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Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Netanyahu after the riot

I finally found the right Microsoft compatible audio codec for Linux and have watched the video of Netanyahu’s press conference which I discussed yesterday.

I must admit I am impressed. I’d never before got the measure of the man. If your opinions of him, like mine, were formed by watching the BBC or other evening news, I highly recommend you take the time to listen. He is a very strong defender of Freedom of Speech.

I think he should get his own blog. He’d fit in nicely with the rest of us.

Never forget that we’re crazy

I was about to just add a comment, but I found myself with things to say that are better said up here on the front page.

Brian indicated my attitudes correctly. I certainly don’t wish things to go down the hell road… but they could. Many seem not to take into account the intensity of feelings amongst American citizens and the ways in which Americans as a people tend to react.

The first WTC bombing, the occasional blown up airliner, even the attack on the USS Cole were just the events of another Evening News. The USA is a huge country. Events of that size are unusual but not enought to impact the average person on a gut level.

The events of 9/11 were quite another matter. It got everyone’s attention. Everyone has friends, relatives, coworkers in New York City. The USA is a very mobile culture. Large parts of the population have worked or studied there at one time or another in their lives. The reaction, if you knew America and Americans was rather predictable: “We’ll find the bastards responsible and make them pay.” I know my business partner could vouch one of the first coherent things out of my mouth after the “OH MY GOD. ALL THOSE PEOPLE!!!” was about what we were going to do to bin Laden/Afghanistan and/or Saddam/Iraq. Others may not have been as familiar with the “intel” as I, but the gut reaction was repeated from one side of the planet to the other, wherever an American stood watching the live events.

The results after a little over one year is bin Laden/Afghanistan are down. He’s most likely roasting over a slow spit in some special deep hellpit along with his pilot friends and Saddam will be joining him shortly. It has been all very controlled and measured. Very careful to not cause too much harm to anyone’s sensibilities in Europe or elsewhere. Very controlled, very directed and undeflectable fury.

It should be quite noticeable the fury hasn’t cooled down very much in 12 months. Why? Because this is not a television media event, as much as media would like to move on to the Next Big Story. It’s real, and people do know the difference.

If someone were to be so foolish as to set off any “Weapon of Mass Destruction” (the weapons formerly known as NBC) the results will be different. If a nuke were to go off in San Franciso, or LA, or Detroit or where ever… the reaction would be extreme. Perhaps the government could restrain the populace and perhaps not. It would certainly risk not being re-elected if it didn’t do something very harsh. And if it happened more than once or if the death toll was in the millions as predicted for a worst-case Smallpox attack on an uninoculated populace… the reaction would be that of a berserker.

It would not be too extreme to say the results of such attack would be the use of methods similar to those of early Islam. Instead of “Convert or Die!” at sword point, it might well be the choice of “Change or die!” for the whole Arab world, guilty or not. And change they would. You don’t argue when 300 million heavily armed crazies are out for blood vengeance.

The lesson that must be drilled into any potential attacker out there is: the more of us you kill, the crazier and more violent we’ll get. If an attack passes some threshold of destruction on the continental USA the results will be exceedingly bad for children and other living things in the Middle East.

Look at pictures of Tokyo in 1945. That is the result of something done on American soil of similar scale (but not to civilians) to the WTC. You really don’t want to scale that up by a factor of a thousand. You really, really don’t.

Canadian Nazis trash elderly jews

Glenn Reynolds links to an an article on the anti-jewish riots at Concordia University in Canada. The Board of Governors are apparently gutless wonders who don’t remember World War II. They have not yet (to my knowledge) punished the rioters for attempting physical harm against the persons of elderly holocaust survivors.

I don’t have Windows here (I won’t either!) so I can’t actually view this video myself. Regardless, I’ve heard enough descriptions of the incident to wish I had been there just to kick some Nazi arse like my daddy’s generation did. They may call themselves Palestinian sympathizers: but if it looks like a Nazi and acts like a Nazi… perhaps it is a Nazi. After all, Mein Kampf has been selling briskly in the Middle East…

Am I mad? You bet. Anyone who tries this kind of crap in my presence, will get hurt.

History at your fingertips

I stumbled across this site by accident. It’s getting almost scary when you can find and order copies of Meet The Press from the 1940’s! The list of names is a who’s who of that period of history.

Suborbital war fighting?

I’ve just been reading a very long transcirpt of a DOD press briefing entitled “Gen. Kernan And Maj. Gen. Cash Discuss Millennium Challenge’s Lessons Learned“. It’s about the recent experiments in future warfighting methods, techniques, procedures, C-cubed and so forth. It’s a very long transcript. I woke abruptly from a deep alpha state when I read this comment by Cash:

And the big idea is, I want to be able to, as a concept developer, strike any target on the globe within 45 minutes from the time the president says, “Strike”. Forty-five minutes. That’s the big idea. Then I want to follow up that strike in 20 hours with a ground force. That’s the big idea.

Hands up for everyone who recognizes the significance of “45 mimutes”.

Objects in a Low Earth Orbit (LEO) do one full orbit every 90 minutes. The exact time varies with the orbital parameters, but this has been a rough number for human operations from the time of John Glenn to the time of the International Space Station. 45 minutes is one half an orbit, the time required to reach the antipodes from where you sit.

Maj General Chases’ requirement can only be fulfilled by a suborbital spacecraft or a space based weapon. Since these experiments were aimed at studying future warfighting capabilities and requirements, I would suggest he is thinking about a manned suborbital bomber. It is technically feasible in the near term and I personally know of at least one USAF guy who was pushing for the idea a decade ago. He left the service but that does not mean his ideas died.

It’s not that far out and there are those of us who think it might already exist in the very deep black world. More because it could and because it would be rather useful than because we “know” anything.

It just seems like such a bloody good idea.

Just when you thought it was safe to sleep

In case there is one person in the world who doesn’t read Instapundit… you really have to read this.

We can only hope the error was due to Soviet era inflated production numbers. I’d much rather believe the 200 “missing” nukes were never actually built than imagine them in the hands of the Russian Mafia. That just does not bear thinking about.

Real Estate on isolated Pacific desert islands is a good investment possibility with an expectation of a very high near term ROI. Samizdata’s cracked investment advisory team also gives a strong buy recommendation on abandoned hard rock mine shafts in the Rocky Mountains…

Free software even if we have to pay for it

We’re seeing more and more software ending up under GPL after it becomes abandoned or the original company goes out of business. I know how many lines of code I wrote in the 70’s for a company no longer with us, and if I imagine that multiplied by all the other hackers in the world, the total loss of human effort and creativity is simply staggering.

Times have changed. It appears people are now willing to buy the source for important packages rather than let them die. According to this week’s Debian News:

Blender is Free Software. After the company behind Blender, a very fast and versatile 3D modeller and renderer, went bankrupt, the Blender Foundation was created. The purpose was to secure and maintain the Blender source. 100,000 Euro were required to purchase the source from the company, and this was donated by many volunteers from around the world. To celebrate this, a conference will be held in October, closing with a party at which Blender 2.26 will be released as free software.

Although I am not a graphics person myself, I have it on the best of authority Blender is a magnificent piece of kit.

French islamofascists attack free speech

Award-winning french author Michel Houellebecq is being victimized by Islamic groups in that country. It is well known to all who read their statements, interviews and translations of articles that these sorts of organization wish to bring Europeans under their medieval, violent and dismal religious law. It is just one more attempt in a campaign to turn the institutions of a liberal society against itself.

Fortuneately many others see this case as a travesty so Michel will have ample support from members of the french literary establishment.

If Islamists can’t handle his dismissal of the Koran’s literary style, tough. Let them publish their own counter critique and see if anyone wants to read it. If Michel thinks Islam is a silly religion, he is free to say so and others are free to listen or not as they choose. If he takes joy in the death of Palestinian terrorists…. well, we wouldn’t go along with that, now would we? I absolutely swear I take no more joy in the death of Palestinian fighters than Palestinians did in the death of my countrymen on 9/11.

… and we all know they are really nice people who wouldn’t dream of celebrating the deaths of our friends and relatives..

What’s missing from this picture?

Not even Fox News can bring itself to cover elections properly. It seems rather silly on their part to cover the Massachusetts gubernatorial race without mentioning Libertarian Candidate Carla Howell.

They just never learn.

Columnist fired for getting laid

The PC anti-sex brigade has claimed another victim. Chicago Tribune columnist Bob Greene has been forced to resign – I would call it fired – for sleeping with an of-age teenage girl over ten years ago.

Whatever happened to sexual liberation? The Berkeley Free Sex (and Speech) Movement? Is the Anglosphere being taken over by prudes? And if so, where did they come from? They sure as hell weren’t in the left when I was, back 30 years ago when everyone was bonking away like an Austin Powers at the Plato’s Cave nightclub.

Warblog from the front lines

It’s not quite MASH but it’s blogging from the war zone. Thanks to Instapundit for this one.

Staff SargentSanchez appears to be almost as heavily armed as our own Perry de Havilland!

Not what you would expect

The September 2002 issue of Scientific American contains a truely amazing statement in “Clocking Cultures’ by Carol Ezzell:

Levine and his colleagues have conducted so-called pace-of-life studies in 31 countries. In ‘A Geography of Time’, published in 1997, Levine describes how he ranked the countries by using three measures: walking speed on urban sidewalks, how quickly postal clerks could fulfill a request for a common stamp, and the accuracy of public clocks. Based on these variables, he concluded that the five fastest paced countries are Switzerland, Ireland, Germany, Japan and Italy; the five slowest are Syria, El Salvador, Brazil, Indonesia and Mexico. The US, at 16th, ranks near the middle.

I don’t know about you but… Ireland???? I suppose this means everyone emigrates from here to New York City for the laid back lifestyle?