We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

New Years casualties expected

As the valiant members of the Samizdata Air Service deploy across the globe, spreading the good news about liberty and confounding it’s enemies, expect the rate at which articles get posted to slow significently as, one by one, we end up passed out under tables, asleep in strange beds or the centre of large steaming alcohol induced craters somewhere, mumbling incoherently about several property, Ludwig von Mises and some chick with short blonde hair and long sheer stockinged legs.

New Years greetings from this most global blog. Wassail and Cheers from:
Britain (Perry de Havilland, David Carr and Tom Burroughes in London; Natalie Solent in the Home Counties)
Northern Ireland (Dale Amon in Belfast)
Austria (Natalija Radic in Vienna)
United States (Walter Uhlman in New Jersey and Christopher Pellerito in Michigan)
Rlyeh (‘Samizdata Illuminatus’, somewhere under the South Pacific, we think)

Samizdata quote of the day

Now where did I leave that Paracemetol?

– Dale Amon

Report from the Front Lines

Aye, it has not been a pretty sight. Dead bottles have piled ever higher on the table tops and the barrages of incoming pints have been incessant. We’re expecting another intense battering tonight after too few hours rest from the ordeal. Numerous head injuries have been reported. One of my musician friends just called for help after being lost for a day and claims to have suffered grievous braincase damage. We’re planning a rescue party and hope to have him on anaesthetic within a few hours, before the alcohol level in his blood stream falls to dangerous levels.

It’s pure hell, but this is what the Samizdata forces train for!

A Merry Christmas to all, and just remember: Guinness Is Good For You!

Casualties reported amongst Samizdata personnel

There have been reports that casualties were suffered during the heroic rescue of Adil Farooq yesterday by members of the 22nd Samizdata Air Service (the spectacular SAS success being evidenced by Muslimpundit‘s site being updated today in spite of the efforts of the Taliban, Al Qaeda and Robert Fisk to silence it).

However other reports have indicated that the casualties were in fact the result of friendly fire suffered at a debriefing in London which extended into the wee hours of the morning, at a clandestine location near Tottenham Hale. DEBKA‘s ‘military sources’ suggest that Dr. Chris Tame, the infamous and shadowy figure behind the Libertarian Alliance (the person upon whom the fictitious ‘Dr. Evil’ was in fact based), was seen in the area where the debriefing was taking place. There is speculation he may have masterminded the daring rescue.

Similarly Dale Amon reported the SAS was also conducting intensive combat operations in Belfast yesterday as well. Due to the fog, the report from Northern Ireland was slightly garbled:

I’ll see what I can manage through the fog. There are two things to keep in mind:

* Christmas and New Year fall in the middle of the week.
* I am in Ireland
I leave the logical derivation of my state to the reader.

War is hell.