We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Self defense ad to air on Fox News

I received the following short notice from Jim Babka this morning:

‘Intruder’ to air on Fox News Channel this weekend

‘Intruder’, our ad making the case that people using firearms prevent 2 million criminal acts each year, will air on Fox News Channel this Saturday and/or Sunday. I wish I could give you more details, but we won’t have the “flight times” for the ads (from the network) until Friday.

So if you are in the USA, please keep your eye out for Friday’s LibertyWire!

You bet your orbit!

It had to happen eventually. Someone has finally gotten a space lottery “off the ground” as it were:

There will be 10 lottery or raffle winners selected to participate with the training. The individual who trains the best (one out of ten) then receives the trip on the Russian Soyuz rocket. The nine winners who pass the miniature cosmonaut training program – yet do not liftoff on the Russian Soyuz will journey into space via Interorbital Systems Neptune Orbital Space Liner, TGV Rocket or another RLV.

I hope the Internet Is With Them and that millions of people take them up on this.

It gets even better. They are out to water the sprouts of the new space tourism industry:

Twenty percent (20%) of the ticket price (less card processing fees) goes directly to the private aerospace companies or space tourism related organizations of choice.

Among the beneficiaries will be Mir Corp, the company which tried to save Mir, the Worlds first permanent manned space station, the true “Alpha Station”.

The space lottery idea has been around for perhaps twenty to twenty-five years. In all that time I know of only one truely serious attempt to do it, and that was by Jim Davidson when he still lived in Houston… before he went off to enjoy life in the anarchy of Somalia where he now resides. Jim unfortunately was taken on by a Texas Prosecutor who had political designs. In the end the entire incident was nothing except extortion and a shake down by the State. Jim was “allowed” to not go to jail so long as he didn’t complain about the money they stole from him. Thus ended the first Space Lottery attempt.

But good ideas never die, so here we are another 14 years on with the idea finally up and running. I’m not the betting sort. I can walk through a Las Vegas Casino, put one coin in one slot machine… and walk on. Just so if someone asks me if I gambled in the casinos, I can truthfully say “yes”. I know far too much Probability and Statistics to enjoy gambling unless I wanted to put in the time to learn card counting strategies in Blackjack. This is different. Even though I’ll “lose” my money, I’ll be directly helping companies build the infrastructure that will one day take ME up.

I wish them Godspeed and lotsa money.

It’s nice to have company

I’ve just been perusing the stats in a CNN poll of Americans taken recently and thought this line is worth sharing:

Q23: Now I’d like to ask you a few questions about the U.S. response to the September 11th attacks. Do you approve or disapprove of the military attacks led by the United States against targets in Afghanistan?
               Total     Rep    Dem    Ind            Feb02a
Approve      88%    95%   87%    81%           87%
Disapprove    9%     2%   11%    14%            85%
DK/NA      &nbsp   3%     3%    2%      5%              5%

This is perhaps one of the few times in my life I’ve found myself in agreement with 9 out of 10 people, although I’d like to at least think I agree more strongly than most.

Take it back!

I’ve just signed the petition to take back Arafat’s “Peace Prize” since we all now know he won’t settle for just a piece of Israel. He’d kill them all if the Jews hadn’t learned a hard lesson in the previous century about what happens when you don’t shoot back.

Now they can’t actually take it back, and the Nobel committee is solidly on the side of the Kamikaze killers anyway… but it’s the thought that counts.

Sex, drugs, rock and roll…but no jail and no safety net

Blogger Susanna Cornett disagreed with my earlier post Free love or fight

Here’s the reality: Believing there are appropriate and inappropriate contexts for sexual activity that should be socially enforced is not inherently “anti-sexual”, and no more or less than what Amon does. Maybe conservatives and libertarians are more alike than he thinks.

If I want to go on the road with a rock band and over the course of 10 years sleep with 1000 women (like at least one heavy metal star claims), and if all were willing and if I have taken appropriate precautions against the negative outcomes, then it is my prerogative to live that lifestyle. I have used no force, I have coerced no one, and I’ve had a jolly good ten years.

If a well known gay blogger suddenly decided he wanted quantity and variety and went to gay orgies every night, but took precautions then that is his business.

It is true that I would call for the repeal of all laws of victimless crimes. I’d also call for the removal of all public assistance for those who partake of those life styles and get burnt. You are free to do it – but on your own shilling.

I have no problem with nonviolent social enforcement. If I live in your town and you absolutely hate my life style, you don’t have to talk to me or do business with me. If enough people agree with you, I might find it best to move elsewhere.

The government has no place whatever in sexual matters.

Free love or fight!

In his Weekly Standard article Condi Crazy, Lee Bockthorn goes straight to the heart of why I never have and never, ever will vote for a Republican:

But no matter how much these pro-choice Republicans whine, the GOP will always be a pro-life party. Why? Because the abortion issue goes to the heart of what both major parties are about. For Democrats, it’s a proxy for their entire worldview regarding sexual freedom and unfettered moral autonomy. For Republicans, being pro-life is about remaining the party of Lincoln: Just like slavery, unlimited abortion on demand threatens equality (and thus liberty) by denying a class of human beings their inalienable rights and equal dignity merely because it is convenient to do so.

It is not even the abortion issue per-se that angers me. Libertarians are split across the issue. I’m solidly pro-choice: others are not. That’s fine so long as we all agree to keep the State out of it. What is key is Mr Bockhorn sees Republicans as inherently anti-sexual. I am profoundly pro-sexual freedom and unfettered moral autonomy… within the limits consensual activity and personal responsibility for the results. Some libertarians may prefer a more “traditional” family, but they would never consider ramming it down my throat.

The quote shows how fundamentally flawed it is to ever think we as Libertarians can accomplish anything at all with the Republicans.

We just don’t have all that much in common.

Bloody peasants!

I was quite overjoyed to see the BBC news report that two thirds of the entire population of Gibraltar turned out in a demonstration, led by the mayor (or whatever the head of government there is called) in defense of their right to decide their own fate.

That the United Kingdom could even consider negotiating with Spain over the transfer of Gibraltar to them is appalling. Not because of anything they are doing in the negotiation specifically, but because of the entire concept that underlies their talks.

It is like Feudalism.

In Feudalism, the peasants and their land are traded about between rulers like poker chips in Las Vegas. The thought people who live in a place might actually prefer one situation over another is foreign, or at least not as important as Raison’s d’Etat to the Feudal Lord.

This is not a UK party issue. The Conservaties sold the Hong Kong peasants to China; now Labour wishes to sell the Gibraltar peasants to Spain. At least in Northern Ireland we’ll get to vote about it. Repeatedly if we want.

I would imagine the Falklands peasantry will be the next to be sold off. After all, it’s bloody expensive defending them. Then perhaps we can sell the Channel Islands slave… er peasants… er subjects… to France! Yeah, that’s the ticket!

I would suggest to Gibraltarians they begin to arm and prepare defensive positions. The government of the United Kingdom wants to sell them, so perhaps a slave revolt is in order.

At the very least they could make it very messy for Spain. I’ll bet there are loads and loads of hardened tunnels and caves in those rocks.

We will never forget

I have kept a copy of this program on my disk from the time I first ran across it back in October or thereabouts. I play it every once in awhile. Not too often as I’m not one to wallow in emotions, but now and then. It has been my way to clear the media muddied waters of my memory, a way to bring back the clarity of purpose that 9/11 gave to all of us.

I also read this recent article by Jonah Goldberg. He castigated the US TV networks for rarely playing the images of the murderous events of 9/11 after the first few weeks. His article struck a particular chord with me because I had only recently played my own reminder, my secret weapon for staying, as Perry de Havilland put it, “sound of mind and sharp of sabre”.

It is difficult to describe the powerful and varied emotions it brings forth. Possible… if one were a Shakespeare perhaps. For the likes of me it is far easier to say “Just go watch it.”

I wanted to put up a link for it myself, but although I have a copy sitting here, I did not remember where I had gotten it… other than it was done by someone from New York. Fortunately for the world, PejmanPundit included it in a recent posting.

To the author of that multimedia program I say: Thank You.

And to those who died in New York… We will never forget.

Liberalize or die!

The problem with Islamic religious fanaticism is it is unable to apply realpolitik when necessary for it’s goals. To the True Believer, America is the evil fortress blocking the way of the Righteous in bringing the world to the Glory of Allah. They can not see their only one way to “defeat” America: make the cause so boring and of so little value to American interests that the taxpayers turn on it. An enemy must jujitsu like, use America to defeat America while not actually threatening Americans at home.

This is what happened in Vietnam.

North Vietnam never attempted to threaten American civilians. On the contrary, they played to the American public. They pictured themselves as victims of a foreign imperial venture who magnanimously did not blame the people of their tormenter. They set out to split the people from the government policy and they succeeded.

They could do so because total victory for North Vietnam posed little threat to Americans or their way of life. The fall of Saigon made for a few good pictures in Life Magazine. Then it was forgotten about.

Ho Chi Minh succeeded because there was a grain of truth to it. North Vietnam’s defeat of South Vietnam had hardly any affect whatever on the life of the average American. Regional Geopolitics may play well inside the Beltway (the Washington DC ringroad), but it does not hold the interest of normal folk for very long.

But this is not the case with the al Qaeda and their ilk. The attack with which they opened the War was a direct strike on Americans in America. People know they cannot just pull out of the fight. People know in their guts the enemy victory conditions are not just a state for Palestine. They are not even met by the destruction of Israel and the mass murder of everyone there, although that would have a far greater impact than Vietnam since many of those people have relations in America.

It is our entire way of life and our core values they hate. So long as we exist they cannot re-make the world into a Moslem theocracy as their mullahs tell them is right. Since it is god’s work, they are free to do anything. They will do whatever is necessary to prevent Palestine from being sorted out. It is too valuable an excuse for what they intend to do any way. Remember the answer of the alien to the President in science fiction movie Independance Day?

“What do you want with us?”

“For you to die.”

How did it come to this? I can see three equally reasonable ways.

Scenario 1: Saudi Arabia as a conspirator. The Saudi camel herders cum princes come to the realization oil money gaves them great power. They decide to use it over a period of decades to bring the decadent West under Islam. They fund a global 5th column. They use whatever tactics are necessary to infiltrate and take over Mosques in the West: education, grants… and bribery, extortion, threats and murder when necessary. Through plausibly deniable intermediaries they fund uprisings and the facilities to train armies of Orcs… I mean the faithful. They secretly do anything possible to assist in the creation of nuclear weapons under Islamic control. All the while they execute their Byzantine game they play the West for a fool and feign friendship.

Scenario 2: Son of Cold War. Much of the environment for what has come is due to the short term moves made in the global chess match of the Cold War. The propaganda, the stirring up of trouble behind the other guys lines, the money and weapons to clients, supporting friendly rulers who are kept in power by violence on their own people (The Shah of Iran for example)… all of these fertilized and created the environment now filled by the fundamentalist.

Scenario 3: It’s all their fault. The population growth in some of these Arab countries has been immense. It has turned relatively unpopulous desert into crowded slums. The combination of ignorance, poverty, crowding and incompetent government set the stage. The refusal to accept blame for their own condition made the populace an easy target for the worst sort of religious nuts.

I would personally say each of the above is partly responsible for the situation we have today. I must admit I do not think the Saudi’s actually sat back and seriously planned things that long ago. They aren’t Sauron, they’re simply opportunists with religion. However I would not be surprised to find some radical mullahs spoke with a Prince or two about such grand ideas for conquering the West from within and received a tithing of a few hundred million to just go away – but to be sure to say what fine Islamic Princes they were.

Meanwhile back in America… Americans don’t really see any way out. The Mideast crazies will commit mass murder on us if we fight; they’ll commit mass murder on us if we try to ignore them; they’ll destroy our civilization in a century or two if we try to appease them… and in the mean time they’ll commit mass murder on us just because we’re still here.

This is why there aren’t a lot of Americans out calling for “peace”. If people are going to kill us, we are not the sort to go down meekly. We’re far more likely to be every bit as vicious and a damn site more ruthlessly calculating than the mad mullahs worst nightmares can concieve.

They really have no choice but to come to terms with a pluralist, live and let live world. Because that is the world which is coming. Even if we have to kill them all to get there.

New bits for old

Although my guitar is gathering dust while I do “the survival thing”, I still keep my ties to the music industry current and am still a member in good standing of the Irish Music Rights Association (IMRO), so I’m not just a plain punter when I talk about music. That’s why I found this article in the New York Times very interesting. Some people are starting to cop on to the fact a revolution is well along and not even Jack Valenti, starring as King Canute, can turn back the tide.

I guess I particularly like the article because I said pretty much the same in an earlier article about Music in the post copyright age* and a Q&A as my answer to self-asked question twelve, which was:

12. Which industries/businesses should feel most threatened by the increasing popularity of the Internet and its associated activities?

*= I based this article on ideas I expressed to music industry panelists during and after a Q&A session at a 1998 CMJ panel on band web marketing at the Millenium Hotel in Manhattan.

Bullet hits bullet

On Friday the DOD reported a successful midcourse impact of an Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle (EKV) from Kwajalein with an ICBM launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB). On this flight only actual system tracking components were used to control the EKV trajectory. The dummy warhead was picked out from the two decoy balloons.

This is another in a long series of engineering tests. Each test checks out certain capabilities and finds problems to be solved in the next. Earlier flights, for example, used simulated targetting data rather than the actual ground based targetting radar.

They seem to be making quite steady progress towards a working system, although such is some years away at present.

Heavy results

I’ve finally finished wading through a paper in the field of gravitational physics that leaves me near ready for a double dose of aspirin. I’ll be the first to admit my Physics and Calculus have large flecks of rust flaking off them when I attempt a mountain of arcanity such as this.

I can only say I followed enough of it to say it’s real science and if true we’ve finally moved from physics grad student’s pub time what-if to verifiable laboratory manipulation of gravity. Yes, go back re-read what I just said. You didn’t imagine it.

The gist of the paper, and gist is about all I can give you, is that with high voltage discharges from a superconducting ceramic electrode in a strong externally generated magnetic field a gravity pulse occurs in the direction of the electric discharge. The pulse detection was carried out with an instrumented pendulum up to 150 meters from the generator. The impulse effect, while not huge, is measurable to the unaided eye.

What is important is not the size of the laboratory effect. It is that a coupling between gravity and manipulatable forces exists at all. If his theoretical work is correct, I think there may be a practical engineering field just a decade or so beyond the science.

Bear in mind that none of this is proven yet. Someone might come along and explain away Podkletnov’s results by experimental error, or it might be some new physics with nothing to do with gravity.

But it does look very interesting.

“Impulse Gravity Generator Based on Charged YBa2Cu3O(7-y) Superconductor with Composite Crystal Structure” by Evgeny Podkletnov and Giovanni Modanese is available for download from Cornell University’s archive of research papers.