Silence over jihadi butchery in Syria tells you all you need to know about the West’s distorted view of the Middle East
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Samizdata quote of the day – No Jews no newSilence over jihadi butchery in Syria tells you all you need to know about the West’s distorted view of the Middle East March 12th, 2025 |
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The new ruler of Syria, who used to have ten million Dollar American bounty on his head as an Islamic terrorist – but is now presented as a good person by the “Western” (if that term still has any meaning) media, says that the mass killings were nothing to do with him – indeed that he condemns the killings.
However, he also says that the minority communities must hand in all their weapons – which would leave them defenseless.
Islamic tradition and law is NOT different in all respects from both Classical (Greek and Republican Roman) and Germanic (Common Law) tradition and law – and one of the basic points of agreement is that the defining feature of a free person is their right to keep and bear arms – the 2nd Amendment of the American Constitution, the right to keep and bear arms, was not an invention of the Americans – the principle that a free person is defined by their right to keep and bear arms is an ancient one.
Anyone (such as, for example, Mr Putin in Russia) who says that people may only be armed with the permission of the state – that there must be a state monopoly of arms (like the Roman Empire – as opposed to the Roman Republic) does not wish to be the leader of a free people.
For example – long before he went senile, Mr Joseph Biden was both a leading foe in the Senate of the right to keep and bear arms, AND a leading foe of directly elected county sheriffs (answerable to the people and able to swear in ordinary people to help).
Like Mr Putin, Mr Biden was never a friend of liberty – quite the contrary. And, by his own statements, the new ruler of Syria (like the old ruler – the vicious Mr Assad, who also wanted a monopoly on arms) is no friend of liberty either.
As used to be common knowledge (for example in the massive network of Constitutional Clubs that existed in Britain before the First World War – and the British National Rifle Association which was much larger than the American one) when the principle behind what the Americans call the Second Amendment goes, other basic liberties, such as Freedom of Speech, eventually follow.
As for the Islamic world – “everyone fights” all believers armed and ready to fight for their faith, was a basic reason why the Muslims destroyed the Persian Empire and defeated and, eventually, destroyed the Byzantine (East Roman) Empire – in both these Empires a state monopoly of arms had been established (so only a small proportion of the population was used to weapons and to fighting), Islam was a return to an older principle – that a free person was an armed person. In Western Europe Roman civilians vastly outnumbered the invading Germanic tribes (the “barbarians”) – but centuries of tyranny meant that Roman civilians were unused to arms and to taking up arms against masters-overlords. The Emperor Majorian repealed the laws of “Augustus” (Octavia) which banned civilians owning and training with weapons – but it was too late.
A population could not be told, for centuries, that they were to do as they were told, and to not speak against the regime (and so on), and then be told, overnight, that they were free citizens again – people with the right to keep and bear arms, speak their minds, defend themselves and others, and-so-on.
As for Muslims fighting Muslims – as in the Sudan, Yemen and so on, well yes there have always been disagreements among people (Muslim and non Muslim) and armed conflict (with the losers being wiped out) is, sadly (very sadly), common in human history.
Israel – does it have the will to drive away its enemies, NOT to kill them – just to drive its enemies away. Judging by the forces that control the courts (the judges appoint each other – as they do in Britain, they are not elected or appointed by people who are elected) and the intelligence and security services (including key parts of the military) I fear the answer is NO – Israel does not have the will to do what it needs to do to survive.
One must remember that, for example, October 7th 2023 was not a “terrorist attack” as people in Britain understand that term – it was not a few people, it was THOUSANDS of Islamic warriors, a massive attack whose preparations had taken a long time. People in Gaza knew about the impending attack (as it was on such a massive scale) and they supported the objective – kill the infidels (much in line with what Mohammed himself had done in Arabia to wipe out ancient Jewish communities there) – support networks around the world knew as well – that is why they were ready (on October 7th 2023) with their “protests” in various places around the world.
Israeli intelligence and security services claim they did NOT know about the attack – and claim they responded as quickly as they could (in reality there was little real response from the Israeli military for hours – as unarmed, yes Israel now has “Gun Control” – so most people were defenseless, Jews were slaughtered). Either the Israeli intelligence and security services really did not know (in which case they are negligent and the services should be cleared out) or they did know about the attack in advance – but thought that allowing an attack would “get Bibi out” – in short their hatred of the Israeli “right” (the Israeli Prime Minister is NOT very conservative – but he is clearly too conservative for the leftist “international community” which the Israeli intelligence services, and judges, are loyal to) was more important to them than safeguarding Jewish civilians, and non Jewish civilians.
Whether it was negligence or something worse (see above) the conclusion is the same – the Israeli establishment, the intelligence services, the judges, and so on, needs-to-go – but there is no sign (none) that they will be cleared out. So the situation seems to be without hope.
Far from being ultra tough (as the media falsely claim) Israel does not seem to have the will to do what it needs to do to survive – that being the case, the conclusion is horribly obvious. Israel, in the long term, will not survive.
Whatever its other faults may, or may not, be – lack of will is not a weakness of Islam.
The Americans?
Yes Donald J. Trump has fond memories of helping out in Jewish places of worship as a young man, and, yes, he has always been a friend (welcoming the marriage of one of his daughters and so on) – but these days he is very much an exception not the norm.
The “Biden Administration” (really the third Obama Administration – Mr Biden being not really in charge) had a rather different attitude – they sent vast amounts of money to the Islamic Republic of Iran knowing these resources would be used to fund terrorist groups (such as the “Party of God” in Lebanon – a massive private army) and to fund the IRI nuclear weapons program.
This was not their only anti Israeli policy – and Mr Obama is very much in line with the thinking in the American universities – which produce the establishment elite.
They think that Jews are “capitalist” “exploiters and oppressors” – and that the world would be better off without them, this crude “vulgar” Marxist view is common in the “Western” (if that term can still be used) establishment elite of many nations – due to their education (and due to the culture – even those parts of the culture, such as the entertainment industry, where people from Jewish families are in senior positions).
And many Jews themselves seem to endorse it – lining up to vote for people who want to rid-the-world of them. But then Karl Marx himself was from a once Jewish family – which did not stop him declaring “What is the God of the Jew? Money! What is the religion of the Jew? Hucksterism!”.
Dr Marx was not a nice man – and neither are his modern followers, or the Fellow Travelers (the “Woke”) who echo Marxist doctrines without even knowing they are Marxist.
If you criticize jihadi butchery anywhere without throwing in some other cause, you are a raysist!
The current Syrian butchery is all about islam, and nothing else. Therefore, it is not to be a topic for polite progressive conversation.
If they can find some way to blame it on something other than islam, then they’ll discuss it.
bobby b – if you said what you just said in the United Kingdom you might be legally prosecuted.
And Nigel Farage would certainly not allow you into the Reform Party – and would drive you out if you were already in it (and would have you smeared to the media with various charges – perhaps that you are senile, or that you have physically threatened someone, or that you having sex with other men’s wives – whatever it took to discredit you).
This is not an attack on Mr Farage – it is the entire political culture that is rotten, and to survive in it (and he has a right of self preservation) Mr Farage has to behave this way in the United Kingdom.
Perry has left – perhaps a wise decision for people with the financial means to do so.
Paul Marks, I live in the UK and frequently say what bobby b has written here. So far no police at my door. Perhaps I haven’t said it within earshot of an upset Muslim. I also feel you are wrong about the Reform Party in this instance. We must all be prepared to say what is the truth on the Islamic problem. Perhaps ask any critic if they have actually read the Quran, since it contains all the evidence we need.