Nice work by Bellingcat showing what anyone not wilfully blind or on the Kremlin’s payroll already figured out, that Russian forces have been firing across the border into Ukraine.
Russia has been attacking Ukraine directlyNice work by Bellingcat showing what anyone not wilfully blind or on the Kremlin’s payroll already figured out, that Russian forces have been firing across the border into Ukraine. 20 comments to Russia has been attacking Ukraine directly |
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I have yet to get why Russian forces are called “rebels” on American news. Is it the same closer to the action?
Yes, or ‘Russian-backed Rebels’ is a term used here in England.
Sadly they will not be “surprised” Perry – they will deny the evidence (and any other evidence).
They will accuse you of being a dupe of the CIA and the Rothschilds.
And, no, I am not making that up – both many libertarians and many “nationalist conservatives” come out with “its the CIA” or “it is the Rothschilds”.
I have given up debating with this sort of “libertarian” or “conservative”.
The BBC was reporting last night that Putin predicted the ceasefire would not hold. Digging back through the BBC archives, we learn that the Japanese predicted the attack on Pearl Harbor.
They will accuse you of being a dupe of the CIA and the Rothschilds.
Hell, I’m surprised the neo-Soviet propaganda regurgitators haven’t shown up on this thread yet.
I can see accusing the CIA — but we still have Rothschilds? I would expect suspicion to fall on either the Koch brothers, or George Soros.
Not the Koch brothers – this is nothing to do with global warming. I can see George Soros being behind this though – never trust a man who makes lots of money by speculation as he must be secretly funding a war that will make it difficult for him to make money after all.
It suits Putin to keep the Russian forces in the Ukraine at arm’s length. why it suits the rest of the world and the news media to play along beats me.
Do you really think Russia is a threat to Europe (other than eastern Ukraine)? Isn’t the real threat much closer to home, and in power?
The German finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble says: “Elections change nothing. There are rules”.
The president of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker said “there can be no democratic choice against the European treaties. One cannot exit the euro without leaving the EU”.
Manifestly so.
And the rest of the Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Belorus, Poland, Moldova and frankly anywhere Russia’s malign shadow falls.
The EU is not a military threat to its members and moreover, any nation can leave without Belgian paratroops seizing their communication centres and trying to depose their government. And Juncker may well be correct, even if not for the reasons he thinks. Greece should have never joined the EU in the first place and it was utter madness to join the Euro.
Sorry but this “Putin threatens the West” stuff is ludicrous. How exactly does his clapped out country, with a declining birth-rate, resource-selling on-its-last-legs economy, mostly run by drunks, pose a credible threat to any of the countries of Eastern Europe let alone Western?
What would the Shirtless Wonder do with Eastern Europe if he could get it? Is there anyone here who thinks that the East–having contrasted life now with life under soviet scum– would meekly allow Russian minorities to drag them back into a new Russian gangster empire? Do people think Putin has the resources to send Russian troops onto the soil of Poland/Czech Republic/Hungary/Slovakia –or even Latvia/Estonia etc. To fight a half-dozen potential Vietnam style wars all at the same time? The Ukraine has an unfortunate situation with its various gangs of hoods (please don’t pretend that the Kiev crowd were and are not hoodlums back to and including the Orange caper of some years ago). And a border with Russia that aid and troops could be sent across. This is an issue that seems to cause people to–not exactly lose their marbles–but to have their grip on said marbles to become a tad shaky.
By doing what it did in the Ukraine in the Baltics, Moldova and Belorus. Of course Russia can be faced down by the west, I have said as much myself here many times, but only if it actually does gets off its duff and do something. Which it ain’t so far.
No, of course not.
Yes, of course.
Sorry you are full of shit on this one. I personally know people who were in the Euromaidan and they are not ‘hoods’ by any rational definition.
The crowds may have been full of hope and naïve enthusiasm but their chosen candidate was just more of the same useless corrupt creepshow. The same is true of politics everywhere. “People power” did not solve the Ukraine’s problems. And now–are you saying that the Eastern areas of the Ukraine don’t want to be allied to Russia?. That the Russians are flat out occupying these areas? If not then partition would seem to be the only way forward unless the Kiev govt is going to be completely defeated. It seems to be an ill-organised group with low morale and just Western weapons will not be enough if that is true.
You still haven’t answered what Shirtless’s outcome is in all this mess. Even if he could re-take some of the smallest nations–to what end? Prestige?–how long is that going to keep him in power with a failing economy? That is not an empire and the trouble he would buy with such antics would come with zero advantages–the wealth of Estonia etc is hardly going to compensate for the costs. Putin is surely a bad guy but the animosity against him almost seems to be something personal as if his detractors have been individually victimized by him.
Mr Ecks
February 20, 2015 at 1:58 am
Putin is surely a bad guy but the animosity against him almost seems to be something personal…
I think the KGB has a very bad reputation.
BTW it wouldn’t be the first time in Russian history, that they misjudged a geopolitical situation.
Afghanistan comes to mind.
As to what “Shirtless” (nice) intends to accomplish? Get popular sentiment in his favor.
Pay no attention to the demos in this link. Too many flags to be spontaneous. But read down and look at the polling numbers. The Russian economy IS falling apart. So how to rally support? A nice desultory little war to “protect ethnic Russians”.
The world scene is in dire straights. The population of the world is far too great to be supported by resource extraction (oil). The Americans have seen to that.
Putin’s answer? Territorial acquisition as a way to get people to ignore their personal position.
Islam’s answer? ISIS threatens to send 500,000 migrants to Europe
The one bright spot? China. They decided the answer was industrialization. Very good move. Too bad “Shirtless” didn’t think of it.
“I can see accusing the CIA — but we still have Rothschilds? I would expect suspicion to fall on either the Koch brothers, or George Soros.”
No, Ellen, the Russia propaganda tools are so virulently and blatantly anti-semetic, that reading their apologias for Putin make me think that he is paying off Stormfront. As a sad example, Zerohedge, which is pretty much out front along with RT in terms of Russian line-toting, has an article up on the Rothchilds and evil zionists called Rothschilds vs Rothschilds that is straight out of the Protocols. Sad because some of the economic analysis is quite good.
Zerohedge is such a haven of fluorescent idiocy that going there for the occasional on-target economic remark is totally not worth it.
As usual you are spot on.
And Russia now has naval facilities in EU member Cyprus.
Does the EU want to let a crisis go to waste? Juncker calling for an EU Army to deter Russia.