If you are an adult and want to work as a model in France, the French government will decide if the way you look is appropriate in their view. And if not, the people who hired you will be fined or jailed.
The French state owns women’s bodiesIf you are an adult and want to work as a model in France, the French government will decide if the way you look is appropriate in their view. And if not, the people who hired you will be fined or jailed. 22 comments to The French state owns women’s bodies |
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OTOH, maybe actual consequence for promoting “stupid” is a GOOD thing?
Yes, yes, “Who decides?”
Well, I do!
And anyone who disagrees is (literally?)Chauvinistic?
*sheesh* “…is (literally?) a Chauvinist!”
Hmmm … will they be banning “differently-abled” models as well – in case teenagers feel compelled to saw a leg off, or put their eye out?
If they ban noodle-armed men they’ll need to re-open their prison colonies.
Amazing. Out cycling training the other day, I was passed in a climb by a young lady of roughly those dimensions and BMI. I was passed like I was standing still. Talk about healthy!
OTOH, I have personally dealt with two girls with anorexic disorders, and it’s plenty painful to cope with. It’s the kind of thing that leads to the dreaded “We must do SOMETHING. This is SOMETHING, let’s do that.” syndrome.
The French government already decided they should control a women’s appearance when they banned the veil.
I hate the Burka and I am not over keen on the fashion industries predilection for anorexic models but I don’t see it as the states role to ban either.
I wonder how much this has to do with the apparent fact that ever since the days of the late Mitterrand (Good Socialist) French female politicians have been getting uglier and uglier ?
Eva Joly is all the proof we should need. And Miss Le Pen is no prize either.
I think we should apply this whole role model malarky to politicians. And not just to their looks either.
Let’s not just ban the fat or skinny or ugly or unfit or unhealthy ones, let’s ban the thieves and cheats and liars and sexual predators and narcissistic psycopaths as well.
What say you, chaps?
Oh I dunno Taylor, Sabine Herold is not bad at all.
Vous exageree mon vieux
Remember the old saying “Washington is Hollywood for ugly people”
Perry de Havilland (London)
April 4, 2015 at 8:07 pm
She looks a bit too French for my tastes. I’m more a fan of the Romanian look:
And Italian – the OL is half Italian. And half Finnish. But if we are going French Brigitte Bardot is good. Except for the politics.
You obviously have higher standards Taylor, I think she is a bit of alright 😀
You obviously have higher standards Taylor
Dodgy spectacles, more likely. She’s very good looking. And the one who used to step out with Hollande was pretty good looking for a woman of fifty odd, when she lost to Sarkozy.
Who are all the stunnas from Mitterand’s time that we’re supposed to be leering at ?
Returning to the subject – they’re being quite clever with smacking the customer with the criminal sanction, just like criminalising buying the services of a prostitute rather than selling the services. You can say that you’re not telling the model what to do with her body – the law doesn’t apply to her. I suppose it’s also like Mayor Bloomberg’s soda bans – your target is the fat customer. But he’s a voter so you don’t penalise him, you penalise people selling to him. Yer ordinary voter understands penalising the fat guy directly, and would get antzy. But the other way round you don’t rouse up the peasantry. Smart.
It seems to me that the dark side have upped their game since I started paying attention. In the olden days in nasty foreign parts they used to win 99.98% of the vote, and even the Guardian would laugh. Now they – eg Venezuela – put out results saying they won by 55-45, and the Guardian affects to believe them. I suppose it’s all those public relations graduates the universities are churning out – the quality of spin is getting better.
I wonder why they fine the employer and not the model.
After all, its the model that is causing the emotional distress by being thin.
This is a “logical” consequence of starting from the view that “law” is there to create a “good society” – to make people “just and good”, rather than just oppose people aggressing against each other (stealing or destroying the property of individuals or voluntary bodies corporate such as clubs or Churches).
Sadly the view that law is not there to punish aggressors but is there to “create a good society” is an ancient one – it was not just the view of Plato it was also the view of Aristotle.
Would society be a better place if there were not skinny models, or if people were not bigoted about who they served in their shop?
Most likely society would be better.
But to a libertarian creating a “good society” is not the business of he law.
Sadly among the “intellectual classes” we are a small minority.
This story…wtf? People just have no idea that governments can ever do anything wrong. What is wrong with people?
It is all bullshit. I have said this to you before but when the harridans get outraged over “size aero models” in the UK press they deliberately conflate UK and US dress sizes which are different. My vague understanding is a US 0 is a UK 4-6. I think you are wrong. They are not trying to create a “better” society as such. It is worse than that. They are trying to create a Universe in their own image. Yes, it is that basic and that unbelievably arrogant. My understanding is that the Universe is (is that JRRT – sort-of?) and we have to cope. My Understanding is that the Universe is enormous in space and time and theories in the social(ist) sciences don’t matter a whole hill of beans. If we quest for truth like with the LHC we can find it but we can’t make things so. To the meddlers who see humanity as the measure of all things and a sort of “perfectible project”. The (anti-)social “scientists” lack true vision but hardly lack vigour. They need to take a chill-pill and get themselves out of the faculty and just look at the stars.
It is the eternal delusion that government can be fundamentally changed because of democracy. Democracy will only come up with a different form of meddlesome ratbag.
A conquest of Europe, or at least France, by Muslim hordes would be an act of mercy at this point. Just put the old, feeble, blind dog down.
bob sykes,
Take Bullseye for his walk… No, just fuck off. I was born in Europe, I am European and me and most of my family live in Europe. So just fuck off. My sister-in-law (who lives in Poland took me to see the stuff from the cavalry who lifted the siege of Vienna in 1683. You know the wooden wings and all-that? This is my land this is her land and her boyfriend’s land (he’s a Pole) and never ever forget it. Because I shall not.
So, discriminating against people because they are ugly, dumpy, fat, the wrong colour, have facial disfigurements et cetera is unremittingly evil.
Discriminating against people because they are too thin is good and noble.
Glad we’ve got that cleared up.
There needs to be a single crime to keep the size of the Statute Book down to where it can be hauled around with a single forklift.
The crime? Incitement to do oneself injury.
This obviously would include a bunch of stuff that otherwise would have to be line items: incitement (enticement) to overeat, or to eat the wrong foods (i.e. anything unhealthy); to undereat; to smoke drink shoot up shoot kiss in the back seat of the Ford do other things in the back seat of the Ford watch violent movies watch boring movies watch “message” movies of all kinds denty climate [deny it what? the rights to eat smoke & drink?] read religious literature read irreligious literature read the papers read The Onion read Samizdata…
and play with the dog.
When Los Angeles laid a punitive tax on filming porn movies, the porn industry moved to Los Vegas or elsewhere, leaving LA very much broker than they had been. I wonder whether Luxembourg or Belgium will become the new centers of francophone fashion photography?