We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Christmas with the ASI

Seeing as Samizdata.net is having its Christmas party (or is it Cthuhulumas party?) today, I thought I would stick up some pictures from… the very congenial Adam Smith Institute party last Tuesday. Just for the hell of it.




Remember, remember the 5th of November…

… Gunpowder treason and plot!

I shall be going out tonight to give that Catholic boy Guy Fawkes a rousing send off on this most politically incorrect of nights.


Election day… now that is when the really scary things happen

Halloween… yes, many of the Samizdatistas duly did their duty on All Hallows Eve by going ‘bump’ in the night…


The girls were all spidery…


No, it was not tomato soup, it was the blood of virgins, honest


Paul was not used to women coming up and admiring his chopper


The host and hostess kill not kill all the trick or treaters to make the tasty stew


… but the true horror walks the earth tomorrow…

Yet another Blogger Bash…

Blogging may be a bit light tonight (or not) as there is a Samizdata.net Blogger Bash at Samizdata HQ tonight…

We shall be trying to impress a certain Texan blogger with Chili Con Chelsea!

Sentiments for this day

We are having a dinner party at Samizdata.net HQ and our recurring toast this evening (with excellent Polish flavoured vodka and apple juice) is:

Death to the Wahhabbis!


It just seemed the appropriate thing to say on September 11th.

And the reason for so little activity on Samizdata.net tonight is…

… yet another blog party at Samizdata.net HQ…






There are so many new bloggers ‘on the party circuit’ now that we have to rotate our invitation lists. So if you did not get an invitation, we (probably) still love you… maybe next time.

Another party at Samizdata.net HQ…

…which explains the meagre output on the blog today. Not a ‘blogger bash’, just a party.

The excuse for this bash was the visit of American writer and journalist Nancy Rommelmann and her charming daughter Tafv


Nancy listens to a lecture on why she needs to drink more Pimms


Some of the guests were surprised to hear there was not going to be a Frisbee throwing contest


Antoine was astonished to see proof that there is indeed a martial art associated with barbeque tools


The Three Furies seems rather mellow after imbibing significant amounts of Pimms


We have no idea who these two people are but they just appeared out of the gathering gloom like apparitions and ate all the fish

Samizdata bash… on Waterloo Day (well, not quite)…

Yesterday we has a Samizdata.net Bash (rather than a general Blogger Bash) to greet fellow Samizdatista Frank McGahon on the occasion of his visit to London… and seeing as it was also Waterloo Day, we were delighted to have a guest at the party whose name is Wellington!


For once the London rain was conspicuous by its absence!


We have started a policy of recruiting Samizdata.net contributors as early as possible in their careers


Some familiar faces and some new ones from downunder


As usual there was a plague of digital cameras


Much booze was disposed of…

Samizdatista sightings in Manhattan?

There have been rumoured Dale Amon sightings in the Irish bars of Manhattan. Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid…

Samizdata.net’s output reduced… blame St. George

St. George’s Day Party at the New Cavendish Club, ergo more drinking and less blogging   icon_flag_ENG.gif









Tim Blair’s dirty little secret is out.

A good many of the Australian bloggerati (including Scott Wickstein and myself) attended a fine blogger bash in Melbourne over the weekend. A splendid evening was had by all, and photos have been put up in various other places, but there was just one additional thing I have to share with the world.

This is Tim Blair.


Notice the glass of the pale coloured yellowy stuff in his hand. Tim spent the whole evening drinking chardonnay. He made some feeble excuse about how is is trying to reclaim chardonnay for capitalism, but I was not entirely convinced about his protestations. He did, after all drink a lot of chardonnay. In fact he couldn’t stop.


Could the whole Right Wing Death Beast thing be an act, when Tim has such an extreme characteristic of the enemy? I am fearful.

I love the smell of glamour in the morning

I have been to a marvelous party and now I am back.

The marvelous party was the CNE Capitalist Ball, held at the Belgian Stock Exchange in central Brussels.

Now before I go any further here, I have a confession to make. Two confessions, in fact. Last Thursday, I referred to Brussels as the ‘Heart of Darkness’. Well, I was wrong about that. I also suspected that I was going to find myself in Brussels amid a room full of musty, fusty academics plus a few corporate types and policy wonks. I was wrong about that too.

In fact, my travelling companion and fellow Samizdatista Antoine Clarke and I found ourselves in sumptuous surroundings with hundreds of European, British and American glitterati and illuminati from the worlds of business, finance, politics, journalism and academia. In other words, lots of clever, interesting men and lots of clever, interesting and head-turningly lovely women. They were smart, young, chic, funny and sexy.


The belles are ringing for capitalism

→ Continue reading: I love the smell of glamour in the morning