Either astronomical phenomena don’t apply to Essex, or the guys doing the sacrificing to Huitzilopochtli were really hard at work.
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What happened to this alleged eclipse, then?Either astronomical phenomena don’t apply to Essex, or the guys doing the sacrificing to Huitzilopochtli were really hard at work. March 20th, 2015 |
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It looked like it would be a washout here in Glasgow, but at almost exactly the moment of full extent – around 9:34 – there was a tiny gap in the cloud. Then a few more, later, which really gave the full impression of the thing (or as full as it gets without totality): just as dim light as when it was cloudy – it didn’t really get dark; it felt more like an impending thuderstorm – but sharp shadows on the ground and what little sun there was glinting off the cars and windows. Quite eerie, if not maybe as impressive as it might have been.
Indeed, apparently the eclipse was cancelled in Essex when the priests of Huitzilopochtli discovered there was not a single virgin there to sacrifice.
Lunchtime now, and the sun is shining here in London. The 1999 eclipse was a bit of a washout too, although we did get to see some of it at Portland Bill. I remember an excellent partial eclipse when I was at junior school in the 1950’s. They obviously don’t make them like they used to. I blame Global Warming. 😉
We had a clearish view on the eclipse in Huntingdonshire. It was a bit cloudy which meant we could look directly at the sun and not get blinded. Saw the moon occluding a lot of the disc of the sun. Did you know that ancient Chinese astronomers used a similar method to see sunspots on the sun’s disc a couple of thousand years before Galileo reported on them?
Just got a bit darker here in Kent. Not even the eerieness I remember from the last one.
I saw it clearly driving in Staffordshire, the sky was mainly clear from the start of the partial eclipse, with a bit of mist forming, birds singing as if dusk, and and at the greatest extent I stopped under a sky of slightly broken cloud, and saw the partially-eclipsed sun poking through. The air was noticeably chilly as per 1999, and there was a gloom to the sky under the cloud but not enough to put car lights on. Noticeable, if not dramatic.
Did I watch the Eclipse? Did I hell! You can fool me once but not twice. I turned out for the last one in 1999 and it was about as spectacular as a damp grey afternoon in December.
This is three out of three failed eclipses for me, 1999 was a grey out but at least it went dark and spooky. I was on a Florida beach on Christmas Day 2000 when minor partial eclipse happened but it was so bright you could not notice it, I did observe it using a pinhole shadow. This one was a complete waste of time, didn’t even get dark.
In the evening there was a special look at the sun in Stargazing Live, after describing how billions of tons of red hot plasma get ejected thousands of miles into space on a regular basis, I could just imagine Brian Cox thinking “ey oop, wonder if that effects the earth at all?”, but on the BBC narrative not a mention of climate lest it disturb the Gaia God in the control room.
I watched the partial eclipse and mightily enjoyable it was too, even though I could hardly focus on the sun as it was so dazzling. But I seem to have contracted some sort of virus that affects my sight as now I can’t see a damn thin and my eyes ache
It seems that normal British weather is so dismal that it eclipses solar events, and solar eclipses are dismissed as ‘weather as usual’. Can’t you just outlaw bad weather?
Jeff Evans – “I blame Global Warming” – nice one, sir! Luckily, the priests of Huitzilopochtli averted the catastrophe, not doubt with Frankie singing ‘I Left My Heart In San Francisco’ (or Tenochtitlan, whatever).
Albert: “How do you pronounce Huitzilopochtli?”
Howland Owl: “I don’t.”