You simply have to watch this if you are into affordable jet aircraft!
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I don’t think it will become very popular. The passenger compartment is too cramped.
I want one.
I really, really want one.
Off topic, but I tend to follow the links to other videos when visiting these sites. This video amused me, though I’d hate to be her next door neighbor.
Very cool. I’m going to show my 11 year old nephew.
Thanks for the link.
I can imagine what a bloody racket it makes. Egads…but damn is that cool. Could think of all kinds of neat uses for it.
I think I may have to buy my father, a 72-year-old with the mentality of a young RAF flyer, one of these for Christmas. Waaaay cool.
Now, if someone made a RC Rotodyne, I’d be impressed!
That would allow me to play International Rescue saving Lady P from the Monorail before it falls of the self-exploding girder bridge.
Excellent! Excellent!
>>>Sound Only Selected<<<
With something like that you’d have to be really careful not to let it fly out of range of your transmitter.
Now eight of these on a 1/50th. scale B-52 and Loooong range 5 watt transmitter on a high tower….Hey I can dream can’t I?
They didn’t put the transmitter on a tower, but someone already built such a B-52:
23′ Wingspan, 8 Turbine, 300 lb B-52 scale model
That was totally awesome.