 1st, 2015 |
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The French National Front used to be a problem for me – I hated their racialist ideas, but some of their economic ideas (that the French state was too big and too interventionist) were correct.
Under the new generation the French Front National are no longer a problem for me.
Their economic ideas are as wrong as their racial ideas are. They are no better than the French socialists – demanding more welfare and more regulations.
Oddly enough it reminds me of Murray Rothbard.
His economic ideas were correct – but his other views (the Gabriel Kolko and Harry Elmer Barnes anti “corporate capitalism” and Communist and Nazi apologetics, even the holocaust denier Harry Elmer Barnes was praised to the skies by Rothbard) were dreadful.
However, the next generation of “revisionist radicals” (Kevin Carson and co) kept the horrible historical and political ideas – but rejected Rothbard’s CORRECT ideas on economics.
Those who adopt horrible anti British and anti American ideas in relation to history and so on, end up with horrible ideas on economics as well.
The French National Front is an example of this.
Problems sort themselves up – people become consistent.
Consistently evil.
As for young ladies showing off their breasts as a form of political protest…..
I do not really understand it.
But if “Les Feman” are really angry that I am standing in Pipers Hill ward in Kettering and wish to strip off to show how angry they are.
My address is………
Paul, I understand your confusion and applaud your community spirit.
It’s a tough job, but someone’s got to do it.
Not that i follow French politics closely, but my impression was very different from what Paul says: i thought that the FN used to be racialist AND socialist, until Marine took over; and that now it’s still socialist, but is moving away from racialism: it’s trying to be just anti-immigration, anti-Islam, and anti-EU.
As most Objectivists know Rothbard confessed to Ayn Rand that he hated and wished to destroy virtue and goodness everywhere- I have a copy of that letter somewhere.
He was a clever and wicked man – like Goebbels.
The tits were nice though.
… and pro-Putin fascists (indeed actually taking Russian money). Utter scum even by the lower standards of French political parties generally
Flat chested unisex models. They don’t need bras at all.
I have a link for you then.
There is not such a thing as “far right”. There is only one way to be on the right. It’s to be right. Either you are or not.
Mme Le Pen is not a right-wing politician. She is a national-socialist, or what is the same, a fascist. Putin and Le Pen have more similarities than differences with each other.
Well at least the radical leftists in France are far more attractive than here in the States. Our radical leftists tend to make any event look like an AKC ( American Kennel Club ) show. And far too many think Patchouli is a substitute for hygene.
Unfortunately when you try to polish a turd the best you can expect to accomplish is really shiny crap. In most cases you just end up flinging crap everywhere. So this was pretty much a fine display of 3 very well polished turds that ended up being flung into a paddy wagon.
The only thing that would have made this video better would be if the French authorities embraced Americas love of tasers. That would have been comedy gold.
So we have women showing their boobs to protest against the party that wants to stop Muslim immigration. Yeah, that makes sense.
When I was a teenager, boobs to look at, much less touch, were few and far between.
Now that I’m older than dirt, they’re all over the place.
Something’s just not right about that, but I’ll have to figure it out later. I’m late for my nap.
Well that was a nice difference. In most of the western world those want that want to get naked in public are the last people you would want to see naked in public. Not those three, though. Well done France, well done.
John Galt III
May 1, 2015 at 11:32 pm
Flat chested unisex models. They don’t need bras at all.
The one partially hidden by the trellis seems OK. My motto is “more than a handful is waste”. I am fortunate to have very large hands.
My other motto is “less than a handful is of no interest”.
Well, they had to have large (well, largish) flat areas to write their slogans on. Women with more…Texas sized breasts would not draw more attention, but would either obscure the message or leave too little room to write.
Still rather cute in that sort of angry activist kind of way.
I often think, when seeing well endowed young ladies, “What a waste of prime advertising space”. Glad to see that the logical French had been more efficient in that regard.
Old Mr P. used to make speeches saying that the French state was too big – taxes too high, too many regulations, and so on.
But then he would say that the holocaust was an “image from history”.
A rather cowardly form of anti Semitism – as one could not even formally say he was denying it happened.
I hate (really detest) people who talk and write like David Hume – implying and hinting rather than clearly stating their position.
Say what you mean and mean what you say.
Or shut your cakehole.
No wretched subterfuge, or quagmire of evasion.
As for the modern Madam P.
Well the lady has dropped the anti statist part of the NF platform – they are consistent statists now.
Stand up to Islam?
Ask them their opinion on a deal with Iran – I bet you they are in favour.
That it would lead to a second holocaust would be a bonus for most NF types.
Of course in France it is FN types.
FN are strangely inconsistent: they purport to oppose Muslim immigration because of the dangers they pose to Europe, and yet support Russian immigration, complete with tanks and artillery that really pose a threat, into other parts of Europe. Yeah, that makes sense.
There are at present 7000 French combat troops guarding sensitive areas in France.
This will be the UK in ten years, anyone who doesn’t see the dangers of Islam is basically a deluded fool.
No I’ll go further than that.
A complete utter “twit”.
Le Pen is dead right on that one.
And Mussolini understood the trains in Italy were a real problem and he subsequently made them run on time. Presumably you would have voted for him too on the basis he was at least dead right about that?
To paraphrase a remark I have often made about fascism and communism: turning to fascism for fear of Islam is like suicide for fear of death.
What do you call a Chinese bloke who hurled his own shit?
Hu Flung-Dung.
I’ll get my coat.
Which is not to say it’s not a problem, but Islam has being going for quite a long time. it’s probably the west’s reaction to it (in the here and now) that has made it seem like such a terrible problem.
Facism is not the answer to that (or any other) problem.
FN, largess for Frogs only.
The region known as France, Frogs only.
Perry de Havilland (London)
May 2, 2015 at 8:20 am
…support Russian immigration, complete with tanks and artillery that really pose a threat, into other parts of Europe.
We do have the example from the 40s of those French who applauded “help” from Germany.
Ha! When it comes to political boobs, we have much bigger and better — all on the Democrat side of the House of Representatives.
Although the Republicans are trying their best to catch up.
Now those are something worth yelling “Sieg Heil” about
Is it politics as usual or poly-tits ? And anything more than can fill a mouthful is a waste ?
Apparently femen is funded by none other (among other people) than that pleasant chap Mr Soros.
Unfortunately most links are from fairly scabby sites and i havent the time to find a reputable link today, lets just say the scabby sites focus on “the Jooos!!!” and should be disregarded.
Femen are a group no better than stormfonters, ignorant pig people who revel in wrecking society so they can build their utopia on the ruins.
The most pressing question for me, faced with all that blonde hair is; do the carpets match the curtains?
Indeed Tim, these are the questions that vex enquiring minds such as ours. Personally I was hoping the answer was that carpets had been forgone entirely, or at most were merely a narrow strip, but such matters of aesthetics are subjective of course.
Trust the French to keep abreast of political developments.