We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]


verb. To write blog articles about blogging. Also: metablogging.


noun. An article posted on a blog.

(coined by Tony Millard)


noun. Being unable to stop yourself constantly refreshing your browser to see if your hit counter or comments section has increased since the last time you did it (i.e. about 1 minute ago). This often occurs when a ‘memorable number’ is coming up (such as a blog’s hit counter crossing 10,000 or 100,000 or 250,000 visitors etc.) or an unusually large surge of posted comments are attracted by an article.

(coined by Perry de Havilland)

Whoring (for hits)

intr.verb. Posting things on a blog purely to generate an increase in visitors. The term is often intended humourously, but not always.

Link whore

noun. A blogger (qv) who will go to any lengths to get other bloggers to link to them (the term is usually intended to be humourous). Also: Link slut. Both terms are in fact gender non-specific.


noun. When you just don’t give a damn about posting in your blog that day.

(coined by Michele Catalano)


noun. The blogosphere (qv) intelligentsia.


noun. A reader who infests the comment section of a weblog, disagreeing with everything posted in the most obnoxious manner possible.

(coined by Stacy Tabb)



noun. RSS is a web content syndication format. Acronym which stands for (variously) RDF Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary.

Barking moonbat

noun. Someone on the extreme edge of whatever their -ism happens to be.

(coined by Perry de Havilland)

Usage:“Definition of a ‘barking moonbat’: someone who sacrifices sanity for the sake of consistency”
-Adriana Cronin

Although the term (often rendered simply as ‘Moonbat’) is very popular with conservative and libertarian bloggers who appropriately use it to describe the Chomskyite Left, it was always intended as a much more ecumenical epithet and has been correctly used to describe certain paleo-conservative and paleo-libertarians views. (also see ‘idiotarian’).

Note: Contrary to some speculation and entries on Wikipedia (which constantly change to reflect the prevailing wind of the day it seems), Perry de Havilland has stated it was was not originally a play on the last name of George Monbiot, a columnist for The Guardian, as he was using the term long before he met or had even heard of Mr. Monbiot.

Blog Digest

noun. A blog regularly that reports on or summarizes a number of other blogs, typically on a daily basis. Blog Digests are extremely useful but as they are difficult to sustain, unfortunatly tend to have short operational lives. Also: Digest blog.

Journal blog

noun. A personal diary-like blog. Personal journal blogs are by far the most common type of blog. Most have extremely small daily readerships (albeit sometimes very dependble). Also: Diary blog

Journal blogs form one of the three primary distinct (and largely separate) cultural groups within the blogging world, the other two being Tech blogs and Pundit blogs.

Also see: Kittyblogger