We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Blow up Harrods?

Brian Micklethwait should try applying an individualist approach to the problem of Islamic fundamentalism. Is Mohammed Al Fayed a viper in the nest of free-market(ish) Europe? Perhaps, but he’s not a threat to Western Civilization because of his religious beliefs. The Turkish kebab shop in Tachbrook Street (now demolished by predatory developers ) with the Galatasaray and Arsenal football fan may be included on census forms as a “non-white European” to terrify drawing room society, but I was less frightened of his political opinions than I am by some of Sean Gabb’s, and his cooking was a lot less threatening than Brian’s.

Go to an Italian restaurant in central London. Many of the raven haired waitresses are no more Italian than I am, and no more Catholic than Osama bin Laden. They’re wine drinking economic migrants from Kosovo whose parents had “Moslem” on their communist era identity cards. Sure, add them up and you get 40 per cent of the population of a grotty flat in Finchley or Norwood. The other 60 per cent are as likely to be Serbs, Croats or Slovaks all with their nominal ethnic or religious hatreds. How come they aren’t slaughtering each other in Ballards Lane or West Norwood High Street? As individuals, Moslems are no worse than Glaswegians. It’s when a mob looking for a fight at a football match run into you that they’re a nuisance.

The problem isn’t immigration… Its immigration and a welfare state. We have to choose one or the other. I make no bones in saying that the NHS, comprehensive education, state benefits, council housing, free abortions (no charge to the user) all have to go. All that immigration has done is accelarate the process of creating an underclass. If we’d had the welfare state in the seventeenth century the Jews and Dutch would have a reputation in Britain for being alcoholics, single mothers, violent etc. No doubt Jewish fundamentalist groups attacking the decadence of the West would be scaring Gabb and Micklethwait with demands for shop closures on Saturday, modest clothing for women and demands for apologies for anti-semitic persecutions. Instead some of them went into banking.

Launching an air strikes on Harrods and rounding up all Moslem males over the age of five for an unstated purpose is not the answer, it seems more likely to worsen matters and destroy the moral meaning of the West. Actually the libertarians got it right who said that the best way to prevent another Oklahoma bombing would be to get Clinton out of the White House, and a relatively non-interventionist government in her place.

The best way to improve race relations in the UK is for the state to get out of welfare and stop appearing to spend white taxpayers money on layabouts who happen to be black. The state should however either get out of policing, or vigourously enforce laws against violent crime and crimes against property. Islamic sentences for property crimes would seem to me preferable to the present lunacy in Western Europe.

Fundamentalist terrorism is not uniquely Islamic. The shopkeeping Moslems are as afraid of a nuke in London as anyone, they are also pretty worried that they might become scapegoats for Brian’s fears. War on Moslems because of Bin Laden is like having a war on Californian hippies because of Charles Manson.

Crime blip in France

Between the two rounds of voting in France the presence of Jean-Marie Le Pen in the run-off had a curious effect. David Carr asked if this had reduced attacks on synagogues. I don’t know, because the French media don’t report these attacks and I haven’t got round to checking.

However a French police officer did comment how wonderful it was: all the no-go areas saw a massive drop in crime, as if the underclass figured that a Le Pen presidency might not be the best place to be a petty criminal. This incidentally suggests that free-will is not entirely absent, even from compulsive criminals and supposedly rabid Islamic fundamentalists. The logical conclusion is that the president should face re-election every month, with a really nasty opponent guaranteed a chance of winning.

Why putting the boot in to the French Cannes be a good thing

I disagree with Perry de Havilland‘s attack on the boycott of the Cannes Film Festival for four reasons.

First, I’ve got nothing against voluntary boycotts as opposed to trade embargoes or tariffs imposed by government or international bureaucratic organisations. Provided no force is threatened against those who attend, opponents are entitled to stay away and ask others to do so.

Second, the Cannes Film Festival is an excellent target for a boycott to hurt the French establishment. It is a matter of pride that the Americans feel compelled to turn up. The one thing that really upsets the French cultural establishment is the idea that France is irrelevant. A boycott of Cannes is as good a way of making this point as any short of war.

Third, some French film critics criticises the Cannes Film Festival for its anti-commercial ideology. The hit “Amelie” in France released as “Le Fabuleux Destin d’Amelie Poulain” was ignored mpelled to turn up. The one thing that really upsets the French cultural establishment is the idea that France is irrelevant. A boycott of Cannes is as good a way of making this point as any short of war.

Third, some French film critics criticises the Cannes Film Festival for its anti-commercial ideology. The hit “Amelie” in France released as “Le Fabuleux Destin d’Amelie Poulain” was ignoredd, opponents are entitled to stay away and ask others to do so.

Second, the Cannes Film Festival is an excellent target for a boycott to hurt the French establishment. It is a matter of pride that the Americans feel compelled to turn up. The one thing that really upsets the French cultural establishment is the idea that France is irrelevant. A boycott of Cannes is as good a way