Carney is living, breathing proof that expert credentials are no substitute for sound judgement or political acumen. He has embraced just about every naff and dangerous political trend of our times, never deviating from the Davos script.
Most notoriously, as governor of the Bank of England from 2013 to 2020, Carney became the high priest of Project Fear ahead of the 2016 Brexit vote. He warned before the referendum that a Leave vote would spark an instant recession. It didn’t. He claimed Brexit would make investment in British assets so risky that it could ‘test the kindness of strangers’ should the UK take the leap. Needless to say, this was politically motivated hysteria, not a sober assessment of Britain’s economic prospects outside the EU.
More recently, his endorsement of Labour’s Rachel Reeves as chancellor ahead of the UK General Election also smacked of both dubious judgement and needless political interference. Carney said in autumn 2023 that it was ‘beyond time’ her plans were put into action. Yet since Reeves’s plans were actually put into action, in her first budget in October last year, the UK economy has teetered on the brink of recession, unemployment has risen and government borrowing costs have shot up. Call it the Carney kiss of death.
A man from Everywhere all right; pretty much a parody of the blinkered ‘world citizen’focussed only on invented problems (international law; climate change; Islamophobia; any other modern issue one’s inclined to put scare quotes around.)
It’s likely Canuck voters will deny Carney the throne, tho. J Trudeau and his famous name aside, we have a history of spurning the kind of hollow-man, ‘borderless’ candidate the hideous Liberals delight in proferring. See Ignatieff, Michael and Dion, Stephane.
A man makes a few hundred wrong predictions, and people start calling him a false prophet! At least, let him lose the war against the US. He’ll be an underground martyr as Canadians try to keep their history- if that’s okay with the ‘liberating’ forces from the south.
Carney’s misfortune is being white, straight and male otherwise his unblemished record of incompetence and failure would make him a shoe-in for the highest positions in the UN etc.
Instead, if the simpering black-face aficionado Trudeau represented tragedy for his once thriving and well-respected country then Carney will be farce in the quite possible event that Canadian voters completely take leave of their senses.
Like those who support the destruction of democracy in Romania, those who support the placement of Mark Carney as the new ruler of Canada – reveal themselves as no friends of democracy, or of liberty.
There has been no General Election in Canada – and Mr Carney is not even a Member of Parliament. He has been appointed by the “international community” (the establishment elite) with a farcical vote of Canadian Liberal Party Members – where the other candidates supposedly did not even get many votes in the Constituencies (Ridings is the Canadian term) that they represent in Parliament – supposedly the party faithful all voted for Mr Carney in a North Korean style “election”.
As for his policies – they are those of the “international community”, the establishment elite. That is who he represents – he could not care less if the Canadian people were wiped off the surface of the Earth, indeed that appears to be the plan. Canada is a “post national country” with “no core culture” – and its history is (of course) supposedly evil, one of “exploitation and oppression”, mythical “mass graves” and all.
Supposedly Canadians should celebrate being destroyed – starting with their flag the Red Ensign (way back in 1965 – already Canadian history and culture were under attack, now the flag under which Canadians fought AGAINST the Nazis in World War II is declared a “Nazi” flag, with Canadians told that the Maple Leaf is the flag they should have – although there was never a referendum on this) and now even their biological replacement – which used to be declared a “paranoid conspiracy theory”, but in recent years has become open policy.
Supposedly it is “Nazi” to want to keep your own land (country) – which would have astonished Winston Churchill and Charles De Gaulle (the leading ENEMIES of the Nazis). Indeed both these men would be in prison today for “Hate Speech”.
On the other hand… if Carney, unelected, can be parachuted in to ‘rescue’ the Liberal Party in Canada then we could see Boris Johnson parachuted in to ‘rescue’ the Conservatives in the UK.
I’m not sure if I would laugh, or cry, more.
I do not know all that much about Carney, but his election strikes me as the last great gasp of the technocratic elite leadership.
I suspect he’ll show us all why technocratic elites are bad choices.
DiscoveredJoys – ouch!
bobby b – I hope so Sir.