Judging by the many dreadful reviews I have seen regarding Catwoman, this should be a turkey of epic proportions.
Well… bollocks to that.
It actually is not that bad. Sure, even a connoisseur of B-movies such as myself can see that it is not a great movie… the special effects were pretty good in places but during some scenes it was painfully obvious that they were computer generated. The dialogue was serviceable rather than inspiring, the story was derivative and predictable with some feminist claptrap tacked on. The acting was of variable quality – Halle Berry’s job was to shake her ‘thang’ and be alternatively sexy, confused, sexy, predatory, sexy, all of which she did to perfection; Ben Bratt’s job was to shake his ‘thang’ and be a ‘tough-but-nice-guy’, which he did engagingly; Sharon Stone’s job was to be sympathetic, unsympathetic, menacing and sexy, all of which she utterly failed to deliver which was rather disappointing.
But what strikes me is not the failings of this flick, which are indeed many, but the fact I found it vastly better than the reviews would have lead me to believe. It was by no means a waste of a few quid/bucks/euros and just confirms my suspicions that for most reviewers, sneering at things is a safer and more ‘credible’ option, a default mode in fact.
It is not a great movie, or even a particularly good movie… it just does not suck. Bored this weekend? You could do far worse than look at the exquisite Halle Berry strutting her stuff very effectively in Catwoman.

You want a movie, rather than a live action kiddy cartoon? Bourne Supremacy. Not quite as perfect as Bourne Identity, but still damn good.
I rather like ‘live action kiddy cartoons’ if they are done well (which is why I lament the fact the acursed Frakes got his paws on Thunderbirds..grrrrrr). But yes, I will certainly see the Bourne Supremecy as I really liked the first one.
Hey, Catwoman is supposed to be attractive. The mask is hideous, and the costume doesn’t look much better. Julie Newmar’s wardrobe might have been dorky, but it looked good.
I can’t help but think that Halle Berry has absolutely zero sex appeal. Sure she has the right lumps and bumps, all that plus leather/pvc should make for some serious sex appeal. However Ms Berry always seems to manage to muster the sex appeal of week old fish.
The last two comments make me wonder if perhaps I should go into business as an optometrist as clearly there is still a great deal of untapped market share out there…
There clearly is Perry. “….week old fish”. I’ll take it. Just the way Halle walked was a turn on.
Cats are not into bondage. They are into ripping your face off if you try to put them in a stretchable, safety cat collar. So the image of Berry rings not just false, but as the realisation of some director’s fantasy of a woman dressed in black leather, wishfully favoured by kinky cats everywhere, and chains, belts and buckles. Julie Newmar was sleek and sexy and looked like a cat. Michelle Pfeiffer in – I can’t remember – was sleek and sexy and looked and acted like a cat. Halle Berry looks like Soho.
The outfit is hideous. The cat face looks hideous. Halle Berry, who is very pretty in real life, looks stiff and uncomfortable. I predict …. a FLOP.
Cats are not into bondage. They are into ripping your face off if you try to put them in a stretchable safety cat collar. So the image of Berry rings not just false, but as some director’s fantasy of a woman dressed in black leather, wishfully favoured by kinky cats everywhere, and chains, belts and buckles. Julie Newmar was sleek and sexy and looked and acted like a cat. Michelle Pfeiffer in – I can’t remember – was sleek and sexy and looked and acted like a cat. Halle Berry looks like a photo outside a club in Soho.
The outfit is hideous. The cat face looks hideous. Halle Berry, who is very pretty in real life, looks stiff and uncomfortable. I predict …. a FLOP.
Will Perry file an amicus brief if I sue my LASIK surgeon?
Nuthing wrong with my eyesight Perry, maybe yours?
Berry just doesn’t have the X factor it takes to make a person sexy, just the right body parts gets the attention but if you ain’t got “It” you ain’t sexy.
Exactly. Except I don’t think she is especially pretty.
Stop sniggering about “stiff and uncomfortable”!
Lee Meriwether was the best Catwoman. Halle Berry is a bore with an ‘tude, always banging on about how tough it’s been for her as a “woman of color” (although she’s more than half white). Her Oscar was a racial shakedown and her rack is her main asset. As an actress she remains a great mannequin.
Ah yes, the pathetic ‘woman of colour’ speech.
’tisn’t the ’60s any more love.