noun. The community of people who leave comments on a blog.
Usage: “We got some useful suggestion from the commentariat today on how to deal the spammer problem.”
Used as noun or verb. The willful omission of one or more words so the meaning of the statement is no longer understood but that the statement suits the needs of the writer in launching an ad hominem attack whether or not the construction is truthful or grammatically complete. Named after Maureen Dowd, based on her manufacture of a quote attributed to President Bush in her May 14, 2003 column (as first reported by Robert Cox on The term and the practice are often found in the Blogosphere. (Coined by James Taranto) noun. A blog maintained via mobile hardware, typically a mobile phone (‘cell phone’) with a built-in digital camera. Moblogs are usually ‘photo journals’ rather than text intensive (though this varies). Whilst moblogs are general run from a phone, it can also be run from a laptop, palmtop or web enabled PDA as the defining element of a moblog is it is used to ‘blog away from the desk’. 1. noun. A ping is a system administrator tool that is an automated packet of information (64 bytes) sent through a network to another to establish the status of a target system. 2. verb. To ping another site is to send a small automated packet of data to actuate some expected function, such as a Trackback (qv). PING is an acronym for ‘Packet INternet Grouper’ 1. noun. A system by which a ping (qv) is sent to another trackback-aware website (usually another blog) to notify that site that a link to them has been made (usually within an article being posted). The objective is to notify the subject of an article that they have been mentioned in another article elsewhere. 2. verb. To follow a trackback ping from the target weblog to the source weblog. noun. A ‘Progressive Weblog’. A blog expressing various left wing political views. (coined by Madeleine Begun) noun. A series of remarks posted by people in a public comment section of a blog that follow a conversational and topic related sequence. Whilst used on blogs to describe related comments under a single blog article, this term is more specifically and accurately associated with on-line forums, many of which use a ‘threaded’ format that indents related digressions from the main ‘conversation’ in a branching manner, making it more clear to which previous comment a person it replying. Although some blog-forum hybrids also use this ‘threaded’ format within their public comments section, the term is more commonly associated with forums rather than blogs. usage: “A blog article by Mike over on Cold Fury has sparked off an interesting thread with people arguing about the merits of private firearms ownership” |
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