The horror in Kenya is almost beyond belief. Almost. One hundred and forty seven dead, mostly Kenyan university students. I wonder how ‘the west’ will get blamed for this one?
The Religion of Peace out does itselfThe horror in Kenya is almost beyond belief. Almost. One hundred and forty seven dead, mostly Kenyan university students. I wonder how ‘the west’ will get blamed for this one? 32 comments to The Religion of Peace out does itself |
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1984 Orwell’s Newspeak is not difficult for those that have that culture imbibed by decades of Marxism.
A Communist made a comment in Portuguese newspaper that the West is guilty because Kenya at request of Great Satan intervened in Somalia. So it is our “Western” blame.
I imagine this will lead to some nasty reprisal massacres against ethnic Somalis in Kenya, given that inter-communal relations were fairly poisonous to begin with. The Kenyans are not prone to pussy foot around when it comes to such matters, so I would not be surprised to see full blow ‘ethnic cleaning’.
FFS! Consider Beslan for starters. Consider the destruction of Nimrud or the Taleban banning kite-flying. Or the one that really got me… ISIS banning on pain of death the watching of the Real Madrid – Barcelona game. The Islamists are in a moral death spiral and this sort of thing is nothing new. I mean some on the right support the death penalty but I ain’t ever heard anyone in even Texas support the re-introduction of crucifixion. ISIS just damn-well gone and did it. They amputate hands for smoking ciggies. God knows what they do if you have a light ale with your fag whilst listening to Miley Cyrus.
What can men do against such reckless hate?
Buggered if I know other than kill ’em all.
Since many similar slaughters have been happening in Africa, the middle east and elsewhere for years now I can’t say I find this one hard to believe.
It’s only a few months since the Peshawar school massacre.
“The Islamists are in a moral death spiral”
I certainly hope so, but I still don’t see much militant outrage from the rest of Islam when the Islamists oppress and kill non-Muslims. (Hmmm, does this comment get me a jail term in Britain and the Netherlands?)
As I pointed out in an separate and earlier comment thread, Islam is “The Religion of Peace”™ and will bring about peace when those in Dar al-harb (the world of the unbelievers) are converted to Dar al-Islam (the world of the believers) – or exterminated (e.g., especially the Jews) – as per Allah’s commandments to Muslims in the Koran.
This does not mean to say that Peace will come at a zero human cost. The price of peace is inevitably going to mean that an awful lot of people are likely to have to be killed, whichever way you look at it.
This must be an enormous burden of responsibility for Muslims/Islam to carry, but Islam is duty bound to do it, by Allah’s commandments. It’s a dirty job, but someone’s gotta do it.
War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
This is the end result of the Hegelian Reality-Is-Unreal paradigm that Marxism sprang from. It doesn’t matter what the facts are because the bozoids on The Left will deny it anyway. That a university is teaching any facts at all is an offense and provocation to those believe in any body of falsehoods.
I don’t know if the West is to blame for this slaughter, but surely we all know that it is ‘Nothing To Do With Islam.’
I didn’t mean they are losing “hearts and minds” through their depravity but rather something more along the lines of them forever having to eternally trump the previous depravity with something more atrocious. So far it seems not to have killed the Islamist movements. This is odd. This is not what happened in Northern Ireland. A large impetus to the peace process was general revulsion at the depravity and nihilism. Yet the likes of ISIS still seem able to recruit in large numbers. And that is not a total top-down repression of a DPRK form but they do seem still genuinely popular with quite a few folks. Radical Islam clearly tells a very compelling grand narrative. I don’t get it. Others do including very recent converts. If we want to spoke their wheel then we need to tackle that and I am buggered if I know how. I do though have an inkling as to what the well-spring of the narrative is. It is the incredibly good/bad, black/white structure to which Islam lends itself. This appeals to many.
It depends on what we mean by Islam. This is fundamentalist Islam in the sense it is going right back to the original demented texts. Most muslims in lots of places have had their corners rounded so to speak. ISIS et al are trying to re-square them and doing quite well at it.
The murder of 147 university students by Islamists in Kenya is being treated as a trivial event by the international media.
Is this because the murdered students were black?
The murder of 147 university students by Islamists in Kenya is being treated as a trivial event by the international media.
I suspect it is because, like me, a lot of people have become thoroughly anesthetised to Islamic massacres by virtue of their frequency. Only when it happens somewhere closer to home do I bother taking any notice, and even then I am increasingly finding myself stifling a yawn. When I did a post on the Charlie Hebdo massacre I listed the worst atrocities from memory and found I’d missed the 2008 Mumbai attacks out of the first draft. They’ve become as repetitively boring as global warming doom mongering. I wish it weren’t so, but that’s the truth of it.
Does the International Media care about Humans in general?
@Paul Marks:
No it’s because the perpetrators are. Same reason all such events in Africa are treated as trivial.
Tim has it – same here. Sad, but true.
Yes it probs is. Do you recall the TV show “Drop the Dead Donkey” on C4? It was originally to be called “Dead Belgians Don’t Count”. And Tim has a good point. It’s like big $$$ movies. How do we out epic the last epic? There is a limit in a sense to depravity and ISIS et al are really at the bottom of the barrel. It is like a demented poker-player aiming for the lowest hand but after, say, Beslan (though where do I start or finish?) where do you go from that? All I hope is like the killers of Reinhard Heidrich – those fighting it are doing it to the last bullet but one. I watched the video of them burning the Jordanian pilot in an iron cage. I sort of wish I hadn’t. This is beyond Sauronic evil.
Get the B-52s outta the boneyard and get the napalm. Or God knows. I am 41 and have never seen such evil. I am in almost a state of moral paralysis but I think dark thoughts and I wish I didn’t have to. I so wish but it hasn’t been the case.
PS. Just a thought… ISIS et al seem to operate like the gangs in the Mad Max movies. Yet those are set in a World were oil is very scarce which has precipated a complete societal meltdown. These fuckers are doing whilst knee-deep in 4-star
“I didn’t mean they are losing “hearts and minds” through their depravity but rather something more along the lines of them forever having to eternally trump the previous depravity with something more atrocious. So far it seems not to have killed the Islamist movements. This is odd.”
It’s very hard to tell what’s happening in the hearts and minds of the population of most Muslim countries, partly because it would be dangerous to say anything that might lead your hearers to think that your disgust with Islamism extended to a rejection of Islam, and suicidal to say it clearly if this was in fact the case.
If I recall correctly, surveys of Muslims in many countries did indicate a disgust with Al-Qaeda setting in around 2005-6.
I am of the view that everyone should watch it, particularly people on the multi-culti Tranzi left.
No, just imagine if Jewish Israelis had done it. But, as Stalin was reported to have said when asked if a particular crime might alienate his useful idiots in the West: ‘Never mind, they’ll swallow it..
How long will it be before the only sane response is just to nuke Mogadishu?
I didn’t, and am happy to keep it that way. I once watched a video of some Nigerians being beaten and then set alight in Port Harcourt, that had for some reason been embedded in the website of a Nigerian newspaper reporting the story. It was horrific, gave me nightmares. No way I’m watching an ISIS video (unless they’re on the receiving end, and then I might).
“The murder of 147 university students by Islamists in Kenya is being treated as a trivial event by the international media.
Is this because the murdered students were black?”
No, it is because that news don’t advance so clearly the cause of “West is Guilty” in the Marxist Western Civilization deconstruction mission.
How long? That would be never, considering Al-Shabaab do not control Mogadishu.
I was in the Kenyan embassy several years before it was bombed. I know a Kenyan church congregation in my area. It is a horrible anguish to see these beautiful people being brutalized by The Jihad year after year.
It is difficult to tell but ISIS seem to have (in the West at least) gained a deranged glamour. Almost like a form of punk-type rebellion sort of thing. As to public opinion in the ME… Well, Allah knows best because I don’t have an effing clue.
I sometimes watch a jihadist atrocity video, just to keep my rage at them seething.
You are right. I assume you watched the video? If you watch that and don’t feel visceral hate for the fuckers who did that then Satan help you.
Indeed Nick. Frankly the astounding VICE video produces much the same effect in many people. I know a very moderate woman who watched that documentary at my place and afterwards when we were chatting she was ashen faced and said “Oh dear God, we are even going to have to kill their children!”
This was one of those rare moments I was lost for words (it takes a lot to do that to a gobby opinionated bloke like me), as this was the last person I ever expected to hear that from. I couldn’t reply because I had no good argument why she was wrong.
“forever having to eternally trump the previous depravity with something more atrocious”
Very good point.
I’m not sure if this was clear in my comment, but I do agree with you when you say there seems to be competition in depravity among the jihadists, with the deranged glamour you mention as one of the prizes. I’ve lost the post, but I remember talking on my own blog about an earlier iteration of the same phenomenon, in Iraq. This is not necessarily incompatible with the wider Muslim public becoming disgusted with jihadi atrocities, or, at least, aware of and concerned by the disgust of the non-Muslim world.
President al-Sisi of Egypt is not exactly one of my ideological soulmates, but his speech on New Year’s Day demonstrates that some Muslims have noticed.
Most discussions of internet anonymity seem to focus on the danger to the liberties of Westerners from snooping by their own governments. It’s a very real danger, but I’m beginning to think that the greatest benefit of secure anonymity on the internet is that it would allow dissenters in Muslim countries to know that they are not alone.
The reason for the seeming indifference in media, and the various political/ideological circles who seem to exist in a state of permanent outrage, I.e., the UN, for example, is not that they are innured to the gruesome nature of it all, but that they are moral and physical cowards, and to focus on these atrocities with the same intensity as a missing airliner, or even an obscure pizza restaurant in the American Midwest, would require them to not only name the actors, but actually confront the nature and source of the evil.
You are seeing the replay of moral cowardice often seen during the Cold War, when bouncy travelogues could be shown about the sights in beautiful Moscow, without mentioning the millions in gulags all around those scenic wonders, or when thoughtful documentaries could be produced about the march to modernity of the Chinese people, led by their charismatic chairman, without bothering with the tens of millions lost to famine and internal repression, also very much at the behest of said chairman and his policies.
You are observing in full and gruesome technicolor the double standard that has ruled the west, and the world, for the last century and more of collectivist ascendancy—only the west, and capitalism, can be named and shamed as evil incarnate.
All friends of the collective get a pass.
There has also been a fascinating response to the Kenya university attack by liberal and left voices on social media (Lee Jasper is perhaps the classic example)
Roughly it is to ignore Al Shabaab’s beliefs and objectives, and instead to complain that the Charlie Hebdo killings got more column inches. Ergo, an attack by Islamist terrorists on black African Christians, becomes a stick with which to raise western racism.
That is some pivot!