Will the German embassy protest, one wonders? Hardly the spirit of reconciliation.
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Who’s a pretty boy then?Will the German embassy protest, one wonders? Hardly the spirit of reconciliation. January 19th, 2004 |
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Ah the English… the
BulldogParrot bred!That’s hilarious. I didn’t realize parrots lived that long.
What’s to protest? Hitler’s dead, and Nazism is outlawed in Germany.
Re: Kim
But the spirit of National Socialism lives on in today’s Germany.
Heh. Just one more reason to think highly of Churchill. Would that Tony Blair had a parrot that said something similar about Chirac. Rule Britannia!
Surely a European arrest warrant for xenophobia will be issued ….
Ah, yes, the Norwegian Blue – beautiful bird innit, lovely plumage…
I don’t suppose anybody has the parrot saying, “F**k the Nazis” on MP3 or similar format?
I would pay money to hear that.
“It can be proved Charlie is at least 104 and was born in the 19th century”.
Hmm. I’d like to know something about that proof. And while we’re at it, did the Mirror reporter actually hear the parrot squawk “F*** the Nazis”, or was he just told that it could be coaxed into it?