Hitler finds out Obama lost Massachusetts… hehehe.
Hitler finds out Obama lost Massachusetts… hehehe. In Scott Brown we have an irresponsible, homophobic, racist, reactionary, ex-nude model, teabagging supporter of violence against woman. – Keith Olbermann, MSNBC host. To which Mark Steyn responded, under the heading “Homophobic Nude Teabaggers on the March”: That’s certainly why I’m supporting him. But who knew there were so many of us? Hilarious (H/T, Glenn Reynolds). “John, talking about a Hare Krishna group who’d been painting a little temple in the grounds of Tittenhurst Park near Ascot, which was briefly his home, was typical. “I had to sack them. They were very nice and gentle, but they kept going around saying ‘peace’ all the time. It was driving me mad.” John Lennon, as remembered by Ray Connolly. I have mixed feelings about John Lennon – who could support some strenously foolish things at times – but I loved his razer-sharp wit. “An old guy’s wife tells him to go to the butcher shop and get some meat. He goes to the butcher shop and stands in line for hours. Finally the butcher says, “We’re out of meat.” The old guy blows his top. He yells, “I am a worker! I am a proletarian! I am a veteran of the Great Patriotic War! I have fought for socialism all my life, and now you tell me you’re out of meat! What kind of a system is this?! You are fools! You are thieves! . . . ” A big man in a trench coat comes up to the old guy and says, “Comrade, Comrade, not so loud. In the old days you know what they would do if you said such things.” The big man in the trench coat makes a pistol motion with his hand. He says to the old guy, “Calm down and go home.” The old guy shrugs and leaves. He comes back empty-handed, and his wife says, “What’s the matter, are they out of meat?” “Worse than that,” says the old guy, “they’re out of bullets.” An old Russian joke, as told by the one and only PJ O’Rourke. I came across this gem of a comment by an Obama supporter – assuming the commenter was sincere and not a troll, and it is just too good to go unremarked. The comment was made on a suitably acerbic column by Matt Welch, one of those Reasonoids who have gone very sour indeed on the US president. Here is the comment: “I´m american and not angry. i´m happy with our new president. vladimir putin likes him, too. looking forward to his next 3 years as president.” Priceless. This is superb. BREAKING NEWS It has just been reported that the head gardener at The White House has been dismissed after 28 years of loyal service to the many US presidents. When interviewed the elderly, Caucasian gardener protested his innocence and said:
Check out this hilarious analysis of what you can infer from how people sleep after a one night stand. Was it as good for you as it was for me? Via this website is a list of the ten most annoying taxes. I am not sure if I agree with the rankings, but still. The website does seem to have many attractive features (absolutely! Ed). |
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