See if you tell the difference.
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48 comments to Sweden versus England |
Who Are We?The Samizdata people are a bunch of sinister and heavily armed globalist illuminati who seek to infect the entire world with the values of personal liberty and several property. Amongst our many crimes is a sense of humour and the intermittent use of British spelling. We are also a varied group made up of social individualists, classical liberals, whigs, libertarians, extropians, futurists, ‘Porcupines’, Karl Popper fetishists, recovering neo-conservatives, crazed Ayn Rand worshipers, over-caffeinated Virginia Postrel devotees, witty Frédéric Bastiat wannabes, cypherpunks, minarchists, kritarchists and wild-eyed anarcho-capitalists from Britain, North America, Australia and Europe. CategoriesArchivesFeed This PageLink Icons |
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The person taking the photos? The UK photographer has really lousy taste.
That, or the British are just ugly.
This reminds me: A client went to the Sweden v England match during this last World Cup, and said that the Swedish crowd – well-populated with hot blondes – at one point broke out into the following (to the tune of “You’re shit and you know you are”):
The English crowd knew the Swedes had them bang to rights, so broke out in applause in admiration of their opponent’s fans.
The Brits are the ones with the overcooked skin (or fake tan, take your pick they both look unnaturally orange) while the swedes tend to look a helluva lot healthier.
While this is, in general true, I suspect they skewed the data by taking a nice club in Stockholm and comparing it to a scummy one in the UK.
If you picked an upmarket club in London and compared it to a downmarket one in Malmo (more accurate comparison) you’d probably get a different result.
That said, I would say that based on semi-extensive research about 8/9 years ago Scandanavian women are in general hotter than British. And on current analysis (I work for Swedes) it probably still is.
The Chavs may be unappealing,but they are still breeding.
Both set of pictures show the exact same thing. Western culture isn’t just going to the dogs, it’s been eaten and regurgitated multiple times.
This is a serious problem. A lot of political ideologies need to face up to the fact that the continent that created Bach, Handel and Mozart is now an abject disgrace, culturally speaking. Libertarianism is one of them. This blog has been better than most libertarians in recognising that we are in a clash of civilizations, but, seriously, look at those pictures: the Muslims deserve to lose, sure, but do we really deserve to win?
Ok, I’ll bite.
What exactly is the problem with those pictures?
I’m at something of a loss to see the problem.
The problem is that visibility is _way_ too high in the British pictures. Make those people smoke more and turn down the lights, anything to make them harder to see…brrrrrrr
And maybe, just maybe all the pictures are from the same club but the “Swedish” ones were taken though a beer goggle lens.
It must have been the ugly buggers who went a-Viking.
I’m sure I could find plenty of mingers in Sweden.
Ron Brick:The Chavs may be unappealing,but they are still breeding.
Mrs Sowerberry: Ah! I dare say they do, on our victuals and our drink.
I have long considered HG Wells’ “The Time Machine” to have at least one major flaw – the future would not be a supine, sheep-like, indolent and pretty Eloi preyed upon by the brutish, engineering Morlock, but a race of ugly, lazy, violent “Morloi”, preying upon the hard working beautiful people, the “Elock”, should they not provide enough bread and circuses (plasmas and pizzas).
Normally I’d laugh, but I think this (along with the comments so far) is just another sign of the venomous anti-British mindset that runs through this blog.
There’s a difference between self-deprecation and embarassment and contempt.
Anyway, comments aside, I’d say the Swiss are on to a well-kept secret:
So where’s this club in Sweden?
I think I should verify the validity of this pictorial study in support of erm… journalistic integrity.
Ron, can’t we slip a contraceptive into their buckfast or something?
James, I find current british society embarrasing and contemptible. While it is admirable that we have cultural behemoths such as Handel, Hoyle, Newton, et al as part of our ‘glorious history’ there is absolutely nothing admirable about a population that dulls its wits with alcohol and fists, while trying to emulate vacuous celebrities by painting their skin or cooking themselves under UV lights. Our past may have been noble but it has been pissed away and upon by the masses who frankly don’t give two hoots about anyone but themselves.
Crikes oh lor! the English lot are ugly
though arn’t they!!?
But as someone said above they are still breeding.
Given what it costs to get into a Swedish nightclub and then buy a drink( In Sweden think before you drink! Do you have those second mortgage forms with you?)
I would be sorely pissed off to have gone to such expense and found the crumpet going home with each other
Why don’t you go off to live in the socialist utopia that is Sweden, then?
I don’t happen to think too much of a lot of people in this country or the state of it, but I’m not ashamed of my heritage or who I am. I make my identity and being British is part of it.
It’s nice to see the British criminal underclasses out having fun. Better to have them on the razzle than out joyriding or burglaring your home.
Because of governmental legislation in Britain, it is practically impossible to riddicule virtually anyone these days. We have laws against racism and sexism, and now laws against ageism. Pretty soon we will have laws against poking fun at the disabled, (no more midget jokes please) and if the government has its way, we soon won’t be able to laugh at or riddicule religious ideology (a.k.a. Islam). Practically the only thing left that we can safely and unreservedly poke fun at these days are the indigenous white working classes (of which I am descended). How long will it be before our “great leaders” make it a criminal offence to laugh at a Burberry-clad Chav.
And as for Sweden. Two words spring to mind… alcoholism & suicide.
You say that as if it was a good thing… who cares if they’re ugly and stupid just so long as they’re British and WHITE, eh?
This is a code phrase. By “anti-British” James means anti-racist.
Yep, if I went to one of the top clubs in London and took a whole load of pictures, then went to some shithole pub in Kiruna and did the same, I just bet I could get the same sort of thing. Just shows the German sense of ‘humour’ … i.e. simple things please simple minds.
As for the odd Swedish chant at this years World Cup, no they didn’t chant that, at least not to my recollection – there was a lot of good-natured banter afterwards but most English and Swedish folk were very pleasantly too pissed to either notice or care.
There are loads of good-looking girls in the UK (and Ireland). However, I must say that as an American whose tastes naturally run towards celtic-descended redheads and brunettes, and who generally is not a fan of the “standard blond”…damn. And if even a portion of those tits are real, the Swedes have the mammary gene but good.
Of course, the real thing is that the Swedish club is called “VIP” and obviously only lets hot chicks in, which is common (for instance, try to get in any upscale club in Manhattan as a dog-ugly girl). The other club is a brawler’s/local’s club. Big difference.
The truth is that there are hot women everywhere, thankfully. The bigger the population, the more hot women–which is why the US wins! Just kidding…maybe.
” The Chavs may be unappealing,but they are still breeding
You say that as if it was a good thing… who cares if they’re ugly and stupid just so long as they’re British and WHITE, eh?”
Naughty, naughty,must ascribe meaning where their is none,the main point was we are breeding and the Swedes are demographically on the decline.The racial connotations are too funny for words,did you get too lost in the tits to notice the Swedes are white?
” The Chavs may be unappealing,but they are still breeding
You say that as if it was a good thing… who cares if they’re ugly and stupid just so long as they’re British and WHITE, eh?”
Don’t imply what is not there,the main point is we are breeding and the Swedes are on the decline in demographic terms,Hope you were not to engrossed in the tits so that you missed the fact the swedes are also white
John Hayfield is confused.
I meant what I said.
In case you missed it, John, I’ll say it again- this blog has an anti-British mindset. Anything associated with modern Britain or what it is to be British in the 21st Century is treated with derision.
Unfortunately thanks to the Open Borders crowd this is what many Swedish women look like:
beaten half to death
Having spent some time in 2002 as a professor at a Swedish University, I saw a ton of beautiful people. However, the trollops in the pictures would have set the conservative mid-western Swede’s teeth on edge for sure. In Linkoping, there were plently of kids and families, but this is a relativly thinly populated region. In Stockholm, a different story, where most people live together and don’t do much baby making, to the glee of the Islamist welfare layabouts, just waiting until they out breed the natives. Then they can still layabout whilst the Dhimmis labor to support them. It will all be quite legal and proper you know, according to Shari’a.
That’s one use for the hijab then….
Uain, you were a professor? God help us!
James, I am in no way ashamed of my heritage. I am ashamed however of the proliferation of the Chav in our towns and cities, who know nothing of their history and don’t care. Its a waste if nothing else, of ability, of intelligence (as I’m sure some of them are), and of lives.
We are lucky that these antisocial masses aren’t politically minded, I dread to think who they’d elect if they ever got it into their heads to vote.
Writing from considerable past experience of the Stockholm nightclub scene, I can reveal that most of the toppest hottest totty in that city are in fact Estonian. They head over from Tallin every Friday for a couple of days of rippin’ it up in Sweden. That’s not to say the Swedish birds are anywhere near as rough as the pictured old boots from Newcastle though.
In any case, the real point is this – in which of the 2 clubs is a Samizdatista more likely to “get lucky” (if that’s the right phrase) I wonder?
Surely Friday/Saturday late is the time to compare, remember Alchol as been used as a sex aid by ugly people for centuries.
Well, Julian, either my client (a Yorkshireman, and not an anti-British dickhead) is a shameless liar or you were too distracted by the game to notice every single chant. Either way, it was related to me as an example of the good-natured mood of the crowds, and the resistance of the England supporters to po-facedness. I was rather proud of them for taking it with such good humour.
“Uain, you were a professor? God help us!”
It takes a hard man to teach hard
subjects (Semiconductor Physics and Digital Design).
You say the Chavs no nothing of their history but id say you are at least slightly ignorant if you don’t admit that getting really really pissed and fighting is an integral part of British history.
Also the British club is in the castle markets in Newcastle, not renound for it’s classy clientele. I live in Leeds and I can assure you I see a few girls everyday that would beat those Swedish girls hands down in the fitness stakes (and hopefully in the mud wrestling pit as well)
Dave is a racist troll who must think that no white chav ever raped anyone.
The great amusement for me in all this is that, being American, I accustomed to be being perpetually ridiculed as a *ist by more enlightened folk, frequently residing on the other side of the drink. Oh the taste of irony. It’s like… iron.
Money => Hot babes
The evidence for that is overwhelming. Just walk down a street in Knightsbridge or Chelsea or Mayfair and the ‘babe quotient’ is amazing. David Carr, formerly of these parts, once made the observation upon driving from Finchely to Chelsea that the ‘babe ratio’ at the two ends of the journey was about 5:1 in Chelsea’s favour.
Dave, do you really think that no white person ever committed a violent offence? Have you chosen to ignore the shocking history of violence vs. foreigners as demonstrated by white English football thugs in Europe in recent decades? In fact, British tourists rather than other groups have proven the prime examples of why open borders have problems.
No not at all Johnathan and I don’t know how Perry comes up with that from anything I have said.
I am not a racist, I’ve no hatred towards any anyone for racial reasons.
What I have is extreme dislike for our government who continually allow people like this:
Racist rapist mass murderer
virtually free access to this country.
Now I feel sorry for the guy if its true he was forced to do these things but he still shares some responsibility, would you want him living next to your daughters?
I mentioned Sweden because they are an example of open borders madness.
A pedant writes: In fact it should be as follows:
Money [funny open-ended eight-on-its side symbol] babes, i.e. money is directly proportional to babes. If I recall => means “is equal to or greater than” which I don’;t think is what was intended in this context, though I couold be wrong! It’s very neatly expressed by Tony Montana here.
The evidence for that is overwhelming.
Until you go to Russia, and the theory blows up in your face spectacularly. Even in the most depraved, shit-backwards village in the Russian Far East you’ll see a squad of supermodels walking down the road.
Please. You make a snarky remark about open borders and about what many you say many Swedish women look like, linking to a story about a woman beaten up by people of a Certain Type. In response to your post, we then pointed out that violence in Europe is hardly the preserve of non-whites, as things like soccer violence over the years clearly prove.
Perhaps you should be a bit more careful about your comments in future if you do not want people to think you are a racist troll. We have had a gutload of such folk who usually hide their malevolence behind a patter of nudges and winks, only to show their true colours eventually. Over the recent years I have tended to develop an itchy trigger-finger towards such people.
Johnathan, I will stay out of the ‘is Dave a racist?’ topic.
Oops. My html is messed.
“Presumably …” should not be blockquoted. It’s an original statement.
Thank god I live in NYC where we have virtually closed borders, most of the races get along, and if not, we have more police in our city then any country in the world. 65k+ in the metro area alone, not including other civil service.
I am not racist, and in fact would like to be a minority if possible (im white) because of Affirmative action, which I myself support. The problem with european policies is they wish to be so open, yet when things go wrong the cant formulate a way to fix them without offending someone, we in america are not so caring, and thus when mexican immigration became a problem we created a military to watch that one border. Now i’m not condoning american policies because half of them make me sick, but for as big a terrorist target as we are, we sure do protect ourselves much better then europe.
Give please. Confidence is the sexiest thing a woman can have. It’s much sexier than any body part.
I am from Arab and now teach English, give please true I wrote the following sentence: “Transsexual woman feels used by men by joleene wouk, ph.”
😛 Thanks in advance. Kamala.
I live in Sweden and can confirm there are some right munters here too. UK has much more diversity of hot chicks than Sweden but Swedes in general do look a lot healthier than UK birds.
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