Must say I admired David Carr’s ability to get hold of a transcript of the BBC broadcast of the first day of the euro note and coin (January 1). For a moment I thought it was a spoof, but it just looked too real for me!
Must say I admired David Carr’s ability to get hold of a transcript of the BBC broadcast of the first day of the euro note and coin (January 1). For a moment I thought it was a spoof, but it just looked too real for me! Fellows, read Stuart Reid in the Monday, December 31 edition of the Daily Telegraph, the Conservative Party supporting daily, for an example of how not all of the most idiotic remarks on September 11 and the aftermath have come from the hard left. This is a good case of how some of the remarks emanating from the paleo-right have echoes of “they had it coming”, only in this case the sins being punished are sexual rather than to do with capitalism. Reid is deputy editor of the Spectator. Let’s hope his editor, Boris Johnson, finds a decent replacement. May I strongly recommend to fellow bloggers to go out and get a Green friend a copy of Bjorn Lomborg’s book, The Skeptical Environmentalist, copyright 2001, p515, Cambridge University Press. A great book, written by a leftist former Greenpeace member who saw the light after reading material by the late, great and much-missed Julian L. Simon. Lomborg is that rarity, a Green with a thirst for the hard facts who is not afraid to change his mind if the facts don’t fit a preconceived view. Already getting rave reviews. Read the author’s excellent summary at The Economist here. |
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