We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

You would rather not know

I have seen numerous questions which come down to “If NASA had taken the wing impacts on launch seriously, the astronauts could have been saved”.

Unfortunately this is not true. I’ll work through the scenarios. Some have been covered reasonably well in the media; some not so well due to a lack of real understanding of orbital mechanics.

  • Why didn’t they have a docking collar?

The Columbia is the heaviest of the shuttles because it is the oldest. For that reason it performs many of the non-space-station missions. This one in particular had a Spacehab in the bay. The spacehab couples to the main airlock of the crew cabin. It also supplies an EVA lock if I remember correctly. What it does not do is allow for an International Docking Collar. There simply will not be room (or more accurately enough payload weight capacity or “payload mass budget”) for one on any flight doing really major non-station hauling.

  • Couldn’t they have gone to the space station if they’d known?

No. The space station is in an “orbital plane” tilted around 50 degrees to the Equator. Since KSC is at around 25 degrees latitude, a spaceship going into orbit there will be best off going into an orbit that is tilted 25 degrees to the equator. If you have a globe handy, look at the location of KSC in Florida. An orbit is a circle around the earth with the centre of the earth as its’ centre.

The Earth is about 24,000 miles in circumference. If you are standing on the equator, you must do a full rotation in 24 hours; thus you are travelling at about 1000 miles per hours. If you were to launch from there, in the direction the Earth is turning, you get your first 1000 mph for free. As you move further north or south, the “length” of your line of latitude gets smaller and smaller. You travel a shorter distance in 24 hours, so the velocity is lower. When you reach the pole, you just turn in a circle once a day but don’t actually go anywhere. Your velocity is 0 mph.

When a rocket takes off, it must go into an orbit; it cannot follow a line of latitude except if it is at the equator. So it not only gets a lower free boost the further it is from the equator; it can’t even use all of it. I’d really like to get into the velocity vectors but that would require diagrams and an assumption you have all had geometry. Instead, just think of the extreme case: if you wanted to launch due North, a “free velocity” in the due East direction is something which not only doesn’t help; it must be cancelled out.

So we now have an idea about why a particular orbital plane (actually a pair of them) is the “cheapest” for a given point on the Earth’s surface. If you are at KSC, it is about 25 degrees; if you are at a Russian launch site, it is more like 55 degrees or higher.

When a shuttle is going to the ISS, it must do a “plane change”. This is most efficiently done during the boost phase. The shuttle rolls onto an azimuth for that orbit and boosts up along the East coast of America. But this is costly; it is not getting the full use of the “free velocity” it would have gotten if it instead rolled onto a 25 degree azimuth. It has to replace that lost factor by burning more fuel. A longer burn means more fuel; more fuel means more fuel to lift that fuel and so forth… this is what is known as the rocket equation.

Carrying more fuel means less of the total mass budget is available for payload.

Once you get into orbit, a “plane change” maneuver is just about the costliest (in terms of fuel) thing you can do. You are travelling at 18000 mph in a very heavy vehicle in a “straight line”. Remember “things in motion tend to stay in motion”. There is a lot of momentum. If you want to go from 25 degrees to 50 degrees inclination, you have to fire your engines at right angles to your direction of motion. You have “turn” your entire orbit. It is almost “cheaper” to land and re-launch than to make that change. It is certainly beyond the abilities of any of the shuttles.

But that is only the first maneuver! The ISS is in a higher orbit. So you also have to do a burn that raises the apogee or high point of your orbit. This is a “Transfer Orbit”. When you next reach perigee, you have to do another burn to raise the perigee. This is a “Circularization burn”.

Oh, yeah… you will have to then be in an orbit slightly above that of ISS so you’ll rendezvous with it within a few days. Then you do minor orbital changes and carry out the rendezvous and docking.

If this all sounds like a nonstarter… you are correct.

  • Well, couldn’t they just sit tight and be rescued?

No. They have limited food and water, but most critically, they have limited Oxygen. Whether the margin left after that 16 day mission was in days or a couple weeks I don’t known. I guarantee you it was very finite.

Shuttles are not “launch on demand” reusable vehicles. They are more “re-buildable” vehicles that are extensively refurbished after each flight. There might have been one already stacked (I haven’t checked the status) but even so, it would take days to get it out to the pad; days more to do a rush checkout job… and they still wouldn’t have the computers set up for the mission. I do not know how hard they can push that. Maybe weeks if they took lots of risks. Shuttle flight software used to be scheduled and tested over a period of many months in advance. They have in recent years done some “rapid” re-profiling of missions, but at the best I think we are talking 4-6 weeks.

Not soon enough I’m afraid.

  • Couldn’t we have asked the Russians to rescue them?

The Russians had an unmanned, full cargo ship on the pad. But the Progress vehicle is discarded. It has no re-entry system. The Russians currently build 2 Soyez per year. None were on the pad to my knowledge. Even if they were, a Soyuz holds 3 persons. You are going to need at least one inside to deal with on the spot issues. So best case, you can draw lots and save two… but ooops… There is only one EVA suit. So I guess you save one guy and wave to the rest.

  • Couldn’t one of the Astronauts have gone EVA and fixed it?

No. It’s conceivable the EVA could have been carried out; however one astronaut spokesman has pointed out the risk of the inspector causing damage. And if he finds “a situation”… there is no means of in-orbit repair.

  • Couldn’t they have just been really gentle on re-entry?

Doubtful. The re-entry glide path is tightly constrained. Too shallow and you skip a number of times and then when you dig in you dig deep; too deep and you burn up. Like the three bears, you have to get the one that is just right. Perhaps they could have avoided the S turns, started re-entry further out and stayed wings level… but my level of hope for that is rather low. It’s probably the option they would have tried.

It comes down to this. If they had known from immediately after launch, those seven people would have spent their last 20 days of life facing certain death. Instead they enjoyed themselves immensely and died instantly doing exactly what they wanted to do.

Who could ask for a better way to go?


NASA has set up this FTP site here for the public to use to upload photos, videos and documentary commentary of found debris. It may be the first use of the Net to assist in disaster evidence collection on such a massive scale.

REMEMBER not to touch anything. And FORGET about trying to profit from this tragedy.

From those who know

I really don’t want to add anything to this statement by the families. If it doesn’t bring a tear to your eye, you have no soul.

A Canadian conversation

Since Doug Jones uttered the name Henry Spencer in a recent comment, I decided to ring Henry and compare notes. A very interesting 15 minutes pooling our various bits of hearsay and rumour…

Henry thinks a heat induced tireburst in the wing is one possible scenario. As we know (think Concorde) such events can be extremely violent and cause air frame damage.

For my part, I note the best place to run the hydraulic loops from the APU’s is right through a section of rear fuselage and wing root where the news have been pointing to as places where the temperature rises were seen shortly before loss of communication. Neither of us knows exactly how the hydraulic lines run and how far apart their independant paths are. However the lines all have to come together at the actuators for the ailerons (or elevons since they can provide both functions I believe).

Loss of the hydraulic loops would cause instant and violent loss of control, but I would expect at least a small amount of data showing the lines popping before the control loss occurs. I am not privy to any such data.

Henry’s suggestion on the tire gives us a very sudden air frame damaging event, but unless it causes immediate catastrophic structural failure, I can’t see it happening without the crew knowing a few seconds in advance something was terribly wrong.

I would expect clear signatures of either in telemetry. I guess we all have to say “we don’t know”, and we are at a disadvantage without access to the actual telemetry and time sequence.

Which is of course what teams of engineers at NASA are most likely doing right now.

Also, Henry reports from his sources that there is uncertainty that remains of all 7 have been found yet. They announced one way and then back tracked apparently.

No one has found the significant heavy structures of the shuttle: the SSME’s or major portions of the crew pressure vessel. Something the size of a compact car is said to have gone down into a reservoir but it has not been found and no one knows what it was. The fact that remains have been found tells us the pressure vessel must have been split open.

It is likely these items travelled the farthest. They could be deep into Louisiana or perhaps into the Gulf of Mexico. If the latter, there is the risk they will not be found for a very long time.

Hopefully Henry will drop by and add his tuppence (Canadian) to these random jotting about our brief brainstorm.

MORE: A 6-7ft long piece of the cabin has been found. Added to the evidence that astronaut remains have been found, I think it is safe to say the pressure vessel and contents were shredded pretty thoroughly. The good news is, more of it is likely to be found around Nacogdoches rather than further down range. There is still no word of the three SSME’s.

STILL MORE The Indendant claims bits will still be turning up in ten years. Ten years hell: centuries more like. Not to mention the few odd bits that will make it into fossil layers to be dug up a hundred million years hence. We are talking about hundreds of thousands of shuttle bits spread over half of East Texas and potentially spread from California to Louisiana and the Gulf of Mexico. They’ll be lucky to even find all the big parts this side of 2100!

AND MORE They have now found the nosecone

Seven Minutes

Fox News today reported information given out by Shuttle program manager Ron Dittemore I find quite useful:

“He [Dittemore] added that engineering data shows a rise of 20 to 30 degrees in the left wheel well about seven minutes before the spacecraft’s last radio transmission. There followed a rise of about 60 degrees over five minutes in the left hand side of the fuselage above the wing, he said.

The shuttle temperature rose the normal 15 degrees on the right side over the same period, he said. All the readings came from sensors underneath the thermal tiles, on the aluminum hull of the craft.

The temperature spikes were accompanied by an increased drag, or wind resistance, that forced Columbia’s automated flight control system to make rapid adjustments maintain stability. Dittemore said the corrections were the largest ever for a shuttle re-entry, but still within the craft’s capability.”

If you put this together with other information, the picture starts falling together. An amateur astronomer in California saw an orange trail before the shuttle crossed the US Pacific coast. This roughly matches up in time with the sensor data and I believe what this man saw was the ionization trail of material being burned off the port wing. I am unable to state what material it was, but perhaps someone who did more than barely pass Qualitative can suggest. I can only think of Potassium (K) and Sodium (Na) of course those would be likely constituents of the tiles (I think – I have not dug into literature to refresh my memory on the tile ceramic). I out right do not remember the colour of ionized Aluminum; there are many other possibilities as well, such as hydrazine or hydraulic leaks.

But his description of “an L shape” makes me think of a tile or tiles unbonding and disintegrating into powder as they smash against the pitched up wing, and then being ionized into a burst of glowing plasma… followed by a steady erosion of surrounding tiles in the 3000F+ slipstream. A spectrogram would have been wonderful for the investigation team.

His photos may well show the beginning of the end, the initiation of an unzipping of tiles.

NOTE: The DOD sometimes uses the re-entering shuttle as a sensor test target for space defense systems. It is possible NASA is already getting such information. I have seen unclassified photos of a shuttle re-entry taken by experimental DOD optical systems. Such might exist this time as well.

I have absolutely no way of knowing. This is pure (but “educated”) speculation on my part.

STILL MORE: Doug Jones from XCOR may also have seen tiles disintegrating if I am right. He posted a comment here on Saturday:

“I watched the reentry from Mojave, CA at about 0553 this morning. Although there was some light haze (clearly visible when viewing Venus and Jupiter with 10×50 binoculars while waiting for the event), I was able to see an orange dot leaving a glowing trail behind it. At about the time of closest approach (about 220 miles, I believe) the brightness flared for an instant and a small speck came away from the main body, drifting backwards relative to it. Over about ten seconds, it dimmed and went out, then perhaps thirty seconds later the shuttle flared again but no debris was visible.”

A few good words

Peggy Noonan hit the right tone. I think she understands the dream.

And Buzz… I did to:

“Buzz Aldrin captured it this morning. He tried to read a poem about astronauts on television. He read these words: “As they passed from us to glory, riding fire in the sky.” And tough old Buzz, steely-eyed rocket man and veteran of the moon, began to weep.

He was not alone.”

Astronauts found

The Washington Post reports that remains of all seven crew members have been found.

This will make it easier on the families. I hope they all get a missing man flyover.

Another scenario

I’ve now seen more (but still sketchy) details on the telemetry timeline in the port wing. There is enough there for me to suggest another possible scenario.

The first problem detected was a temperature rise in the port hydraulics. All the flight surfaces on the shuttle are controlled by hydraulics. Pressure is supplied by the APU’s; control is supplied by actuators controlled by the shuttle computers (GPC’s). There are 5 GPC’s. If I remember the architecture correctly, each controls a seperate hydraulic loop. If a GPC fails and tries to ram an aileron full down, the other 4 override it. This is not handled in electronics, it is handled in the hydraulics themselves. The pressure from 4 actuators pushed by hydraulics one way over rides the one going the other way. So long as no more than two GPC’s fail unsafe, control is still possible.

Let’s posit a heat induced hydraulic failure in the port wing. The temperature rise is a common mode failure which overrides the redundancy. I do not know if they have any additional failsafe to return and lock the position of the aileron at a neutral position. However even if they did we can see a potential problem. The shuttle was in the second of two banks in an S curve the shuttle follows for bleeding off energy. Just at the time communication was lost. If the shuttle has just been commanded to roll and lost all hydraulics when put under the pressure by the actuators, we have the shuttle going into a roll that will go faster and faster. It seems likely (to me) we’d lose the aileron very quickly, followed by breakup within seconds.

Even on level flight, I could imagine serious problems from complete loss of use of control surfaces on the port side. I doubt the fly by wire system could deal with something that extreme. I doubt you can fly a brick that way. Period.

CORRECTION: After chatting with another knowledgeable friend and doing a bit of checking I found I was in error about the number of loops. There were 4 loops in the Enterprise drop test article; they apparently cut this down to three independant loops for the first flying article.

Probably the last for tonight…

I’ve noted a few interesting items as I’ve read through coverage this AM.

  1. My first sighting of the media’s second stage reporting: when they start finger pointing and looking for a “whistleblower” or a “smoking gun”. Jackals need a carcass, and they will find one.
  2. I was right about some debris making it into the Gulf of Mexico. Coast Guard cutters have been dispatched to search for locations where debris is supposed to have come down off shore.
  3. There is an unconfirmed report of something coming off over California and someone suggested it might have been tiles. I’m a bit skeptical a tile would cause a trail visible at a distance of 70 miles or so. Meteor trails come from dust particles, but they are traveling many times faster.
  4. The breakup occurred near the point of maximum temperature. It’s hard to imagine a worse time for it. Or perhaps a more likely one for the top scenario.
  5. O’Keefe is immediately putting the investigation into an external investigation team’s hands, which is a wise move. During the days after the Challenger, some of the sleazier denizens of Capitol Hill tried to use it for political advantage. In particular I seem to remember Senator Fritz Hollings (D, Disney and sometimes NC) as one who particularly tried to use the 7 deaths to gain media attention for his own political ends.

I think I will be calling it a night very soon as it has now passed 3am here in Belfast and I am starting to hear my mattress’ siren call; “come to me”.

ONE MORE THING: If you can’t sleep and need reading material, you might find it interesting to relive the past. I believe all the discussions about the Challenger accident will be found in this 2.5 megabyte tar.gz file. Right click and download, Look for January 28th, 1986 and start reading from there.

You might even recognize a few names.

Debris field

Fox News has a number of anecdotes from people who have reported on debris. The report includes some knowledge on the effects of spaceflight disasters I would rather have lived out my life without knowing.

What does it mean?

I’d have waited awhile, but the TV mediots are already trying to place the events of today into A Grand Context. They are speaking in sweeping generalization and grand predictions of Its Effect On America, The End Of The Space Station… and so forth.

Yes there will be some effects, but primarily this is a human tragedy. We’ve lost some brave people and many of us empathize with the great vision and are saddened by the loss.

But it is not going to cause any Earth shattering changes. It is not going to scar the national psyche. It is just a family funeral of loved ones in which we are all part of the extended family; those of us in the space community feel it perhaps more deeply than most but not nearly so much as their co-workers in Houston and Cape Canaveral or their families.

With all of that said, I can now plunge into the punditry.

The shuttles are going to be grounded for anything from months to a year. This will cause an enormous impact on the ISS scheduling. Completion will be thrown back by years. It is not only the loss of time while the fleet is grounded; it is the loss of capacity. Columbia was not much use for ISS missions and so it was useful for other non-ISS missions. Now those missions will have to be cut or serviced by the remaining fleet. That means a lengthening of the ISS completion time line. This can be somewhat ameliorated by giving the Russians a bundle of money to handle most of the supply trips.

We can’t abandon the ISS for a long period of time. It must be reboosted at regular intervals because the vast solar arrays give it a lot of drag. There is a small amount of gas even at that altitude. Enough to slowly bring it down. So there is no real option of abandoning it for a couple years. You can’t.

You also can’t risk bringing something that big into re-entry in one piece; and you can’t disassemble it without shuttle support.

So NASA must get the fleet flying again. President Bush has already said we will not abandon space. In the community, we all knew that. It’s simply too important now.

There will almost certainly be a push for a replacement vehicle. The shuttle is, after all, a 1975 base level of technology. It’s been upgraded and retro fitted, but even the newest shuttle, the Endeavour, is nearing 15 years old. The problems are budgetary and the inability of the “old aerospace” to perform on anything like a reasonable time and budget. I had actually much hoped NASA would work with the existing shuttles until the end of the decade, long enough to let the start up companies move in and revolutionize the field.

NASA will go to Boeing or Lockmart for a replacement. They are not going to talk to XCor or Armadillo or any of the other companies who will develop the true space ships.

What is my guess? I will suggest we’ll see a half hearted program for a shuttle replacement initiated. It will run over budget or be stillborn like every other such program in the last 15 years. The ISS schedule will stretch out to a completion date of 2010, almost 30 years after Ronald Reagan called for a space station to be completed in 10 years. An X-Prize space ship will fly suborbital this year or next year and there will be private tourists on private suborbital flights by 2006 and orbital by 2010. NASA will then buy one for crew turnaround. The Russians will get a big capital infusion to turn out more Soyez and Protons.

The world will keep turning and the sky will stay firmly in place.

Be back soon…

Time for a belated tea (I’ve been running on nuts and candybars all day) and the late news is on in a half hour. I’ll be back then with whatever new info I have. The main thing on my mind now is: “where did the crew compartment come down? Did it burn up and break up during re-entry or hit mostly intact?

It’s a pretty sturdy bit of structure and about the only chance they’ll have for… well, humans don’t do so well in a re-entry plasma.


LATER: Networks seem to be far behind the blogosphere curve. Only thing new is that some partial remains have been found. They also suggested loss of a one of the control surfaces. While that would indeed cause loss of control and breakup, I see no reason for it to occur; and besides which, that port-side tire telemetry tells me a different story. So I’m still standing by my first scenario.

ONE MORE THING: One of the TV shots clearly showed one of the re-entry engines from the back of one of the OHMS pods (those bumps in the back by the tail). So much of the debris came down more quickly than I thought, and that probably means it came down in much smaller pieces than I expected. I also am wondering what portion came down in the smoking field they showed. Nothing there was identifiable from the helicopter overview.