A hastily convened Blogger Booze Up has been called by Gavin Sheridan and Dan Gillmor
When: Friday at 6:30 pm.
Where: Red Lion, Westminster, 48 Parliament St.
Who: Whoever wants to show up.
Why: You have to ask?
A hastily convened Blogger Booze Up has been called by Gavin Sheridan and Dan Gillmor When: Friday at 6:30 pm. Where: Red Lion, Westminster, 48 Parliament St. Who: Whoever wants to show up. Why: You have to ask? Last night until late, high up in the Hollywood Hills, a veritable multiplicity of LA Bloggers swarmed into Casa Bad Dude… Bill Whittle & Rand Simberg… Jets and Rockets Rand Simberg & Mickey Kaus
Kate Sullivan & Emmanuelle Richard
Martin Devon, Ann Salisbury, Kevin Drum & the pseudonymous Armed Liberal
I finally got to meet Rand Simberg face to face
Sara & Moxie, who contrary to some scurrilous rumours, is most certainly not deformed! This being Casa Bad Dude, the air was thick with cigar smoke Update: The morning after the night before… Brian Linse recovers slowly from last night’s festivities As usual, it starts with a scrum of bloggers descending on the beer and chili… ![]() Glug, glug, munch, munch Shockingly, many of the bloggers discussed… BLOGGING! ![]() Patrick Crozier, Natalie Solent, Stephen Pollard Eventually numbers and the need to smoke causes the proceedings to explode out into the garden. Many curses were uttered at the people responsible for the absence of Andrew Dodge and Sasha… ![]() My… what big eyes you have! Much beer was consumed… ![]() I was only resting! It is now 02:30 in the morning and strangely, people are starting to demand more chili! ![]() Why aren’t you people tired yet? Will it never end??? Update: Over a dozen of the hard core are still here… ![]() The Transportblog Team: would you buy a train ticket from this lot? Nearly 04:00 in the morning and at least one intrepid blogger has passed out in The Comfie Chair… ![]() Don’t you people have blogs to write for? Final update: The grizzled hardcore diehards finally staggered off into London’s cold morning air at the first warning glow of daylight, a few minutes past 05:00 this morning… ![]() Another highly successful British Blogger Bash! Tonight the cream of the British and European blogerati is descending on Chelsea once more for one of our famous Blogger Bashes… and thus there may be rather less output than usual on this blog (and quite a few others) tonight.
but hopefully not too much… ![]()
I hope to see many of the Samizdatistas at the St. George’s Day party tonight on the Thames. If anyone spectacularly misbehaves, or turns up looking particularly hot in a little black dress (no, not you David), I will try to get incriminating photos posted as soon as possible. Or more accurately, the day after the night before. Two separate parties yesterday involving a large contingent of Samizdatistas has resulted in rather meagre output today. ![]() Proper decorum was observed at all times Brian Linse, our pet pinko from California crashed Sober discourse was the byword at this gathering as usual Normal output will resume tomorrow… Through a family connection, my eldest brother Toby has got himself involved in the cake business. He used to be an accountant and a management consultancy hotshot, and the widow of his late wife’s brother used to run a cake-baking operation. So when she also died, Toby was one of the people who rallied round to help. That was a few years ago, but the resulting enterprise, Columbine Cakes, is still very much in business. Everything depends on how the cakes are baked, and the cook, the human hinge of the whole enterprise, is still going strong. Columbine gets most of its business from already satisfied customers who come back for more, and from those lucky people with whom those customers share their purchases, often on special occasions like weddings when only the best will do. Columbine also has a nice new website, which will supply you with all the details if you want to purchase any of their products or get onto their mailing list. Toby gave me a Columbine fruit cake for Christmas. It wasn’t quite as good as the cakes our mother used to make at Christmas time, but it was the nearest thing to such a miracle that I’ve ever tasted, that you can buy in a shop or through the post. If this fruit cake was anything to go by, then any Columbine product – and there are now quite a few – would be worth a try. None of them are cheap. These are not cakes for the penny-pincher, or, I imagine, for the calorie-phobic. But if you give any of them a go, I truly believe you won’t regret it. Enjoy. Our favourite pinko blogger, Brian Linse is in London… ![]() Little does he know the effect of drinking out of a Samizdata.net Coffee Mug will have on his fragile political sensibilities…muuuahhhhhh! Today I shall be leaving the wet and mouldy Albion for a snowy and frosty Mittel Europa. This means much lower temperatures but also fur coats, Christmas markets, hot mead, mulled wine, slivovica and lots of lovely, lovely traditional Christmas food. Provided I can heave myself away from all that feasting, I shall post about whatever catches my meta-contextual eye. Or may be I’ll just write about anything that still makes sense after drinking the fierce regional spirits. I shall return to celebrate the New Year in London with the rest of the Samizdatistas. The Samizdata.net One Year Gathering last night seemed the perfect chance to get the ‘Global Conspiracy’ moving forward again… ![]() We had everything required for a conspiracy by sinster globalist illuminati: However it proved hard to keep the conspirators focused on the job at hand Very hard, in fact
It did not help that there were many distractions But we did achieve something… we proved that Andrew Dodge not only wears his leather kilt in ‘true Scottish style’, someone has autographed his posterior! A rare treat for me yesterday evening, albeit at the cost of an arduous three and a half hour drive down to the East Kent coast. The treat was a dinner party at the home of fellow Libertarian Sean Gabb, his lovely wife Andrea and capitalist-buccaneer radical Rebecca Baty. Sean and his wife live in the old garrison town of Deal, from where, on a sufficiently clear day, you can just see the coast of France; a fact which must have concentrated 18th Century English minds wonderfully. The place reeks of history. Aside from the smattering of satellite dishes, the winding alleyways (too narrow to drive a car down) and huddled regency houses impress one that neither the topography nor fabric of the place has much changed since Napoleon glowered malevolently across the Channel. It was a splendid and rousing evening. Stimulated for the most part by the sheer clarity of Sean’s thought processes, I drove home with a mind wrought giddy with ideas, the fresh blood of which has now begun to coagulate into something like A Manifesto for a Pragmatic British Libertarian. Presumptuous I know, but that won’t stop me working on it. Though a snappier title would not come amiss. |
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