Peter Briffa is on great form.
Peter Briffa is on great form. Tomorrow evening we are doing a blogger bash and one of the Samizdatistas, Michael Jennings in a bout of generosity is bringing a whole leg of Serrano ham to share. Another blogging groupie is kindly bringing a ham stand and a knife. So the video below is particularly relevant and wonderfully silly: via dropsafe cross-posted from Media Influencer The Daily Telegraph asks:
I have been skiing several times and judging by the partying I er, saw (honest, guv), quite a good deal. As for the chaps, well… Apparently, the reason Senator Hillary Clinton (New York) won the recent New Hampshire Democratic party US presidential primary was as follows:
I wonder what we should call “single women and women with less than a college degree”? Not “Soccer Moms” obviously. I have a horrible feeling I know what Chris Rock would call them… BTW, I note there are no Samizdata category sections for “witchcraft” or “elections”. This might be a case for either or both. “The loss of a leg may generally be regarded as a more real calamity than the loss of a mistress.” – Adam Smith. I think I agree, although I guess it depends on the mistress. I am feeling rather groggy after a wonderful party yesterday – I also watched the excellent Barbarians-South Africa match in a pub – but this item on a website called Sharp as a Marble is an instant hangover cure. Good heavens – the stuff you can find on the web. Important data on the meaning of curves and wiggles. Standing ovations have become far too commonplace. What we need are ovations where the audience members all punch and kick one another. – George Carlin, US comedian. David Friedman has some thoughts on the whole business of human mating and money. I suppose I will be deemed incorrigibly flippant, but I could not help but immediately think of this crackerjack of a funny post on such matters by the one and only Harry Hutton. Deplorable, obviously. |
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