To people clucking that the First Black President deserves more respect, may I suggest that you should have done a better job of picking the First Black President?
Samizdata quote of the dayTo people clucking that the First Black President deserves more respect, may I suggest that you should have done a better job of picking the First Black President? 22 comments to Samizdata quote of the day |
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The First Black President deserves exactly the same amount of respect as the Previous White President, which is to say…
May that caution be observed when the efforts come to “create” (That’s what it is)the first woman (female or transgendered) President.
I’ve come to the conclusion that 2 centuries worth of white-guilt meant that having a black president (any black president) is something America really needed to just get out of its system. Now that it’s done, my hope is we can move on and get back to politics which is about what people want to do rather than who they are. The hand wringing middle classes have cleansed their souls, and will hopefully look at something other than skin colour next time they vote.
I do hope “election by guilt” is not the beginning of a trend. With the Dems favouring Hillary to come next, that may just continue nominating “minorities” for the foreseeable future. I suspect it would backfire though. Hillary has enough of a back-story as to be unelectable in a national election.
You Seppos wait till you get your first female President i.e. Hillary, Julia Gillard in Astraya was a trailblazer in incompetence.
Obama leaves a dual legacy: not just the first black president, but the last one, too. After Obama’s having ruined the brand, the Democrats aren’t going to be eager to offer another black Democrat as a national candidate. If there’s ever another black president (speed the day!), he’ll be a Republican.
If the election of a President was based on assuaging guilt, then we’d have a half black/native, jewish, left-handed, handi-capped, lesbian with a lisp. Blacks voted the way they did because he was black. Some whites surely voted for Obama because it was chic. But the majority of whites who voted for Obama was because he would give them shit. Seventy-five percent of people who vote vote for people who will give them other peoples’ shit.
In my defence tool, I didn’t say everyone voted for Obama because he was black; I said the hand wringing middle classes did. Without them on-side, he wouldn’t have made it over the top.
With their consciences salved, I doubt the Democrats can tap the “guilt well” again for a long time.
JV, I would like to hope so, but I fear that having made that sort of thing their raison d’être the Dems are unlikely to unlearn their habits and tactics. I suspect that another dose of ‘Clintonomics’ will be the prescription in 2016.
Collectivists do not ‘learn’ from mistakes, since their disasters are not mistakes, but the natural and intended consequences of their beliefs and policies. If an aircraft’s autopilot had a collectivist ‘mentality*’, it would head for the quickest possible crash, blaming the free market.
(* as if it could).
That too.
I think JV and toolkien both have part of the story. But I also think there was a heavy element of white-knight syndrome, with Obama. (No irony intended.) Any Democrat who could have positioned themselves as a break with the past was likely to have done well in 2008, and it probably went against Clinton that she couldn’t.
When a party puts forth a white-knight candidate, the best you can hope for is that they fail to get elected. That’s the best outcome for everyone, including the party that put forth that candidate.
But twice?
The post points out the problem.
The media (and the education system – the students bussed to the polis) declared that this was an “historic candidate” because-he-black.
The policies and background of Mr Obama were irrelevant (indeed it was considered evil to even try and draw attention to them) – people must vote for Mr Obama because-he-was-black to pay for the sins of slavery and segregation (what either of these sins had to do with States like Vermont, or with people in general born generations after this “blood guilt” was never explained).
Yet the media (and academia) people who pushed the de facto line that people must vote for Mr Obama (who had served less than one term in the Senate and never run anything in his entire life) because-he-was-black would have been shocked to be called what they in fact are….
Now we are told that there is another “historic” election – a women must be elected.
Why are people who insist that people vote for a women because-she-is-a-woman not SEXISTS?
And (of course) why is there the inbuilt assumption that a black conservative is not “really” black, and a conservative women is not “really” a woman?
Celebrate Diversity has become Celebrate Diversity Or Else. American “education” has succeeded indoctrinating a couple of generations now, they’re dumb and gullible. They’ll vote for whatever flavor of the week comes next.
Are there any Conservative, or even Libertarian, women who would run for the Presidency? If so, please name them, so we can start spreading the good news!
Conservative women have run for the Presidency – including a Congresswomen who used to read Ludwig Von Mises’ “Human Action” on the beach.
The media instantly MOSTER them – exaggerating every mistake (by them or their stuff), and even just making stuff up. Meanwhile the “Progressives” get a free pass.
Barack Obama did not appear from nowhere and he is not a one man band.
The cultural institutions (the media and academia – and the schools and …..) are corrupt, fundamentally corrupt.
And it did not happen yesterday – it started (at least) with the rise of the Progressive movement (Woodrow Wilson as President of Princeton before he was President of the United States) and their German inspired political philosophy (they may have hated Germany – but only a rival, they wished to replace it) and the Pragmatists (William James and co) in philosophy.
Ideas do matter – and the, for than a century, the American elite has been fed false ideas.
Could this whole thing be a performance piece in and of itself?
Ugh. Wrong thread. But possibly appropriate.
Indeed, Richard. Once could plausibly argue that all of what passes for political life in the US is “performance art.” Bad art, at that.
As usual, Paul nails it.
And so does Prof. Reynolds. Great quote!
Even though I typed “Moster” rather than “Monster” Julie.
I am careless.
I spent most of Saturday night and Sunday morning growing in pain (nothing unusual for the Car Boot people at people at Wicksteed Park – they are used to me making noses at them, although normally more aggressive ones “move” but…… “I said MOVE” the Ferguson Police Department are nothing compared to me) and carried on at home.
Then a thought occurred to me. There are such things as pain medicines – so I went to the local supermarket to buy some.
A normal person would have had this thought (and acted upon it) about 24 hours before.
I wish my mind was more like that of other people.
As for my medical condition – a partial failure of breathing medications (that happens from time to time) and some pulled muscles from coughing (and from carrying on stretching – as the damn cars put themselves too far from the booth).
Nothing special – for someone with common sense (which I clearly do not have).
I am now recovering – although I must smell (even) more than normal.
Still being in uniform from Sunday morning.
“growing in pain” – I mean groaning in pain.
I hate typing.