We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.
Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]
Surviving St. Valentine’s Day with Samizdata.net Ah yes, St. Valentine’s Day. The shop windows are filled with endless tacky heart-shaped corporate eye-catchers and the air is filled with cupid’s arrows… and other rather faster moving objects.
Have fun.
Who Are We? The Samizdata people are a bunch of sinister and heavily armed globalist illuminati who seek to infect the entire world with the values of personal liberty and several property. Amongst our many crimes is a sense of humour and the intermittent use of British spelling.
We are also a varied group made up of social individualists, classical liberals, whigs, libertarians, extropians, futurists, ‘Porcupines’, Karl Popper fetishists, recovering neo-conservatives, crazed Ayn Rand worshipers, over-caffeinated Virginia Postrel devotees, witty Frédéric Bastiat wannabes, cypherpunks, minarchists, kritarchists and wild-eyed anarcho-capitalists from Britain, North America, Australia and Europe.
Ah, but don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day in Saudi Arabia.
What type of gun is Ma holding?
I was just about to ask the same qustion! That piece is hot 🙂
That’s an MP5k with some kinda strange thang on the front. My bets it’s an airsoft. In fact, I think that the strange thing on the muzzle is one of those glow-in-the-dark pellet energisers. Someone correct me if I’m wrong: I’d hate to have a gap in my knowledge =)
Ho hum. Can’t own one here!!! But I _can_ shoot real pistols though!!!!!
/damn Holland
It’s a Heckler & Koch MP5k semi-auto. Dunno what the muzzle piece is though – never seen one like that before.
Can I come play please???? Can I??? Can I????
Oh. I’m having “issues” here. Something went all funny with my computer/brain/wife/dog/unborn children/word processor and I ended up posting that 1st one whilst thinking that I hadn’t. I then posted the 2nd one as if nothing had happened so as not to appear stupid for doubting that the MP5k was real (I spotted that the safety only had 2 settings. Sad, eh???)
Oh, for the ability to turn back time!!!!!!
Is this meant to suggest we should send flowers to the lovely Adriana ? Or that we will be properly shot if we do ?
A strange bunch these Samizdatistas. Their main strenght is with words, but they love guns as adornments. Strange sense of esthetics.
I love the new cupid. An angel with an mp5 (one with what appears to be a stabilizer on the front for less barrel rise when firing rapidly). Are the bullets heart-shaped?
And Jacob, our main strength is our minds, our ammunition is our words, but if force is used against us, the “adornments” may indeed be more than decoration. 😛
Mike: It’s a real gun alright and I think Mr de Havilland will put you right as soon as he sees your comments. 😛
A gun is not an adorment and Valentine’s is a stupid holiday – another sign of these emotionally incontinent times… like there is any attraction in ‘let’s all be romantic on cue, with pink and ribbons and roses’. Geez.
I’m with Ms. H&K…Valentine’s Day is to love as tap water is to tequila.
If Bugs Moran had had her on his side, Al Capone wouldn’t have had a chance. 😉
Appears to have a retractable stock too; but what about the magazine? That looks like it would only hold 15-20 rds.
Just wondering.
Bridgewater Corners, VT
who’s the pale-ass white ho with the cheap ass nigga mac-10???
The pistol is an H&K SP-89. Semi-auto variant of the MP-5K.
Another question: is that forearm the Tactical light?
Beautiful weapon. Just read up on the MP5/10. I want one of those babies.
Never mind- I just saw it on the HK page. Still a nice weapon.
Forget the weapon, I like the trigger puller. Where does one meet women like this? 🙂
It’s an H&K SP-89, stock. Looks cooler with the 30 round mag, but we’re not *supposed* to have those here in California… A laser sight is available, but is not installed on this one.
As the photographer of the above photo, I can testify that Ms. C was even more impressive in 3D.
As a friend of mine said, “nice piece, and the gun is cool too.”
I find the glorification of any firearms, whether they be 22s or bakookas, an offence to our society and to the world as a whole. Just open the papers and read! Do you think a tiger or a bear will come charging into your homes? NO! There is no use for these weapons outside of killing your fellow human beings. I know some males like firearms because they are lacking in a certain personal area. But why would a woman even touch such a vile object? I am taking a sociology course next semester and I promise you I will raise these issues with the professor and inform you of what sociopathologies you are inflicted with. You can laugh but my concerns are shared by millions.
Methinks “Normal Person” is a troll who has set out to further discredit the Loony Left in the eyes of us Sane Persons.
Nice to come here after having dinner last night with a bunch of overprivileged elitist liberals who talk trash about ordinary Americans, then wonder why their beloved Democrats can’t win elections. (Yes, I live in Massachusetts. Why do you ask?)
FYI, the restaurant across the street from the site if the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre is terrific. Try the “Pizza Pot Pie”, with a nice pinot.
Girls with arms on Valentine’s day. Reminds me. We all know that Earth cannot cope with 6 billion human beings. The polution, the scarcity of goods, the enviromental destruction. But also the urbanisation which tries to make humans live in such a way they geneticly cannot live in. Humans are social people. They like to be near other people, but too many people causes alienation or friction. The counter natural city life is the cause of all the mental illness that’s overwhelming this stressed and increasingly violent nation. If the population could be reduced from 6 billion to 2 billion in a 100 years, using the Chinese 1 child a family policy everywhere, the quality of life would increase tremendously. Earth could recover and sustain human life indefinitely.
Valentine’s day is a stupid holiday all right. And speaking of Valentine’s Day massacres, I think Normal Person just volunteered for live target practice for the next one. I swear he’s not joking.
Normal Person makes “killing your fellow human beings” sound like A Bad Thing…
It wouldn’t have been A Bad Thing, for example, if you were a Polish Jew living in Warsaw facing an SS trooper.
It wouldn’t be A Bad Thing if you were named Sharon Tate, facing the Manson Family.
Oh well… I guess, for Normal Person and his (her) ilk, it’s better that we are all just Quivering Victims.
I have an even more general question. I’m under the impression that most of the folks who occupy the portion of cyperspace are Brits. Now what in the world are Brits doing with firewarms. Your country in its infinite wisdom, as I understand it, has outlawed everything from cap pistols to shotguns, let alone all the assorted semi-auto devices which can be found on this site. Are you a colony of Brits that’s been transported to the U.S. or Israel or are all of you anticipating arrest in the near future by a gaggle of bobbies?
I’m also confused about “normal person’s” perception. The brace of Glocks I have, 3 19-shot mags for each (17 round pre-ban mags with +2 mag exts.) were purchased and are maintained for the sole purpose of shooting human beings, not tigers or bears or whatever. Not just any human being of course will be targeted but someone who kicks my front door down and, whilst on a high due to drugs and in search of MY money to purchase more, will likely be disappointed per one of the Glocks. How complicated is that?
The gun stuff is just juvenile. I grew out of that in Jr. High.
It’s really pretty dorky behavior for adults to be engaging in.
Dorky, juvenile Mack Bolan wanna-be poseurs.
It’s like Star Trek geeks posing with lightsabers.
The gun stuff is just juvenile. I grew out of that in Jr. High.
It’s really pretty dorky behavior for adults to be engaging in.
Dorky, juvenile Mack Bolan wanna-be poseurs.
It’s like Star Wars geeks posing with lightsabers.
Yes, I screwed up.
BTW, I’m only criticizing the guns all over the site, and the goofy “dress up” photo posing with the gun.
Not guns in general, like the troll above.
and I ain’t necessarily talkin ’bout the HK
Cripes, what’s with the looney leftist gungrabbers? Go read some other blog where your delicate sensibilities won’t be offended by the sight of a woman wielding a weapon.
I find the glorification of any firearms, whether they be 22s or bakookas, an offence to our society and to the world as a whole. Just open the papers and read! Do you think a tiger or a bear will come charging into your homes? NO!
No, just honest fear (among many other valid reasons, 2nd Amd, Sport) that some sociopath might come charging into our homes, as regularly reported in the newspapers. Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!
Human predators now (as in most of the past) are the problem.
There is no use for these weapons outside of killing your fellow human beings. I know some males like firearms because they are lacking in a certain personal area. But why would a woman even touch such a vile object?
Sounds, alas, like my first wife on our wedding night.
I am taking a sociology course next semester and I promise you I will raise these issues with the professor and inform you of what sociopathologies you are inflicted with. You can laugh but my concerns are shared by millions.
Yes, next semester you will be TOLD WHAT TO THINK. Learn the lesson well. Not only will there be a test, but the results will be placed in your PERMANENT RECORD.
JonH, it’s the Star WARS geeks who pretend wrapping paper tubes are light-sabers. Star TREK geeks pretend that their flip-phones will put them in touch with Scotty. (Meanwhile, gun-nut sci-fi fans are off in the corner reading Heinlein, Pournelle, & Drake…)
Cyberluddite they`ll also be reading David Weber and John Ringo oh boy will they!!!
Do Not Feed The Troll
Normal Person – Isn’t there some lefty Victim’s Blog you’d be better off reading??? One that states stuff like: “A woman who is raped and strangled with her panties is morally superior to a woman standing with a dead rapist at her feet & holding a smoking .38spl”???
And FYI, the guy 3 doors down from me was murdered last week, and this is Holland. So I do have reason to fear predation. And the worst thing is, there’s nothing I can legally do about it here.
Korblimee, so long as they aren’t reading Ken McLeod & stocking up on weapons based on his beliefs, I’m happy. 😉
Normal Person:
Mmmm, gun good. Me like gun! Must shoot small, helpless, furry animals!
Semper Fi
“Oh well… I guess, for Normal Person and his (her) ilk, it’s better that we are all just Quivering Victims.”
They just want to bring us all under their Big Tent and share the enlightenment and bliss of being just like them, Kim. Must be because they’re “lacking in a certain personal area,” I suppose. (Sorry, but I couldn’t resist.) Adriana, you make a damned fine Cupid.
Check her trigger finger. She knows what NOT to do! Nice.
Semper Fi
I was raised by and with women who could ride and shoot. As a consequence, it always seemed natural to me that a woman should now how to safely and effectively use a gun. It’s perhaps unfair, but I find women who can’t to be in the same class as those that jump on the kitchen stool and scream when they see a mouse.
I took some heavy flak yesterday for not making V-Day romantic and extravagant enough. If my dear wife had this thang handy, guys, I wouldn’t be here anymore…
Tighter gun control!! No arms in women’s arms!!
Handling weapons is “dorky behavior”? I guess all those gun-toting dorks down at the rifle range on Feb 14th were just emotionally stunted juveniles, including myself. Brilliant analysis there, Sigmund!
As for the Earth supporting 6 Billion persons versus 2 Billion, consider this: how much starvation do you find in free nations, versus how much starvation you find in totalitarian regimes.
Even the worst African famines were man-made disasters, and usually the work of dictators with a taste for ethnic cleansing.
The Earth can support billions more, as long as there is more freedom. As the distance between people has decreased, the pace of innovation and technological advancement has increased.
More people, closer communication, faster improvements in technology. Reducing world population wouldn’t increase sustainability, but it certainly would set back progress. What isn’t needed is draconian population controls (as in China’s case) but is greater individual rights and freedoms. Giving people the opportunity to shape their environment to suit their needs will eliminate famine, deprivation, and conflict.
Well, now I see the point of gun photos. They generate comments.
Love is a beautiful woman with an automatic weapon.
Normal Person’s post was too ludicrously cliched to be believed.
I’m sure that it was somebody’s idea of satire. Pretty funny, even if it wasn’t meant to be.
“Handling weapons is “dorky behavior”? I guess all those gun-toting dorks down at the rifle range on Feb 14th were just emotionally stunted juveniles, including myself.”
Well, were people walking around pretending to be Boba Fett or Lara Croft? That’s dorky. I’m guessing they generally weren’t doing that, but were instead acting like mature adults.
But the treatment of firearms on this blog is decidedly dorky and juvenile.
Yes, Joh H. And lets not forget all those dorky people with badges and uniforms (unless you are in England, I suppose), riding their “cool” cars with flashy lights. And the dorky people in the military. Bunch of goobers…always dressing up in camouflage or other uniforms with their guns. What are they thinking?? Juvenile dorks!
Or maybe I should just say that I disagree with you. Maybe you didn’t notice, but the a lot of the guns all over the place help serve as deliminators. Perhaps a simple button or line would do…but I think the site is aesthetically done. Unless you have “gun issues” of course.
I know some males like firearms because they are lacking in a certain personal area. But why would a woman even touch such a vile object?
maybe to keep away creeps like you? or maybe because they’re DATING creeps like you and have to take the protection of themselves into their own hands, because you’ll be too busy dialing 911 or buying flowers for a rapist?
just a guess
This does go some way towards my suggestion to P de Havilland that the redesigned logo with gun on book couchant in a field of illuminatiwotsits would go down a lot better if it was Adriana in leather on motorcycle with gun rampant.
Adriana, I do agree that St Valentine’s is a corny day, but marking it doesn’t mean one can’t be imaginative and original. I mean, any excuse … specially if you’re in lurve.
Valentine’s Day is a fine holiday. It’s great. Love & caring are great. (So is self-defense. ) The problem is confusing lust, sexual desire, with love, commitment (plus lust). Hollywood can’t show love as easily in 90 minutes as lots of lust.
Love can bring one happiness. Though
“When I feel, my finger, on your trigger.
I know, no one, can do me no harm.
is a warm gun.”
“Adriana in leather on motorcycle with gun rampant”
Okay, quit that nonsense. I already had a shower this morning.
Poor Adriana. Her ears must be burning.
In case anyone was wondering, the cylindrical dingus on the front with the dimples and the tab pointing downwards is a forward barrel housing to grip with your other hand. The tab stops your hand moving forward , thus avoiding putting your fingers in the line of fire (with associated unfortunate conqequences).
Well, having an absurdly gigantic member, I can safely say that my appreciation of firearms is not linked to any feelings of male inadequacy. I hope this puts the issue to bed!
the internet is gay
ACH writes: “Yes, Joh H. And lets not forget all those dorky people with badges and uniforms (unless you are in England, I suppose), riding their “cool” cars with flashy lights. And the dorky people in the military. Bunch of goobers…always dressing up in camouflage or other uniforms with their guns. What are they thinking?? Juvenile dorks!”
Uh, no. Those people are using firearms in a professional manner, not playing dress-up. For them, firearms are tools, not costume props.
If a cop is going around acting like she’s Lara Croft, striking poses with a drawn weapon, then yeah, that particular cop has issues. But I don’t think that’s very likely.
Jon H: we are making a none too subtle political statement everytime we show a picture of a person enjoying themselves with a gun which is banned in this country. Don’t like that? Don’t find it serious enough? Forgive me if I do not really mind over much.
I did wear a gun for Halloween this year — but I also can shoot straight with it.
Chris Krok spouted spews about threatening his brother’s friend with a GUN on the air. This when he was a juvenile. I guess this is the qualification for being a wacko talk show host.
Chris Krok spouted spews about threatening his brother’s friend with a GUN on the air. This when he was a juvenile. I guess this is the qualification for being a wacko talk show host.
Love is a path to the heart that knows its own way.